
How can I simplify the calling of this function?

本文关键字:调用 函数 何简化      更新时间:2023-10-16



// Object that can hold a copy of every type I want to print.
// Stores the copy in a union, with an enumeration to identify
// the type. any uses C++ constructors, but could also be implemented
// with C99 designated initializers, like so: https://ideone.com/ElQgBV
struct any
// The string format function requires the variable arguments
// to all be of the 'any' type for type safety and (essential for
// my purposes) positional printing.
// Arguments are accessed with a va_list, so essentially
// the variable arguments are treated as an array of any objects. 
char* format_function_(const char* fmt, ...);
// I call the above function with this macro that expands the
// variable arguments and adds a default-constructed sentinel
// at the end. The sentinel is used by the function to count
// how many arguments were passed.
#define format(fmt, ...) format_function_(fmt, __VA_ARGS__, any())
// Calling the function like so, via the above macro...
char* str = format("bits:%4b string:%1 %0 int:%3h float:%2.2n",
    any("world"), any("hello"), any(3.14159f), any(42), any((u8)(1<<4)));
// ...returns this string:
// bits:00010000 string:hello world int:0000002A float:3.14


char* str = format("bits:%4b string:%1 %0 int:%3h float:%2.2n",
    "world", "hello", 3.14159f, 42, (u8)(1<<4));





char* format_function(const char* fmt, ...)
template<typename ...T>
char* format(const char* fmt, T... values)
    return format_function(fmt, any(values)...);
char* str = format("bits:%4b string:%1 %0 int:%3h float:%2.2n",
                   "world", "hello", 3.14159f, 42, (u8)(1<<4));


#include <stdio.h>
inline void format() {}
void format(char ch) {
    fputc(ch, stdout);
void format(int i) {
    if(i < 0) {
        fputc('-', stdout);
        i = -i;
    int divider = 1;
    while(i / divider >= 10)
        divider *= 10;
    do {
        int digit = i / divider;
        i -= divider * digit;
        divider /= 10;
        fputc('0' + digit, stdout);
    } while(divider > 0);
void format(const char *str) {
    fputs(str, stdout);
// TODO: Add more 'format()' overloads here!
template<typename FirstArg, typename... OtherArgs>
inline void format(const FirstArg &first, OtherArgs... others) {


const char *glorifiedIndex(int index) {
    switch(index % 10) {
        case 1:
            return "st";
        case 2:
            return "nd";
        case 3:
            return "rd";
            return "th";
int main(int argc, const char *const argv[]) {
    format("Hello, world!n");
    format("My name is ", argv[0], ", and I was given ", argc - 1, " argument", argc != 2 ? "s" : "", ".nn");
    for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        format(i, glorifiedIndex(i), " argument: "", argv[i], ""n");
    format("Goodbye, world!n");


  • 语义安全
  • 类型安全
  • 没有<cstdarg>的东西
  • 没有any的东西
  • 没有设计得非常糟糕的iostream东西
  • 它太简单了,无法实现,我的意思是太多:(。将这几行代码与典型的3000多行长的printf.c进行比较。差别在几个数量级
  • 您可能会有与Java和Python相关的怀旧时刻
  • 如果出于任何原因更改任何表达式的类型(即intunsigned(,则函数会适应这种情况
  • (好的和坏的(编译器优化可以很容易地发挥作用
  • 库的用户可以通过用用户定义的类型重载format()函数来扩展其功能
  • 这就不可能使用动态格式(这是出于明显的安全原因(
  • 这迫使您为我所说的位打印创建特殊功能,即以机器可解析的方式打印,而不是像format()那样由人可读
  • 您可以使用重载功能自行扩展此列表:(