使用visual C++读取pgm文件

Reading a pgm file using visual C++

本文关键字:pgm 文件 读取 C++ visual 使用      更新时间:2023-10-16

我想从pgm文件中读取像素值,然后计算积分图像并将结果保存到文本文件中(我使用visual studio 2012来运行代码)。但代码中存在一些错误,它可以正确读取标题,显示正确的版本、注释和大小。但是pgm文件的像素值是错误的。只有前两行是正确的。有人知道问题出在哪里吗?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int row = 0, col = 0, num_of_rows = 0, num_of_cols = 0;
stringstream ss;    
ifstream infile("testfile.pgm", ios::binary);
string inputLine = "";
getline(infile,inputLine);      // read the first line : P5
if(inputLine.compare("P5") != 0) cerr << "Version error" << endl;
cout << "Version : " << inputLine << endl;
getline(infile,inputLine);  // read the second line : comment
cout << "Comment : " << inputLine << endl;
ss << infile.rdbuf();   //read the third line : width and height
ss >> num_of_cols >> num_of_rows;
cout << num_of_cols << " columns and " << num_of_rows << " rows" << endl;
int max_val;  //maximum intensity value : 255
ss >> max_val;
unsigned char pixel;
int **pixel_value = new int*[num_of_rows];
for(int i = 0; i < num_of_rows; ++i) {
    pixel_value[i] = new int[num_of_cols];
int **integral = new int*[num_of_rows];
for(int i = 0; i < num_of_rows; ++i) {
    integral[i] = new int[num_of_cols];
for (row = 0; row < num_of_rows; row++){    //record the pixel values
    for (col = 0; col < num_of_cols; col++){
         ss >> pixel;
         pixel_value[row][col]= pixel;

for(int i=1; i<num_of_cols;i++){            //compute integral image
for (int i=1;i<num_of_rows; i++){
    for (int i = 1; i < num_of_rows; i++){  
    for (int j = 1; j < num_of_cols; j++){
    integral[i][j] = integral[i - 1 ][j] + integral [i][j - 1] - integral[i - 1] [j - 1] + pixel_value[i][j];       
ofstream output1("pixel_value.txt");  // output the intensity values of the pgm file
for (int k=0; k<num_of_rows; k++)
    for (int r=0; r<num_of_cols; r++)
        output1 << pixel_value[k][r] << " ";
    output1 << ";" << endl;
ofstream output2("integral_value.txt");    // output the integral image
for (int a=0; a<num_of_rows; a++)
    for (int b=0; b<num_of_cols; b++)
        output2 << integral[a][b] << " ";
    output2 << ";" << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < num_of_rows; ++i) {
    delete [] pixel_value[i];
delete [] pixel_value;
for(int i = 0; i < num_of_rows; ++i) {
    delete [] integral[i];
delete [] integral;
return 0;



for (int j = 0; j < num_of_rows; j++){  //compute integral image
    for (int i = 0; i < num_of_cols; i++){
        integral[i, j] = integral[i - 1, j] + 
                         integral[i, j - 1] - 
                         integral[i - 1, j - 1] + 
                         pixel_value[i, j];


for (int j = 0; j < num_of_rows; j++){  //compute integral image
    for (int i = 0; i < num_of_cols; i++){
        integral[i, j] = integral[i - 1][j] + 
                         integral[i][j - 1] - 
                         integral[i - 1][j - 1] + 



int max_val;  //255
ss >> max_val;
char pixel;
unsigned int pixel_value[num_of_rows][num_of_cols];
unsigned int integral[num_of_rows][num_of_cols];
for (row = 0; row < num_of_rows; row++){    //pixel values
    for (col = 0; col < num_of_cols; col++){
         ss >> pixel;
         pixel_value[row][col]= pixel;
    cout << endl;

当像素数据被保存到char类型时,您声明您的数组包含unsigned int,然后尝试将此char类型保存到unsigned整型数组中。如果将char更改为unsigned char,可能会有所帮助。我还在下面的TGA文件中向我的一个类演示了一个方法。


// TextureInfo -------------------------------------------------------------
struct TextureInfo {
    enum FilterQuality {
        FILTER_NONE = 1,
    }; // FilterQuality
    unsigned    uTextureId;
    bool        hasTransparency;
    glm::uvec2  size;
    TextureInfo() :
      uTextureId( INVALID_UNSIGNED ),
      hasTransparency( false ),
      size( glm::uvec2( 0, 0 ) )
}; // TextureInfo
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Texture
struct Texture {
    bool        hasAlphaChannel;
    bool        generateMipMap;
    bool        wrapRepeat;
    unsigned    uWidth;
    unsigned    uHeight;
    TextureInfo::FilterQuality filterQuality;
    std::vector<unsigned char> vPixelData;
    Texture( TextureInfo::FilterQuality filterQualityIn, bool generateMipMapIn, bool wrapRepeatIn ) :
      hasAlphaChannel( false ),
      generateMipMap( generateMipMapIn ),
      wrapRepeat( wrapRepeatIn ),
      uWidth( 0 ),
      uHeight( 0 ),
      filterQuality( filterQualityIn )
}; // Texture
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// loadTga()
void TextureFileReader::loadTga( Texture* pTexture ) {
    if ( nullptr == pTexture ) {
        throw ExceptionHandler( __FUNCTION__ + std::string( " invalid pTexture passed in" ) );
    struct TgaHeader {
        unsigned char   idLength;
        unsigned char   colorMapType;
        unsigned char   imageType;
        unsigned char   colorMapSpecifications[5];
        short           xOrigin;
        short           yOrigin;
        short           imageWidth;
        short           imageHeight;
        unsigned char   pixelDepth;
        unsigned char   imageDescriptor;
    } tgaHeader;
    enum TgaFileType {
        TGA_RGB     = 2,
        TGA_RLE_RGB = 10,
    }; // TgaFileType
    // Error Message Handling
    std::ostringstream strStream;
    strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " ";
    // Open File For Reading
    m_fileStream.open( m_strFilenameWithPath, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary );
    if ( !m_fileStream.is_open() ) {
        strStream << "can not open file for reading";
        throwError( strStream );
    // Get TGA File Header
    if ( !m_fileStream.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &tgaHeader ), sizeof( tgaHeader ) ) ) {
        strStream << "error reading header";
        throwError( strStream );
    // This TGA File Loader Can Only Load Uncompressed Or Compressed True-Color Images
    if ( (tgaHeader.imageType != TGA_RGB ) && (tgaHeader.imageType != TGA_RLE_RGB ) ) {
        strStream << "TGA loader only supports loading RGB{" << TGA_RGB << "} and RLE_RGB{" << TGA_RLE_RGB
        << "} encoded files. This file contains pixels encoded in an unsupported type{" << tgaHeader.imageType << "}";
        throwError( strStream );
    // Convert Bits Per Pixel To Bytes Per Pixel
    unsigned uBytesPerPixel = tgaHeader.pixelDepth / 8;
    if ( (uBytesPerPixel != 3) && (uBytesPerPixel != 4) ) {
        strStream << "TGA loader only supports 24bpp or 32bpp images. This image uses " << tgaHeader.pixelDepth << " bits per pixel";
        throwError( strStream );
    // Make Room For All Pixel Data
    if ( 0 == tgaHeader.imageWidth || 0 == tgaHeader.imageHeight ) {
        strStream << "invalid image size (" << tgaHeader.imageWidth << "," << tgaHeader.imageHeight << ")";
        throwError( strStream );
    unsigned uTotalNumBytes = tgaHeader.imageWidth * tgaHeader.imageHeight * uBytesPerPixel;
    pTexture->vPixelData.resize( uTotalNumBytes );
    // Move Read Pointer To Beginning Of Image Data
    if ( tgaHeader.idLength > 0 ) {
        m_fileStream.ignore( tgaHeader.idLength );
    // Used To Get And Flip Pixels Data
    std::vector<unsigned char> vTempPixel( uBytesPerPixel, 0 );
    if ( tgaHeader.imageType == TGA_RLE_RGB ) {
        // TGA Data Is Compressed
        // All Error Messages The Same If Error Occurs Below
        strStream << "file is corrupted, missing pixel data";
        unsigned char ucRepetitionCounter = 0;
        unsigned uTotalNumberPixels = tgaHeader.imageWidth * tgaHeader.imageHeight;
        unsigned uCurrentPixel = 0;
        while( uCurrentPixel < uTotalNumberPixels ) {
            // Get Repetition Count Value
            if ( !m_fileStream.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &ucRepetitionCounter ), sizeof( unsigned char ) ) ) {
                throwError( strStream );
            if ( ucRepetitionCounter < 128 ) {
                // Raw Packet. Counter Indicates How Many Different Pixels Need To Be Read
                // Get Pixel Values
                if ( !m_fileStream.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &pTexture->vPixelData[uCurrentPixel * uBytesPerPixel] ), uBytesPerPixel * ucRepetitionCounter ) ) {
                    throwError( strStream );
            } else {
                // Run-Length Packet. Counter Indicates How Many Times The Text Pixel Needs To Repeat
                ucRepetitionCounter -= 127;
                // Get Pixel Value
                if ( !m_fileStream.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &vTempPixel[0] ), uBytesPerPixel ) ) {
                    throwError( strStream );
                // Save Pixel Multiple Times
                for ( unsigned int u = uCurrentPixel; u < ( uCurrentPixel + ucRepetitionCounter ); ++u ) {
                    memcpy( &pTexture->vPixelData[u * uBytesPerPixel], &vTempPixel[0], uBytesPerPixel );
            // Increment Counter
            uCurrentPixel += ucRepetitionCounter;
    } else {
       // TGA Data Is Uncompressed
       // Get Pixel Data
       if ( !m_fileStream.read( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &pTexture->vPixelData[0] ), pTexture->vPixelData.size() ) ) {
            strStream << "file is corrupted, missing pixel data";
            throwError( strStream );
    // Convert All Pixel Data from BGR To RGB
    unsigned char ucTemp;
    for ( unsigned int u = 0; u < uTotalNumBytes; u += uBytesPerPixel ) {
        ucTemp                      = pTexture->vPixelData[u];      // Save Blue Color
        pTexture->vPixelData[u]     = pTexture->vPixelData[u + 2];  // Set Red Color
        pTexture->vPixelData[u + 2] = ucTemp;                       // Set Blue Color
    // Flip Image Horizontally
    if ( tgaHeader.imageDescriptor & 0x10 ) {
        short sHalfWidth = tgaHeader.imageWidth >> 1;
        for ( short h = 0; h < tgaHeader.imageHeight; ++h ) {
            for ( short w = 0; w < sHalfWidth; ++w ) {
                unsigned uPixelLeft  = uBytesPerPixel * ( h * tgaHeader.imageWidth + w );
                unsigned uPixelRight = uBytesPerPixel * ( h * tgaHeader.imageWidth + tgaHeader.imageWidth - 1 - w );
                memcpy( &vTempPixel[0],                     &pTexture->vPixelData[uPixelLeft],  uBytesPerPixel ); // Store Left Pixel
                memcpy( &pTexture->vPixelData[uPixelLeft],  &pTexture->vPixelData[uPixelRight], uBytesPerPixel ); // Save Right Pixel @ Left
                memcpy( &pTexture->vPixelData[uPixelRight], &vTempPixel[0],                     uBytesPerPixel ); // Save Left Pixel @ Right
    // Flip Vertically
    if ( tgaHeader.imageDescriptor & 0x20 ) {
    short sHalfHeight = tgaHeader.imageHeight >> 1;
        for ( short w = 0; w < tgaHeader.imageWidth; ++w ) {
            for ( short h = 0; h < sHalfHeight; ++h ) {
                unsigned uPixelTop    = uBytesPerPixel * ( w + tgaHeader.imageWidth * h );
                unsigned uPixelBottom = uBytesPerPixel * ( w + tgaHeader.imageWidth * ( tgaHeader.imageHeight - 1 - h ) );
                memcpy( &vTempPixel[0],                      &pTexture->vPixelData[uPixelTop],    uBytesPerPixel ); // Store Top Pixel
                memcpy( &pTexture->vPixelData[uPixelTop],    &pTexture->vPixelData[uPixelBottom], uBytesPerPixel ); // Save Bottom Pixel @ Top
                memcpy( &pTexture->vPixelData[uPixelBottom], &vTempPixel[0],                      uBytesPerPixel ); // Save Top Pixel @ Bottom
    // Store Other Values In Texture
    pTexture->uWidth          = tgaHeader.imageWidth;
    pTexture->uHeight         = tgaHeader.imageHeight;
    pTexture->hasAlphaChannel = ( tgaHeader.pixelDepth == 32 );
} // loadTga



重要的部分是我在文件流read()方法中使用C++关键字reinterpret_cast<>( )的位置。这可能有助于您重写用于读取图像文件的解析器,以便读取和存储的数据与您期望的图像结构字节对齐。这也将取决于您正在读取的文件的结构和您在代码中使用的图像结构。



当然,你阅读的是PGM文件,而不是TGA或PNG,但概念是一样的。在到达实际像素数据之前,您必须确切地知道要读取多少字节,然后您应该知道图像的大小,如像素宽度*像素长度*每个像素的字节。标头信息应该在您读取并将其存储到变量或结构中时告诉您这些信息,但这非常重要。一个例子是图像是256像素X 256像素,然而还需要知道的是每个像素的宽度!每个像素是8位(1字节)、16位(2字节)、24位(3字节)、32位(4字节)。另一件需要知道的重要事情是什么是颜色模式,例如黑色&白色、灰度、RGB、RGBA、CYM等,以及颜色信息的存储顺序。此外,存储为不仅通过颜色信息反转的图像,而且是水平和/或垂直反转的图像。图像文件的头信息中通常有一些标志可以告诉您这一点。还有压缩、未压缩的数据,是原始数据还是游程长度编码(RLE)。在解析图像文件时,所有这些信息都很重要。当你使用BMP-JPEG时,它甚至会变得有点复杂,因为它们还存储了一个可能的调色板。
