使用带有重载操作符++的c++ decltype(预增量)

Using C++ decltype with overloaded operator++ (preincrement)

本文关键字:decltype c++ 重载 操作符      更新时间:2023-10-16



struct S { // dummy type to simulate a real one I have
    int operator++() { return 0; } // note: return type is not S&
    int operator++(int) { return 0; }
int main() {
    // this works:
    typedef decltype(++S()) T1;
    // so why doesn't this work?
    // error: lvalue required as increment operand
    // typedef decltype(++int()) T2;
    // this works, but seems dirty:
    typedef decltype(++*(int*)nullptr) T3;
    typedef decltype(++*(S*)nullptr) T4;
    // I also haven't figured out how to disambiguate this,
    // though it's moot because int::operator++ is not a thing
    // error: ‘S::operator++’ refers to a set of overloaded functions
    // typedef decltype(S::operator++) T5;

我使用的是GCC 4.6.2。我试了一下Clang,但也好不到哪里去。




#include <utility>
// declval<T&> yields an lvalue, declval<T> an rvalue
typedef decltype(std::declval<int&>()++) T1; // int
typedef decltype(++std::declval<int&>()) T2; // int&
typedef decltype(std::declval<S&>()++)   T3; // S
typedef decltype(++std::declval<S&>())   T4; // S&