
undefined reference to `std::errc::operation_canceled` when compiling websocketpp example code with mingw

本文关键字:std errc canceled operation 未定义 websocketpp 编译 mingw 代码 使用      更新时间:2023-10-16




In file included from websocketpp-0.6.0/include/websocketpp/config/asio_no_tls_client.hpp:32:0,
                 from main.cpp:7:
websocketpp-0.6.0/include/websocketpp/transport/asio/endpoint.hpp: In member function ‘void websocketpp::transport::asio::endpoint<config>::handle_accept(websocketpp::transport::accept_handler, const error_code&)’:
websocketpp-0.6.0/include/websocketpp/transport/asio/endpoint.hpp:764:28: error: ‘operation_canceled’ is not a member of ‘std::errc’
             if (asio_ec == lib::asio::errc::operation_canceled) {



"$CXX" -std=c++11 -Iasio-1.10.6/include -Iwebsocketpp-0.6.0/include -D_WEBSOCKETPP_CPP11_THREAD_=1 -DASIO_STANDALONE=1 main.cpp -lpthread




我已经将此报告为mingw-w64 的错误




这是enum class std::errc的定义:

// Most of the commented-out error codes are socket-related and could be
// replaced by Winsock WSA-prefixed equivalents.
  enum class errc
//    address_family_not_supported =        EAFNOSUPPORT,
//    address_in_use =              EADDRINUSE,
//    address_not_available =           EADDRNOTAVAIL,
//    already_connected =           EISCONN,
      argument_list_too_long =          E2BIG,
      argument_out_of_domain =          EDOM,
      bad_address =                 EFAULT,
      bad_file_descriptor =             EBADF,
//    bad_message =                 EBADMSG,
      broken_pipe =                 EPIPE,
//    connection_aborted =          ECONNABORTED,
//    connection_already_in_progress =      EALREADY,
//    connection_refused =          ECONNREFUSED,
//    connection_reset =            ECONNRESET,
//    cross_device_link =           EXDEV,
//    destination_address_required =        EDESTADDRREQ,
      device_or_resource_busy =         EBUSY,
      directory_not_empty =             ENOTEMPTY,
      executable_format_error =         ENOEXEC,
      file_exists =                     EEXIST,
      file_too_large =              EFBIG,
      filename_too_long =           ENAMETOOLONG,
      function_not_supported =          ENOSYS,
//    host_unreachable =            EHOSTUNREACH,
//    identifier_removed =          EIDRM,
      illegal_byte_sequence =           EILSEQ,
      inappropriate_io_control_operation =  ENOTTY,
      interrupted =                 EINTR,
      invalid_argument =            EINVAL,
      invalid_seek =                ESPIPE,
      io_error =                EIO,
      is_a_directory =              EISDIR,
//    message_size =                EMSGSIZE,
//    network_down =                ENETDOWN,
//    network_reset =               ENETRESET,
//    network_unreachable =             ENETUNREACH,
//    no_buffer_space =             ENOBUFS,
      no_child_process =            ECHILD,
//    no_link =                 ENOLINK,
      no_lock_available =           ENOLCK,
//    no_message_available =            ENODATA,
//    no_message =              ENOMSG,
//    no_protocol_option =          ENOPROTOOPT,
      no_space_on_device =          ENOSPC,
//    no_stream_resources =             ENOSR,
      no_such_device_or_address =       ENXIO,
      no_such_device =              ENODEV,
      no_such_file_or_directory =       ENOENT,
      no_such_process =             ESRCH,
      not_a_directory =             ENOTDIR,
//    not_a_socket =                ENOTSOCK,
//    not_a_stream =                ENOSTR,
//    not_connected =               ENOTCONN,
      not_enough_memory =           ENOMEM,
      not_supported =               ENOTSUP,
//    operation_canceled =          ECANCELED,
//    operation_in_progress =           EINPROGRESS,
      operation_not_permitted =         EPERM,
//    operation_not_supported =         EOPNOTSUPP,
      operation_would_block =           EWOULDBLOCK,
//    owner_dead =              EOWNERDEAD,
      permission_denied =           EACCES,
//    protocol_error =              EPROTO,
//    protocol_not_supported =          EPROTONOSUPPORT,
      read_only_file_system =           EROFS,
      resource_deadlock_would_occur =       EDEADLK,
      resource_unavailable_try_again =      EAGAIN,
      result_out_of_range =             ERANGE,
//    state_not_recoverable =           ENOTRECOVERABLE,
//    stream_timeout =              ETIME,
//    text_file_busy =              ETXTBSY,
      timed_out =               ETIMEDOUT,
      too_many_files_open_in_system =       ENFILE,
      too_many_files_open =             EMFILE,
      too_many_links =              EMLINK
//    too_many_symbolic_link_levels =       ELOOP,
      value_too_large =             EOVERFLOW
//    wrong_protocol_type =             EPROTOTYPE


正如建议的那样,您需要使用winsock错误代码WSAECANCELLED,在CCD_ 13中定义。如果你想要便携性,你当然需要以主机OS的编译时间确定为条件来使用CCD_ 14。