
segmentation fault core dumped in pqueue heap based before dequeuing caused only by very large random inputs

本文关键字:pqueue 转储 故障 分段 于出列 非常 随机 输入      更新时间:2023-10-16


我在Ubuntu 12.04上使用g++,如果这很重要的话

 * File: pqueue.h
#ifndef _pqueue_h
#define _pqueue_h
#include "genlib.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "disallowcopy.h"
class PQueue
    bool isEmpty();
    int size();
    void enqueue(int newElem);
    int dequeueMax();
     * needed for assigment puprposses there are three more PQueue implementation
     * so it is needed to compare memory speed trade of.
    int bytesUsed();
    string implementationName();
    void printDebuggingInfo();
    bool printDebugToFile(string fileName);
    template <typename Type>
void PrintArry(Type arr[], int size);
static const int START_SIZE = 2;
int* entries;
int _capacity_, _size_;
void doubleCapacity();
void halfCapacity();
void swap(int& one, int &two);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * File: pqheap.cpp
 * --    ----------------
//#include "pqueue.h"  // commented out so i can compile this whole file at once
#include "genlib.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
    entries = new int[START_SIZE];
    _capacity_ = START_SIZE;
    _size_ =  0;
     * i am not using first cell so i want to know what should be in it this is because of
     * the fact that in the way in which i have implemented heap based PQueue the acuall values
     * are stored form number 1 and not 0; so child of value x can be reach by multiplying
     * the index of it by two adding 1 for the second child;
    entries[_size_] = -888;
    if (entries != NULL) delete[] entries;
bool PQueue::isEmpty()
    return (_size_ == 0);
int PQueue::size()
    return _size_;
 * the heap enqueuing works by adding new value to the end of the array and bubrling it up to the
 * wright position by compare with its parent and swap if necesery.
void PQueue::enqueue(int newValue)
    int curValPos = ++_size_;
    if(_size_ == _capacity_)
    entries[curValPos] = newValue;
    // bubbling value up to its proper position;
    while(curValPos > 1)
        int parentPos = curValPos/2;
        if(newValue < entries[parentPos])
            swap(entries[curValPos], entries[parentPos]);
            curValPos = parentPos;
 * dequeuing is done by taking the highest value ( value from index 1 ) and then to repare the
 * queue last value is copied to the first position and then buubled down till it reaches
 * its proper position, it is done by comparison with children of the current position and
 * swaping while nesessery.
int PQueue::dequeueMax()
    if (isEmpty())
        Error("Tried to dequeue max from an empty pqueue!");
    if(_capacity_ > (_size_*2)+10)
    int curPos = 1;
    int maxValue = entries[curPos];
    //cout << maxValue << "|" ;
    entries[curPos] = entries[_size_];
    _size_ -= 1;
    int biggerChild = 0;
    while(biggerChild < _size_)
        biggerChild = curPos*2;
        if(entries[biggerChild] < entries[biggerChild+1])
            biggerChild += 1; // the second child is bigger than the first
        // if the bigger child is smaller than newVal or if the current
        // position does not have children
        if(entries[curPos] >= entries[biggerChild] || biggerChild > _size_)
            swap(entries[curPos], entries[biggerChild]);
            curPos = biggerChild;
    return maxValue;
int PQueue::bytesUsed()
    cout << endl << "______________________ " << endl;
    cout << "SIZE OF THIS = " << sizeof(*this) << endl;
    cout << "SIZE OF ENTRIES = " << sizeof(*entries) << endl;
    cout << "______________________ " << endl;
    return sizeof(*this) + sizeof(int)*_size_;

string PQueue::implementationName()
    return "( heap )";
void PQueue::printDebuggingInfo()
    cout << "------------------ START DEBUG INFO ------------------" << endl;
    cout << "Pqueue contains " << _size_ << " entries" << endl;
    for (int i = 1; i <= _size_; i++)
        cout << entries[i] << " ";
    cout << endl << endl;
     * the print out is helpful only for the top few nodes and children.
    int numInCurRow = 1 , numInPrewRow = 1;
        for (int i = 1; i <= _size_; i++)
            cout << entries[i] << "|";
            if(numInCurRow == 0)
                cout << endl;
                numInPrewRow *= 2;
                numInCurRow = numInPrewRow;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "------------------ END DEBUG INFO ------------------" << endl;
bool PQueue::printDebugToFile(string fileName)
    ofstream outFile;
    string str = fileName;
        cout << "WriteVectorToFile could not open file " + fileName << endl;
        return false;
    outFile << "------------------ START DEBUG INFO ------------------" << endl;
    outFile << "Pqueue contains " << _size_ << " entries" << endl;
    for (int i = 1; i <= _size_; i++)
        outFile << entries[i] << " ";
    outFile << endl << endl;
    int numInCurRow = 1 , numInPrewRow = 1;
        for (int i = 1; i <= _size_; i++)
            outFile << entries[i] << "|";
            if(numInCurRow == 0)
                outFile << endl;
                numInPrewRow *= 2;
                numInCurRow = numInPrewRow;
        outFile << endl;
        outFile << "------------------ END DEBUG INFO ------------------" << endl;
    return true;
void PQueue::doubleCapacity()
    _capacity_ *= 2;
    int* biggerArry = new int[_capacity_];
    cout << "resizing capacity from " << _capacity_/2 << "  new capacity = " << _capacity_ << endl;
    for(int i = 0; i <= _size_; i++)
        biggerArry[i] = entries[i];
    delete[] entries;
    entries = biggerArry;
void PQueue::halfCapacity()
    _capacity_ /= 2;
    int* halfArry = new int[_capacity_];
    cout << endl <<" downsizing capacity from " << _capacity_*2 << "  new capacity = " << _capacity_ << endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < _capacity_; i++)
        halfArry[i] = entries[i];
    delete[] entries;
    entries = halfArry;

void PQueue::swap(int &one, int &two)
    int tmp = one;
    one = two;
    two = tmp;
 * main.cpp the driver
/* File: main.cpp
 * --------------
 * Simple main module for PQueue assignment.
//#include "pqheap.cpp"  // commented out so i can compile this whole file at once
#include <iostream>
#include "genlib.h"
#include "simpio.h"
#include "random.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include "vector.h"
using namespace std;
 * auxiliary functions
string iToS(int x);
int sToI(string str);
bool ReadVectorFromFile(Vector<int> &v, string fileName);
template <typename Type>
bool WriteVectorToFile(Vector<Type> v, string fileName);

int main()
    PQueue pq;
        cout << "how big queue do we want to work with ? "+pq.implementationName() << endl;
        int y, x = GetInteger();
        Vector <int> v;
         * "1000000.vec" file contains 1000000 unsorted integers with no repetitions,
         * use of it produces the same segmentation fault core dumped it is cometed out for now
        double start = double(clock())/1000000;
        for(int i = 0; i < x; i++)
        double stop = double(clock())/1000000;
        cout << "time needed for enqueue of size "<< x << " = " << stop-start << endl;
        pq.printDebugToFile("debug."+ iToS(x)+ ".debug");
         * it seems that even dequeung a few values from the top produces the error
        cout << "how much to dequeue ?" << endl;
        y = GetInteger();
        start = double(clock())/1000000;
        for(int i = 0; i < y; i++)
        stop = double(clock())/1000000;
        cout << "time needed for dequeue "+iToS(y)+" elements from PQ of size "<< x << " = " << stop-start << endl;
        WriteVectorToFile(v, "QUEUE_" + iToS(x) + ".test");
    return (0);
string iToS(int x)
    ostringstream convert;
    convert << x;
    return convert.str();
int sToI(string str)
    istringstream converter(str);
    int n;
    converter >> n;
    return n;
bool ReadVectorFromFile(Vector<int> &v, string fileName)
    ifstream inFile;
        cout << " ReadVectorFromFile could not read from the file " + fileName << endl;
        return false;
    string line;
        getline(inFile, line);
    return true;
template <typename Longboard>
bool WriteVectorToFile(Vector<Longboard> v, string fileName)
    ofstream outFile;
    string str = fileName;
        cout << "WriteVectorToFile could not open file " + fileName << endl;
        return false;
    for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
        outFile << v[i];
        outFile << endl;
    return true;

乍一看,您对<= _size_的使用看起来很可疑。看起来_size_表示队列中元素的数量,[0,_capacity]。因此,最后一个元素的索引应该是_size_ - 1
