"Looking At"具有四元数的对象

"Looking At" an object with a Quaternion

本文关键字:对象 四元数 Looking At      更新时间:2023-10-16



void Camera::LookAt(sf::Vector3<float> Target)
    ///Derived from pseudocode found here:
    //Get the normalized vector from the camera position to Target
    sf::Vector3<float> VectorTo(Target.x - m_Position.x,
                                Target.y - m_Position.y,
                                Target.z - m_Position.z);
    //Get the length of VectorTo
    float VectorLength = sqrt(VectorTo.x*VectorTo.x +
                              VectorTo.y*VectorTo.y +
    //Normalize VectorTo
    VectorTo.x /= VectorLength;
    VectorTo.y /= VectorLength;
    VectorTo.z /= VectorLength;
    //Straight-ahead vector
    sf::Vector3<float> LocalVector = m_Orientation.MultVect(sf::Vector3<float>(0, 0, -1));
    //Get the cross product as the axis of rotation
    sf::Vector3<float> Axis(VectorTo.y*LocalVector.z - VectorTo.z*LocalVector.y,
                            VectorTo.z*LocalVector.x - VectorTo.x*LocalVector.z,
                            VectorTo.x*LocalVector.y - VectorTo.y*LocalVector.x);
    //Get the dot product to find the angle
    float Angle = acos(VectorTo.x*LocalVector.x +
                       VectorTo.y*LocalVector.y +
    //Determine whether or not the angle is positive
    //Get the cross product of the axis and the local vector
    sf::Vector3<float> ThirdVect(Axis.y*LocalVector.z - Axis.z*LocalVector.y,
                                 Axis.z*LocalVector.x - Axis.x*LocalVector.z,
                                 Axis.x*LocalVector.y - Axis.y*LocalVector.x);
    //If the dot product of that and the local vector is negative, so is the angle
    if (ThirdVect.x*VectorTo.x + ThirdVect.y*VectorTo.y + ThirdVect.z*VectorTo.z < 0)
        Angle = -Angle;
    //Finally, create a quaternion
    Quaternion AxisAngle;
    AxisAngle.FromAxisAngle(Angle, Axis.x, Axis.y, Axis.z);
    //And multiply it into the current orientation
    m_Orientation = AxisAngle * m_Orientation;





calculate vector from observer to observed (which you're doing already)
normalise it (again, doing it already) = at
cross product this with the observer's up direction = right
normalise right
cross product at and right to get up

就完成了。right, up和at向量是矩阵的第一,第二和第三行(或第三列,取决于你如何设置)。最后一行/列是对象的位置。

但是看起来你想要在几帧内将一个现有矩阵转换成这个新矩阵。slerp对矩阵和四元数都这样做(当您研究数学时,这并不奇怪)。对于转换,存储初始矩阵和目标矩阵,然后在它们之间存储SLERP,每帧更改SLERP的数量(例如0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0 -尽管非线性级数看起来更好)。
