
Return type of assignment operators in wrapper class?

本文关键字:类型 赋值运算符 包装类 返回      更新时间:2023-10-16

我想出了以下代码来在C++中实现C#风格的属性。它基本上是一个围绕typename T的包装类,具有用户定义的get/set函数:

#include <functional>
template <typename T>
struct property
    property(std::function<T(void)> getter, std::function<void(const T&)> setter)
        : get(getter), set(setter) { }
    property(std::function<T(void)> _getter)
        : get(_getter), set([](const T&) { throw std::exception(); }) { }
    property<T>& operator=(const T& value) { set(value); return *this; } // w i h   o   s   h r ? 
    T operator=(const T& value) { set(value); return get(); }            //  h c   t   u e   e e   
    operator T() { return get(); }
    property<T>& operator=(property<T>& value) { set(value); return *this; };   //...
    T operator=(property<T>& value) { set(value); return get(); };              //...
    property<T>& operator=(property<T>&) = delete;
    // arithmetic / assignment
#define OP(__OP__) 
    T operator __OP__(const T& rhs) { return get() __OP__ rhs; } 
    T operator __OP__##= (const T& rhs) { set(get() __OP__ rhs); return get(); }              //...
    //property<T>& operator __OP__##= (const T& rhs) { set(get() __OP__ rhs); return *this; } //...
    OP(+); OP(-); OP(*); OP(/); OP(%); OP(^); OP(&); OP(|);
#undef OP
    // bit shift
#define OP(__OP__) 
    T operator __OP__(int rhs) { return get() __OP__ rhs; } 
    property<T>& operator __OP__##= (int rhs) { set(get() __OP__ rhs); return *this; }
    OP(<<); OP(>>);
#undef OP
    // comparison / logic
#define OP(__OP__) bool operator __OP__(const T& rhs) { return get() __OP__ rhs;}
    OP(<); OP(>); OP(==); OP(!=); OP(<=); OP(>=); OP(&&); OP(||);
#undef OP
    // inc/dec
#define OP(__OP__) 
    property<T>& operator __OP__##__OP__() { set(get() __OP__ 1); return *this; } 
    T operator __OP__##__OP__(int) { T value = get(); operator __OP__##__OP__(); return value; }
    OP(+); OP(-);
#undef OP
    T operator ~() { return ~get(); }
    bool operator !() { return !get(); }
    std::function<T(void)> get;
    std::function<void(const T&)> set;
struct test
    property<int> a = property<int>([&]()
        return x/10;
    [&](int value) 
        x = value*10;
    property<int> b = property<int>([&]()
        return y+10;
    [&](int value) 
        y = value-10;
    int x, y;
using namespace std;
void main()
    test x;
    x.a = 5;
    x.a = x.a + 15;
    x.a *= 5;
    x.b = x.a;
    x.b += x.a / 10;
    cout << "property a=" << dec << x.a << endl; // should be 100
    cout << "property b=" << dec << x.b << endl; // should be 110




struct A { 
  A(int i) : i_{i} {} 
  int i_; 
  A operator=(A const& A) { i_ = a.i_; return *this; }


A a1{1};
A a2{2};
A a3{3};
(a3 = a2) = a1; // What is the value of a3::i_?

通过复制返回意味着a3 = a2分配生成一个临时,该临时被重新分配为相等的a1。换句话说,分配之后的CCD_ 8。如果您通过引用返回,a3::i_ == 1