
Reading and Verifying Certificates

本文关键字:证书 验证 读取      更新时间:2023-10-16

你好,我有两个证书,即mycert。CRT和root.crt。我需要验证我的证书是否由根证书签名。我使用以下代码使用以下代码这样做,但我得到一个错误段错误(core dump)

static int verifyCerti (BYTE *cert1, BYTE *cert2, int certlenght1, int certlenght2);
int main (int ac, char **av)
    FILE     *f_in, *f_in2;
    BYTE     *certBuf, *certBuf2;
    UINT32   certBufLen,certBufLen2;
    UINT32   certLen,certLen2;
    int      result;

    //////////// Reading first certificate/////
    certBufLen = 0;
    certBuf = malloc (1);
    //for (i=0; i<nCerts; i++) {
    if ((f_in = fopen (av[1], "rb")) == NULL) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Unable to open file %s for inputn", av[1]);
        exit (1);
    fseek (f_in, 0, SEEK_END);
    certLen = ftell (f_in);
    fseek (f_in, 0, SEEK_SET);
    certBuf = realloc (certBuf, certBufLen + certLen);
    if (fread (certBuf+certBufLen, 1, certLen, f_in) != certLen) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Failed to read file %sn", av[1]);
        exit (1);
    if (certBuf[certBufLen] != 0x30) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Certificate file %s not in binary formatn", av[1]);
        exit (1);
    fclose (f_in);
    printf ("we reach here %s n", av[1]);

    ////////////////Reading second certificate/////////////////////////////////////////////////

    certBufLen2 = 0;
    certBuf2 = malloc (1);
    if ((f_in2 = fopen (av[2], "rb")) == NULL) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Unable to open file %s for inputn", av[2]);
        exit (1);
    fseek (f_in2, 0, SEEK_END);
    certLen2 = ftell (f_in2);
    fseek (f_in2, 0, SEEK_SET);
    certBuf2 = realloc (certBuf2, certBufLen2 + certLen2);
    if (fread (certBuf2+certBufLen2, 1, certLen2, f_in2) != certLen2) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Failed to read file %sn", av[2]);
        exit (1);
    if (certBuf2[certBufLen2] != 0x30) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Certificate file %s not in binary formatn", av[2]);
        exit (1);
    fclose (f_in2);
    printf ("we reach here %s n", av[2]);
    if (verifyCerti (certBuf, certBuf2, certBufLen, certBufLen2) < 0) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Certificate chain is incorrectn");
        exit (1);
static int verifyCerti (BYTE *cert1, BYTE *cert2, int certLen1, int certLen2)
    X509 *root;
    X509 *mycert;
    root = d2i_X509 (NULL, (unsigned char const **)&cert2, certLen2);
    mycert = d2i_X509 (NULL, (unsigned char const **)&cert1, certLen1);
    //Get root certificate into root
    //Get mycert into mycert.
    //Get the public key.
    EVP_PKEY *pubkey = X509_get_pubkey(root);

    //verify. result less than or 0 means not verified or some error.
    int result = X509_verify(mycert, pubkey);
    //free the public key.
    return result;    





unsigned int errCode = ERR_get_error();
printf("nError: %sn", ERR_error_string(errCode, NULL));
printf("nLib: %sn", ERR_lib_error_string(errCode));
printf("nFunc: %sn", ERR_func_error_string(errCode));
printf("nReason: %sn", ERR_reason_error_string(errCode));