
Does this pattern of compile time determination of inheritance have a name?

本文关键字:模式 继承 编译      更新时间:2023-10-16


template<typename bool_type, typename result_type, typename... Ts>
struct va_if;
template<typename result_type, typename... Ts>
struct va_if<std::true_type, result_type, Ts...>
  typedef result_type type;
template<typename result_type, typename... Ts>
struct va_if<std::false_type, result_type, Ts...>
  typedef typename va_if<Ts...>::type type;
template<typename T>
class container_base { /* Generic container functions */ };
template<typename T>
class container_integral_base
  : public container_base<T>
{ /* Code tailored to integral types */ };
template<typename T>
class container_floating_point_base
  : public container_base<T>
{ /* Code tailored to floating point types */ };
// This class chooses the class it should inherit from at compile time...    
template<typename T>
class Container
  : public va_if<std::is_integral<T>::type, container_integral_base<T>,
                 std::is_floating_point<T>::type, container_floating_point_base<T>>::type
{ /* public interface code */ };



enum container_type { generic, arithmetic, floating_point };
template <container_type, typename T>
struct container_base {                   // generic
template <typename T>
struct container_base<arithmetic,T> {     // replaces container_integral_base
template <typename T>
struct container_base<floating_point,T> { // replaces container_floating_point_base

