将c++ DTW代码转换为java

converting c++ DTW code to java

本文关键字:java 转换 代码 c++ DTW      更新时间:2023-10-16


Java中的错误是在语句l_buff+I &u_buff+I,因为int I &amp之间不支持加号;double[] l_buff,u_buff .


int  I;
for(i=0; i<ep; i++)
    /// A bunch of data has been read and pick one of them at a time to use
    d = buffer[i];
    /// Calculate sum and sum square
    ex += d;
    ex2 += d*d;
    /// t is a circular array for keeping current data
    t[i%m] = d;
    /// Double the size for avoiding using modulo "%" operator
    t[(i%m)+m] = d;
    /// Start the task when there are more than m-1 points in the current chunk
    if( i >= m-1 )
        mean = ex/m;
        std = ex2/m;
        std = Math.sqrt(std-mean*mean);
        /// compute the start location of the data in the current circular array, t
        j = (i+1)%m;
        /// the start location of the data in the current chunk
        I = i-(m-1);
        lb_k2 = lb_keogh_data_cumulative(order, tz, qo, cb2, l_buff+I, u_buff+I, m, mean, std, bsf);


public static double lb_keogh_data_cumulative(int[] order, double []tz, double []qo, double []cb, double []l, double []u, int len, double mean, double std, double best_so_far )
    double lb = 0;
    double uu,ll,d;
    for (int i = 0; i < len && lb < best_so_far; i++)
        uu = (u[order[i]]-mean)/std;
        ll = (l[order[i]]-mean)/std;
        d = 0;
        if (qo[i] > uu)
            d = dist(qo[i], uu);
            if(qo[i] < ll)
                d = dist(qo[i], ll);
        lb += d;
        cb[order[i]] = d;
    return lb;




lb_k2 = lb_keogh_data_cumulative(order, tz, qo, cb2, Arrays.copyOfRange(l_buff, I, l_buff.length), Arrays.copyOfRange(u_buff, I, u_buff.length), m, mean, std, bsf);
