
C++ - pointer being freed was not allocated error

本文关键字:分配 错误 指针 释放      更新时间:2023-10-16
malloc: *** error for object 0x10ee008c0: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Abort trap: 6


Segmentation fault: 11



//--------------- BOOK.CPP ---------------
// The class definition for Book.
#include <iostream>
#include "book.h"
using namespace std;
  strcpy(title, " ");
  strcpy(author, " ");
  type = FICTION;
  price = 0;
void Book::Set(const char* t, const char* a, Genre g, double p)
  strcpy(title, t);
  strcpy(author, a);
  type = g;
  price = p;
const char* Book::GetTitle() const
  return title;
const char* Book::GetAuthor() const
  return author;
double Book::GetPrice() const
  return price;
Genre Book::GetGenre() const
  return type;
void Book::Display() const
  int i;
  cout << GetTitle();
  for (i = strlen(title) + 1; i < 32; i++)
    cout << (' ');
  cout << GetAuthor();
  for (i = strlen(author) + 1; i < 22; i++)
    cout << (' ');
  switch (GetGenre())
  case FICTION:
    cout << "Fiction   ";
  case MYSTERY: 
    cout << "Mystery   ";
  case SCIFI:
    cout << "SciFi     ";
  case COMPUTER:
    cout << "Computer  ";
  cout << "$";
  if (GetPrice() < 1000)
    cout << " ";
  if (GetPrice() < 100)
    cout << " ";
  if (GetPrice() < 10)
    cout << " ";
  /* printf("%.2f", GetPrice());*/
  cout << 'n';


//--------------- STORE.CPP ---------------
// The class definition for Store.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>  // for strcmp
#include "store.h"
using namespace std;
  maxSize = 5; 
  currentSize = 0; 
  bookList = new Book[maxSize];
// This destructor function for class Store
// deallocates the Store's list of Books
  delete [] bookList;
void Store::Insert(const char* t, const char* a, Genre g, double p)
// Insert a new entry into the direrctory.
  if (currentSize == maxSize)// If the directory is full, grow it.
  bookList[currentSize++].Set(t, a, g, p);
void Store::Sell(const char* t)
// Sell a book from the store.
  char name[31];
  strcpy(name, t);
  int thisEntry = FindBook(name);// Locate the name in the directory.
  if (thisEntry == -1)
    cout << *name << " not found in directory";
      cashRegister = cashRegister + bookList[thisEntry].GetPrice();
      // Shift each succeding element "down" one position in the
      // Entry array, thereby deleting the desired entry.
      for (int j = thisEntry + 1; j < currentSize; j++)
    bookList[j - 1] = bookList[j];
      currentSize--;// Decrement the current number of entries.
      cout << "Entry removed.n";
      if (currentSize < maxSize - 5)// If the directory is too big, shrink it.
void Store::Find(const char* x) const
//  Display the Store's matches for a title or author.
  // Prompt the user for a name to be looked up
  char name[31];
  strcpy(name, x);
  int thisBook = FindBook(name);
  if (thisBook != -1)
  int thisAuthor = FindAuthor(name, true);
  if ((thisBook == -1) && (thisAuthor == -1))
    cout << name << " not found in current directoryn";
void Store::DisplayGenre(const Genre g) const
  double genrePrice = 0;
  int genreCount = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++)// Look at each entry.
    if (bookList[i].GetGenre() ==  g)
      genrePrice = genrePrice + bookList[i].GetPrice();
  cout << "Number of books in this genre: " << genreCount
       << "                    " << "Total:    $";
  if (genrePrice < 1000)
    cout << " ";
  if (genrePrice < 100)
    cout << " ";
  if (genrePrice < 10)
    cout << " ";
  printf("%.2f", genrePrice);
void Store::DisplayStore() const
  if (currentSize >= 1)
    cout << "**Title**tt"
     << "**Author**t"
     << "**Genre**t"
     << "**Price**nn";
    for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++)
    cout << "No books currently in inventorynn";
  cout << "Total Books = " << currentSize 
       << "nMoney in the register = $";
  if (cashRegister < 1000)
    cout << " ";
  if (cashRegister < 100)
    cout << " ";
  if (cashRegister < 10)
    cout << " ";
  printf("%.2f", cashRegister);
  cout << 'n';
void Store::Sort(char type)
  Book temp;
  for(int i = 0; i <= currentSize; i++)
    for (int j = i+1; j < currentSize; j++)
      if (type == 'A')
    if (strcmp(bookList[i].GetTitle(), bookList[j].GetTitle()) > 0)
      temp = bookList[i];
      bookList[i] = bookList[j];
      bookList[j] = temp;
      if (type == 'T')
    if (strcmp(bookList[i].GetAuthor(), bookList[j].GetAuthor()) > 0)
      temp = bookList[i];
      bookList[i] = bookList[j];
      bookList[j] = temp;
void Store::SetCashRegister(double x)
// Set value of cash register
  cashRegister = x;
void Store::Grow()
// Double the size of the Store's bookList
// by creating a new, larger array of books
// and changing the store's pointer to refer to
// this new array.
  maxSize = currentSize + 5;// Determine a new size.
  cout << "** Array being resized to " << maxSize 
       << " allocated slots" << 'n';
  Book* newList = new Book[maxSize];// Allocate a new array.
  for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++)// Copy each entry into
    newList[i] = bookList[i];// the new array.
  delete [] bookList;// Remove the old array
  bookList = newList;// Point old name to new array.
void Store::Shrink()
// Divide the size of the Store's bookList in
// half by creating a new, smaller array of books
// and changing the store's pointer to refer to
// this new array.
  maxSize = maxSize - 5;// Determine a new size.
  cout << "** Array being resized to " << maxSize 
       << " allocated slots" << 'n';
  Book* newList = new Book[maxSize];// Allocate a new array.
  for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++)// Copy each entry into
    newList[i] = bookList[i];// the new array.
  delete [] bookList;// Remove the old array
  bookList = newList;// Point old name to new array.
int Store::FindBook(char* name) const
// Locate a name in the directory.  Returns the
// position of the entry list as an integer if found.
// and returns -1 if the entry is not found in the directory.
  for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++)// Look at each entry.
    if (strcmp(bookList[i].GetTitle(), name) == 0)
      return i;// If found, return position and exit.
  return -1;// Return -1 if never found.
int Store::FindAuthor(char* name, const bool print) const
// Locate a name in the directory.  Returns the
// position of the entry list as an integer if found.
// and returns -1 if the entry is not found in the directory.
  int returnValue;
  for (int i = 0; i < currentSize; i++)// Look at each entry.
    if (strcmp(bookList[i].GetAuthor(), name) == 0)
      if (print == true)
      returnValue = i;// If found, return position and exit.
      returnValue = -1;// Return -1 if never found.
  return returnValue;


#include <iostream>
#include "store.h"
using namespace std;
void ShowMenu()
// Display the main program menu.
  cout << "ntt*** BOOKSTORE MENU ***";
  cout << "ntA tAdd a Book to Inventory";
  cout << "ntF tFind a book from Inventory";
  cout << "ntS tSell a book";
  cout << "ntD tDisplay the inventory list";
  cout << "ntG tGenre summary";
  cout << "ntO tSort inventory list";
  cout << "ntM tShow this Menu";
  cout << "ntX teXit Program";
char GetAChar(const char* promptString)
// Prompt the user and get a single character,
// discarding the Return character.
// Used in GetCommand.
  char response;// the char to be returned
  cout << promptString;// Prompt the user
  cin >> response;// Get a char,
  response = toupper(response);// and convert it to uppercase
  cin.get();// Discard newline char from input.
  return response;
char Legal(char c)
// Determine if a particular character, c, corresponds
// to a legal menu command.  Returns 1 if legal, 0 if not.
// Used in GetCommand.
  return((c == 'A') || (c == 'F') || (c == 'S') || 
     (c == 'D') || (c == 'G') || (c == 'O') || 
     (c == 'M') || (c == 'X'));
char GetCommand()
// Prompts the user for a menu command until a legal 
// command character is entered.  Return the command character.
// Calls GetAChar, Legal, ShowMenu.
  char cmd = GetAChar("nn>");// Get a command character.
  while (!Legal(cmd))// As long as it's not a legal command,
    {// display menu and try again.
      cout << "nIllegal command, please try again . . .";
      cmd = GetAChar("nn>");
  return cmd;
void Add(Store s)
  char aTitle[31];
  char aAuthor[21];
  Genre aGenre = FICTION;
  double aPrice = 10.00;
  cout << "Enter title: ";
  cin.getline(aTitle, 30);
  cout << "Enter author: ";
  cin.getline(aAuthor, 20);
  cout << aTitle << "  " << aAuthor << "n";
  cout << aGenre << "  " << aPrice << 'n';
  s.Insert(aTitle, aAuthor, aGenre, aPrice);
void Find()
void Sell()
void ViewGenre(Store s)
  char c;
  Genre result;
    c = GetAChar("Enter Genre - (F)iction, (M)ystery, (S)ci-Fi, or (C)omputer: ");
  while ((c != 'F') && (c != 'M') && (c != 'S') && (c != 'C'));
  switch (result)
    case 'F': s.DisplayGenre(FICTION);    break;
    case 'M': s.DisplayGenre(MYSTERY);    break;
    case 'S': s.DisplayGenre(SCIFI);      break;
    case 'C': s.DisplayGenre(COMPUTER);   break;
void Sort(Store s)
  char c;
  Genre result;
    c = GetAChar("Enter Genre - (F)iction, (M)ystery, (S)ci-Fi, or (C)omputer: ");
  while ((c != 'A') && (c != 'T'));
void Intro(Store s)
  double amount;
  cout << "*** Welcome to Bookstore Inventory Manager ***n"
       << "Please input the starting money in the cash register: ";
  /*  cin >> amount;
int main()
  Store mainStore;// Create and initialize a Store.
  Intro(mainStore);//Display intro & set Cash Regsiter
  ShowMenu();// Display the menu.
  /*mainStore.Insert("A Clockwork Orange", "Anthony Burgess", SCIFI, 30.25);
    mainStore.Insert("X-Factor", "Anthony Burgess", SCIFI, 30.25);*/
  char command;// menu command entered by user
       command = GetCommand();// Retrieve a command.
       switch (command)
     case 'A': Add(mainStore);             break;
     case 'F': Find();                     break;
     case 'S': Sell();                     break;
     case 'D': mainStore.DisplayStore();   break;
     case 'G': ViewGenre(mainStore);       break;
     case 'O': Sort(mainStore);            break;
     case 'M': ShowMenu();                 break;
     case 'X':                             break;
     } while ((command != 'X'));
   return 0;








我没有看到Store类在调用new Store()的任何地方实例化,这意味着还没有创建图书列表数组,但是当程序退出并调用析构函数时,它试图删除从未分配的数组,因此这就是为什么我认为你得到这个错误。要么修改析构函数以进行空检查,要么通过调用构造函数实例化类。你的代码不应该仍然工作在任何地方,你试图使用Store对象。
