
std::find failed to compile

本文关键字:失败 编译 find Std      更新时间:2023-10-16


usr/include/c++/4.6/bits/stl_algorithm .h:162:4: error: no match for ' operator== ' in ' _first._gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>::operator* with _Iterator = char*, _Container = std::basic_string, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<_Container>::reference = char&= = __val '/usr/include/c + +/4.6/位/stl_algo.h: 162:4:注意:候选人:


        std::string lValueCmd = "";
        std::string lModeType = "";
        std::string lAPModeCmd = "sudo iwconfig /sbin/wlan0 | grep -i 'Mode:' | awk '{print $1}'";
      // function to retrive values from linux command and store it in lValueCmd
      lResult =    RequestCmdOutput( lAPModeCmd, lValueCmd )      ; // function to retrive values from linux command and store it in lValue Cmdd
     // std::cout << " the string is " << lValueCmd << std::endl;// debug
      std::string delimiter= ":";
      std::string::iterator pos;
      pos= std::find( lValueCmd.begin(), lValueCmd.end(), delimiter); // no error if I comment this line.

头文件,我使用的是iostream, algorithm和string .


char delimiter= ':';