
Is it possible to have a non recursive at_c implementation?

本文关键字:at 实现 递归 有一个 是否      更新时间:2023-10-16



// a struct that eats anything and everything
struct eat { template<class T> eat(T&&) {} }; 
// generates V matching with U
template<class U, class V> struct match { using type = V; }; 
template<class... X> struct back_ 
    template<class U>
    static U&& get(typename match<X, eat>::type..., U&& u)
        return static_cast<U&&>(u); // forward
// simple macro to avoid repetition for trailing return type.
#define RETURNS(exp) -> decltype(exp) { return exp; }
// get the last value in meta O(1) 
template<class T, class... Ts>
auto back(T&& t, Ts&&... ts) RETURNS( back_<Ts...>::get(static_cast<T&&>(t), static_cast<Ts&&>(ts)...))




std::cout << back((int)(0),
                  1) << std::endl;
nm -C que | fgrep eat
080489e2 W eat::eat<int*******>(int*******&&)
080489dc W eat::eat<int******>(int******&&)
080489d6 W eat::eat<int*****>(int*****&&)
080489d0 W eat::eat<int****>(int****&&)
080489ca W eat::eat<int***>(int***&&)
080489c4 W eat::eat<int**>(int**&&)
080489be W eat::eat<int*>(int*&&)
080489b8 W eat::eat<int>(int&&)
080489e2 W eat::eat<int*******>(int*******&&)
080489dc W eat::eat<int******>(int******&&)
080489d6 W eat::eat<int*****>(int*****&&)
080489d0 W eat::eat<int****>(int****&&)
080489ca W eat::eat<int***>(int***&&)
080489c4 W eat::eat<int**>(int**&&)
080489be W eat::eat<int*>(int*&&)
080489b8 W eat::eat<int>(int&&)
080489e7 W int&& back_<int*, int**, int***, int****, int*****, int******, int*******, int>::get<int>(eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, int&&)
080489e7 W _ZN5back_IJPiPS0_PS1_PS2_PS3_PS4_PS5_iEE3getIiEEOT_3eatSB_SB_SB_SB_SB_SB_SB_SA_

我的解决方案:))编译gcc 4.6.4 -std=c++0x

主要思想是,对于任意'i'和0,1,2,…n-1(其中n> i)(0 ^ i), (1 ^ i),…(j ^ i)…, ((n-1) ^ I)——是唯一序列,且只有在' I '处的值位置为零。

它不是O(1)解,而是O(log(n))解。但它是基于c++ 14的make_index_sequence。如果编译器在0(1)处编译make_index_sequence,那么我的解决方案也变成了0(1)。

#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
namespace mpl
    // C++14 index_sequence  struct
    template< int ... i >
    struct index_sequence
        typedef index_sequence type;
        typedef int value_type;

        static constexpr std::size_t size()noexcept{ return sizeof...(i); }
    namespace details
    #if 1
        template< int s, typename T, typename U> struct concate_c;
        template<int s, int ...i, int ...j>
        struct concate_c< s, index_sequence<i...>, index_sequence<j...> >
                : index_sequence<i..., (j + s ) ... > {};   

        template< int s, typename T, typename U> struct concate : concate_c< s, typename T::type, typename U::type > {};
        template< int n>
        struct make_index_sequence : concate< n / 2, 
                                              make_index_sequence< n / 2 >,
                                              make_index_sequence< n - n / 2 >  
   template<   typename T, typename U> struct concate_c;
        template<  int ...i, int ...j>
        struct concate_c< index_sequence<i...>, index_sequence<j...> >
                : index_sequence<i..., (j + sizeof...(i) ) ... > {};    

        template< typename T, typename U> struct concate : concate_c< typename T::type, typename U::type > {};
        template< int n>
        struct make_index_sequence : concate<  
                                              make_index_sequence< n / 2 >,
                                              make_index_sequence< n - n / 2 >  
        template<>  struct make_index_sequence<0> : index_sequence<>{};
        template<>  struct make_index_sequence<1> : index_sequence<0>{};

    } // namespace details

    template< int n> struct make_index_sequence  :  details::make_index_sequence<n>  {};
    template< typename ...Args>
    struct make_index_sequence_for : make_index_sequence< sizeof...(Args) > {};

     // helper for at_c, I - index_sequence,   
     template< typename I, typename ...p >
    struct at_ch;
     // only zero index have `type`.
    template< int i, typename T> struct id{};
    template< typename T>struct id<0,T>{ typedef T type;};
    // based from all parameters.
    template< typename ...T> struct base_all : T... {};
    template< int ... i, typename ...p>
    struct at_ch< index_sequence<i...>, p... >
        struct base : base_all< id<i,p> ... > {};
        typedef typename base::type type;
//  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
// 0: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
// 1: 1 0 3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8   
    template< int i, typename I>
    struct xor_index_sequence;
    template< int i, int ...k>
    struct xor_index_sequence< i, index_sequence<k...> > : index_sequence< (k xor i) ... > {};
    template< int i, typename ...T>
    struct at_c: at_ch< 
                  typename xor_index_sequence< i,
                           typename make_index_sequence< sizeof...(T)> ::type 
                  > {};

int main() 
     typedef mpl::at_c< 2, int, double , float >::type G;
     static_assert( std::is_same<G, float>::value ,"!");
    return 0;