
Best practice memory management for wrapping gross library

本文关键字:内存 管理 最佳 包装      更新时间:2023-10-16


newQpGenSparse( double ** c, int nx,
    int ** irowQ, int nnzQ, int ** jcolQ, double ** dQ,
    double ** xlow, char ** ixlow,
    double ** xupp, char ** ixupp,
    int ** irowA, int nnzA, int ** jcolA, double ** dA,
    double ** b, int my,
    int ** irowC, int nnzC, int ** jcolC, double ** dC,
    double ** clow, int mz, char ** iclow,
    double ** cupp, char ** icupp,
    int * ierr );

http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/swright/ooqp ooqp-userguide.pdf





class QPGenSparseWrapper
    // Only store params if you want to manage their memory.
    double* Param1;
    QPGenSparseWrapper(const double* param1, const int param2 /* , ... */, param16 = 22) :
        newQpGenSparse(&Param1, param2 /* , ... */, param16);
    virtual ~QPGenSparseWrapper()
        freeQpGenSparse(/* params */);
        // If no corresponding free, use smart pointers or manual delete.
    void Run(/* more params?!? */)
        // I hope you know what goes here.



template<class T>
struct arg_type_to_wrapper_arg_type { typedef T result; };
template<class T>
struct arg_type_to_wrapper_arg_type<T*> { typedef T& result; };
template<class T>
struct arg_type_to_wrapper_arg_type<T**> { typedef std::shared_ptr<T>& result; }; // or unique_ptr
template<class T>
struct arg_value_setter_base {
    arg_type_to_wrapper_arg_type<T>& m_value;
    T m_new_value;
    T& get() { return m_new_value; }
template<class T>
struct arg_value_setter : public arg_value_setter_base<T> {
    arg_value_setter(arg_type_to_wrapper_arg_type<T>& value) : m_value(value), m_new_value(value) {}
    ~arg_value_setter() { }
template<class T>
struct arg_value_setter<T*> : public arg_value_setter_base<T*> {
    arg_value_setter(arg_type_to_wrapper_arg_type<T>& value) : m_value(value), m_new_value(null_ptr) {}
    ~arg_value_setter() { m_value = *m_new_value; }
template<class T>
struct arg_value_setter<T**> : public arg_value_setter_base<T**> {
    arg_value_setter(arg_type_to_wrapper_arg_type<T>& value) : m_value(value), m_new_value(null_ptr) {}
    ~arg_value_setter() { m_value.reset(*m_new_value); }
#define CREATE_WRAPPER_FOR_OOQP_ALLOC_FUNCTION(ret_type, function_name, arg_sequence) 
/* use boost preprocessor macros to get the following result. You just have to use BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_I 3 times. I will leave this job for you. */
void newQpGenSparseWrapper(
    arg_type_to_wrapper_arg_type<double **>::result arg_0, // std::shared_ptr<double>& arg_0
    arg_type_to_wrapper_arg_type<int>::result arg_1, 
    arg_type_to_wrapper_arg_type<int **>::result arg_2, // std::shared_ptr<int>& arg_2
    arg_type_to_wrapper_arg_type<int *>::result arg_x // int& arg_x
    arg_value_setter<double **> arg_setter_0(arg_0); 
    arg_value_setter<int> arg_setter_1(arg_1); 
    arg_value_setter<int **> arg_setter_2(arg_2); 
    arg_value_setter<int *> arg_setter_x(arg_x);
    // TODO: you may want to avoid the assignment in case of the failure of the function to prevent shared_ptr from getting an invalid pointer 
    return newQpGenSparse(arg_setter_0.get(), arg_setter_1.get(), arg_setter_2.get(), .... , arg_setter_x.get());


CREATE_WRAPPER_FOR_OOQP_ALLOC_FUNCTION(void, newQpGenSparse, (double **)(int)(int **) .... (int *) );