
Spirit parser segfaults

本文关键字:分段 错误 Spirit      更新时间:2023-10-16



//code here:
*I-EBNF parser
*This defines a grammar for BNF.
//Speeds up compilation times.
//This is a relatively small grammar, this is useful.
#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/support.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
namespace Parser
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
enum class RHSType
    Terminal, Identifier
struct RHS
    RHSType type;
    std::string value;
struct Rule
    std::string identifier; //lhs
    std::vector<RHS> rhs;
//expose our structs to fusion:
    (Parser::RHSType, type)
    (std::string, value)
    (std::string, identifier)
    (std::vector<Parser::RHS>, rhs)
namespace Parser
typedef std::vector<Rule> RuleList;
//our grammar definition
template <typename Iterator>
struct Grammar: qi::grammar<Iterator, std::list<Rule>, ascii::space_type>
    Grammar(): Grammar::base_type(rules)
        qi::char_type char_;
        letter = char_("a-zA-Z");
        digit = char_('0', '9');
        symbol = char_('[') | ']' | '[' | ']' | '(' | ')' | '<' | '>'
| ''' | '"' | '=' | '|' | '.' | ',' | ';';
        character = letter | digit | symbol | '_';
        identifier = letter >> *(letter | digit | '_');
        terminal = (char_(''') >> character >> *character >>
char_(''')) | (char_('"') >> character >> *character >> char_('"'));
        lhs = identifier;
        rhs = terminal | identifier | char_('[') >> rhs >> char_(']')
| char_('{') >> rhs >> char_('}') | char_('(') >> rhs >> char_(')') |
rhs >> char_('|') >> rhs | rhs >> char_(',') >> rhs;
        rule = identifier >> char_('=') >> rhs;
        rules = rule >> *rule;
    qi::rule<Iterator, char(), ascii::space_type> letter, digit,
symbol, character;
    qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), ascii::space_type> identifier,
lhs, terminal;
    qi::rule<Iterator, RHS, ascii::space_type> rhs;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Rule, ascii::space_type> rule;
    qi::rule<Iterator, std::list<Rule>, ascii::space_type> rules;
int main()
    Parser::Grammar<std::string::const_iterator> parser;
    boost::spirit::ascii::space_type space;
    std::string input;
    std::vector<std::string> output;
    bool result;
    while (std::getline(std::cin, input))
            if (input.empty())
            std::string::const_iterator it, itEnd;
            it = input.begin();
            itEnd = input.end();
            result = phrase_parse(it, itEnd, parser, space, output);
            if (result && it == itEnd)
                    std::cout << "success" << std::endl;
    return 0;


2015年9月26日01:45 AM, Littlefield, Tyler写道:




但是你永远不能把它赋值给output变量(也就是std::vector<std::string> ?!?)


qi::rule<Iterator, RHS(), ascii::space_type> rhs;
qi::rule<Iterator, Rule(), ascii::space_type> rule;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::list<Rule>(), ascii::space_type> rules;


    rhs               = terminal
                      | identifier
                      | ('[' >> rhs >> ']')
                      | ('{' >> rhs >> '}')
                      | ('(' >> rhs >> ')')
                      | (rhs >> '|' >> rhs)  // OOPS
                      | (rhs >> ',' >> rhs)  // OOPS





  • 清理:对中断([], {}, ()=, |, ,)使用隐式qi::lit
  • 使用kleene+代替a >> *a(不止一次)
  • 首选%解析器来解析…列出
  • 我不得不围绕"RHS"稍微"扭动"一下规则;在最后两个分支中存在无限递归(见// OOPS)。我通过引入一个"纯"表达式规则(它只解析一个RHS结构)来修复它。我已将此类型重命名为Expression


    expression        = qi::attr(Parser::ExprType::Terminal)   >> terminal 
                      | qi::attr(Parser::ExprType::Identifier) >> identifier 
                      | qi::attr(Parser::ExprType::Compound)   >> qi::raw [ '[' >> expr_list >> ']' ]
                      | qi::attr(Parser::ExprType::Compound)   >> qi::raw [ '{' >> expr_list >> '}' ] 
                      | qi::attr(Parser::ExprType::Compound)   >> qi::raw [ '(' >> expr_list >> ')' ] 
    expr_list         = expression % (char_("|,")) // TODO FIXME?
  • 为了将合成属性实际转换为RHS(现在:Expression)类型,我们需要为第一个适应的成员实际公开RHSType(现在:ExprType)值。您可以在上面的行中看到,我们为此使用了qi::attr()

  • 现代编译器和boost版本可以大大简化BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT调用:

    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Parser::Expression, type, value)
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Parser::Rule, identifier, expr_list)
  • 我将一些规则"升级"为lexeme ,这意味着它们不服从船长。

    猜测我可能应该将空格字符添加到terminal (字符串文字)中可接受的字符集中。如果这不是你想要的,只要从char_("[][]()<>'"=|.,;_ ");中删除最后一个字符。

  • 我还将skipper更改为blank_type,因为它不会跳过换行字符。您可以使用相同的语法轻松地直接解析多行输入。做的,例如:

    rules = rule % qi::eol;



Live On Coliru

#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace Parser
    namespace qi    = boost::spirit::qi;
    namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
    enum class ExprType { Terminal, Identifier, Compound };
    static inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ExprType type) {
        switch (type) {
            case ExprType::Terminal:   return os << "Terminal";
            case ExprType::Identifier: return os << "Identifier";
            case ExprType::Compound:   return os << "Compound";
        return os << "(unknown)";
    struct Expression { // TODO make recursive (see `boost::make_recursive_variant`)
        ExprType    type;
        std::string value;
    using ExprList = std::vector<Expression>;
    struct Rule {
        std::string identifier; // lhs
        ExprList    expr_list;
//expose our structs to fusion:
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Parser::Expression, type, value)
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Parser::Rule, identifier, expr_list)
namespace Parser
    typedef std::list<Rule> RuleList;
    //our grammar definition
    template <typename Iterator>
    struct Grammar: qi::grammar<Iterator, RuleList(), ascii::blank_type>
        Grammar(): Grammar::base_type(rules)
            qi::char_type char_;
            symbol            = char_("[][]()<>'"=|.,;_ ");
            character         = qi::alpha | qi::digit | symbol;
            identifier        = qi::alpha >> *(qi::alnum | char_('_'));

            // TODO capture strings including interpunction(?)
            terminal          = (''' >> +(character - ''') >> ''') 
                              | ('"' >> +(character - '"') >> '"');
            expression        = qi::attr(Parser::ExprType::Terminal)   >> terminal 
                              | qi::attr(Parser::ExprType::Identifier) >> identifier 
                              | qi::attr(Parser::ExprType::Compound)   >> qi::raw [ '[' >> expr_list >> ']' ]
                              | qi::attr(Parser::ExprType::Compound)   >> qi::raw [ '{' >> expr_list >> '}' ] 
                              | qi::attr(Parser::ExprType::Compound)   >> qi::raw [ '(' >> expr_list >> ')' ] 
            expr_list         = expression % (char_("|,")) // TODO FIXME?
                                    // above accepts mixed separators:
                                    //     a, b, c | d, e
                                    // original accepted:
                                    //     a, b, [ c | d ], e
                                    //     a| b| [ c , d ]| e
                                    //     a| b| [ c | d ]| e
                                    //     a, b, [ c , d ], e
            rule              = identifier >> '=' >> expr_list;
            //rules           = rule % qi::eol; // alternatively, parse multi-line input in one go
            rules             = +rule;
        qi::rule<Iterator, Expression(),  ascii::blank_type> expression;
        qi::rule<Iterator, ExprList(),    ascii::blank_type> expr_list;
        qi::rule<Iterator, Rule(),        ascii::blank_type> rule;
        qi::rule<Iterator, RuleList(),    ascii::blank_type> rules;
        // lexemes:
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> terminal, identifier;
        qi::rule<Iterator, char()>        symbol, character;
int main() {
    using It = std::string::const_iterator;
    Parser::Grammar<It> parser;
    boost::spirit::ascii::blank_type blank;
    std::string input;
    while (std::getline(std::cin, input))
        if (input.empty()) {
        It it = input.begin(), itEnd = input.end();
        Parser::RuleList output;
        bool result = phrase_parse(it, itEnd, parser, blank, output);
        if (result) {
            std::cout << "successn";
            for (auto& rule : output) {
                std::cout << "ntarget: " << rule.identifier << "n";
                for (auto& rhs : rule.expr_list) {
                    std::cout << "rhs:    " << boost::fusion::as_vector(rhs) << "n";
        } else {
            std::cout << "parse failedn";
        if (it != itEnd)
            std::cout << "remaining unparsed: '" << std::string(it, itEnd) << "n";


target: assigned1
rhs:    (Identifier some_var)
rhs:    (Terminal a 'string' value)
rhs:    (Compound [ 'okay', "this", is_another, identifier, { ( "nested" ) } ])
rhs:    (Terminal done)
target: assigned2
rhs:    (Compound { a })

并且启用调试(#define BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG):

<try>assigned1 = some_var</try>
    <try>assigned1 = some_var</try>
    <try>assigned1 = some_var</try>
    <success> = some_var | "a 'st</success>
    <attributes>[[a, s, s, i, g, n, e, d, 1]]</attributes>
    <try> some_var | "a 'stri</try>
        <try> some_var | "a 'stri</try>
        <try>some_var | "a 'strin</try>
        <try>some_var | "a 'strin</try>
        <success> | "a 'string' value</success>
        <attributes>[[s, o, m, e, _, v, a, r]]</attributes>
        <success> | "a 'string' value</success>
        <attributes>[[Identifier, [s, o, m, e, _, v, a, r]]]</attributes>
        <try> "a 'string' value" </try>
        <try>"a 'string' value" |</try>
        <success> | [ 'okay', "this",</success>
        <attributes>[[a,  , ', s, t, r, i, n, g, ',  , v, a, l, u, e]]</attributes>
        <success> | [ 'okay', "this",</success>
        <attributes>[[Terminal, [a,  , ', s, t, r, i, n, g, ',  , v, a, l, u, e]]]</attributes>
        <try> [ 'okay', "this", i</try>
        <try>[ 'okay', "this", is</try>
        <try>[ 'okay', "this", is</try>
        <try> 'okay', "this", is_</try>
            <try> 'okay', "this", is_</try>
            <try>'okay', "this", is_a</try>
            <success>, "this", is_another</success>
            <attributes>[[o, k, a, y]]</attributes>
            <success>, "this", is_another</success>
            <attributes>[[Terminal, [o, k, a, y]]]</attributes>
            <try> "this", is_another,</try>
            <try>"this", is_another, </try>
            <success>, is_another, identi</success>
            <attributes>[[t, h, i, s]]</attributes>
            <success>, is_another, identi</success>
            <attributes>[[Terminal, [t, h, i, s]]]</attributes>
            <try> is_another, identif</try>
            <try>is_another, identifi</try>
            <try>is_another, identifi</try>
            <success>, identifier, { ( "n</success>
            <attributes>[[i, s, _, a, n, o, t, h, e, r]]</attributes>
            <success>, identifier, { ( "n</success>
            <attributes>[[Identifier, [i, s, _, a, n, o, t, h, e, r]]]</attributes>
            <try> identifier, { ( "ne</try>
            <try>identifier, { ( "nes</try>
            <try>identifier, { ( "nes</try>
            <success>, { ( "nested" ) } ]</success>
            <attributes>[[i, d, e, n, t, i, f, i, e, r]]</attributes>
            <success>, { ( "nested" ) } ]</success>
            <attributes>[[Identifier, [i, d, e, n, t, i, f, i, e, r]]]</attributes>
            <try> { ( "nested" ) } ] </try>
            <try>{ ( "nested" ) } ] |</try>
            <try>{ ( "nested" ) } ] |</try>
            <try> ( "nested" ) } ] | </try>
                <try> ( "nested" ) } ] | </try>
                <try>( "nested" ) } ] | "</try>
                <try>( "nested" ) } ] | "</try>
                <try> "nested" ) } ] | "d</try>
                    <try> "nested" ) } ] | "d</try>
                    <try>"nested" ) } ] | "do</try>
                    <success> ) } ] | "done"</success>
                    <attributes>[[n, e, s, t, e, d]]</attributes>
                    <success> ) } ] | "done"</success>
                    <attributes>[[Terminal, [n, e, s, t, e, d]]]</attributes>
                <success> ) } ] | "done"</success>
                <attributes>[[[Terminal, [n, e, s, t, e, d]]]]</attributes>
                <success> } ] | "done"</success>
                <attributes>[[Compound, [(,  , ", n, e, s, t, e, d, ",  , )]]]</attributes>
            <success> } ] | "done"</success>
            <attributes>[[[Compound, [(,  , ", n, e, s, t, e, d, ",  , )]]]]</attributes>
            <success> ] | "done"</success>
            <attributes>[[Compound, [{,  , (,  , ", n, e, s, t, e, d, ",  , ),  , }]]]</attributes>
        <success> ] | "done"</success>
        <attributes>[[[Terminal, [o, k, a, y]], [Terminal, [t, h, i, s]], [Identifier, [i, s, _, a, n, o, t, h, e, r]], [Identifier, [i, d, e, n, t, i, f, i, e, r]], [Compound, [{,  , (,  , ", n, e, s, t, e, d, ",  , ),  , }]]]]</attributes>
        <success> | "done"</success>
        <attributes>[[Compound, [[,  , ', o, k, a, y, ', ,,  , ", t, h, i, s, ", ,,  , i, s, _, a, n, o, t, h, e, r, ,,  , i, d, e, n, t, i, f, i, e, r, ,,  , {,  , (,  , ", n, e, s, t, e, d, ",  , ),  , },  , ]]]]</attributes>
        <try> "done"</try>
        <attributes>[[d, o, n, e]]</attributes>
        <attributes>[[Terminal, [d, o, n, e]]]</attributes>
    <attributes>[[[Identifier, [s, o, m, e, _, v, a, r]], [Terminal, [a,  , ', s, t, r, i, n, g, ',  , v, a, l, u, e]], [Compound, [[,  , ', o, k, a, y, ', ,,  , ", t, h, i, s, ", ,,  , i, s, _, a, n, o, t, h, e, r, ,,  , i, d, e, n, t, i, f, i, e, r, ,,  , {,  , (,  , ", n, e, s, t, e, d, ",  , ),  , },  , ]]], [Terminal, [d, o, n, e]]]]</attributes>
    <attributes>[[[a, s, s, i, g, n, e, d, 1], [[Identifier, [s, o, m, e, _, v, a, r]], [Terminal, [a,  , ', s, t, r, i, n, g, ',  , v, a, l, u, e]], [Compound, [[,  , ', o, k, a, y, ', ,,  , ", t, h, i, s, ", ,,  , i, s, _, a, n, o, t, h, e, r, ,,  , i, d, e, n, t, i, f, i, e, r, ,,  , {,  , (,  , ", n, e, s, t, e, d, ",  , ),  , },  , ]]], [Terminal, [d, o, n, e]]]]]</attributes>
<attributes>[[[[a, s, s, i, g, n, e, d, 1], [[Identifier, [s, o, m, e, _, v, a, r]], [Terminal, [a,  , ', s, t, r, i, n, g, ',  , v, a, l, u, e]], [Compound, [[,  , ', o, k, a, y, ', ,,  , ", t, h, i, s, ", ,,  , i, s, _, a, n, o, t, h, e, r, ,,  , i, d, e, n, t, i, f, i, e, r, ,,  , {,  , (,  , ", n, e, s, t, e, d, ",  , ),  , },  , ]]], [Terminal, [d, o, n, e]]]]]]</attributes>
target: assigned1
rhs:    (Identifier some_var)
rhs:    (Terminal a 'string' value)
rhs:    (Compound [ 'okay', "this", is_another, identifier, { ( "nested" ) } ])
rhs:    (Terminal done)
<try>assigned2 = { a }</try>
    <try>assigned2 = { a }</try>
    <try>assigned2 = { a }</try>
    <success> = { a }</success>
    <attributes>[[a, s, s, i, g, n, e, d, 2]]</attributes>
    <try> { a }</try>
        <try> { a }</try>
        <try>{ a }</try>
        <try>{ a }</try>
        <try> a }</try>
            <try> a }</try>
            <try>a }</try>
            <try>a }</try>
            <success> }</success>
            <success> }</success>
            <attributes>[[Identifier, [a]]]</attributes>
        <success> }</success>
        <attributes>[[[Identifier, [a]]]]</attributes>
        <attributes>[[Compound, [{,  , a,  , }]]]</attributes>
    <attributes>[[[Compound, [{,  , a,  , }]]]]</attributes>
    <attributes>[[[a, s, s, i, g, n, e, d, 2], [[Compound, [{,  , a,  , }]]]]]</attributes>
<attributes>[[[[a, s, s, i, g, n, e, d, 2], [[Compound, [{,  , a,  , }]]]]]]</attributes>
target: assigned2
rhs:    (Compound { a })


