
Boost template function multiple conditions

本文关键字:条件 函数 Boost      更新时间:2023-10-16


template < typename type >
class SerializedVector
   bool  SerializeIn( const U8* data, int& bufferOffset );
   bool  SerializeOut( U8* data, int& bufferOffset ) const;
   vector< type > m_data;



struct TextEntry
   bool  SerializeIn( const U8* data, int& bufferOffset );
   bool  SerializeOut( U8* data, int& bufferOffset ) const;
   string   username;
   string   message;
class PacketTextHistoryResult : public BasePacket
   PacketTextHistoryResult (){}
   bool  SerializeIn( const U8* data, int& bufferOffset );
   bool  SerializeOut( U8* data, int& bufferOffset ) const;
   SerializedVector< TextEntry > chat;


template <typename type>
struct calls_member_serialize : boost::false_type { };
template <> 
struct calls_member_serialize< std::string > : boost::false_type { };
template <typename type> 
struct calls_member_serialize< boost::is_class< type > > : boost::true_type { };
template < typename type >
bool  SerializedVector< type >::SerializeIn( const U8* data, int& bufferOffset )
   int num = m_data.size();
   Serialize::In( data, bufferOffset, num );
   struct localScope
      static void do_work( const U8* data, int& bufferOffset, type temp, boost::true_type const & )
         temp.SerializeIn( data, bufferOffset );  <<<<<<<< See how I invoke the self-serialization here.
      static void do_work( const U8* data, int& bufferOffset, type temp, boost::false_type const & )
         Serialize::In( data, bufferOffset, temp ); // call the standard template function
   for( int i=0; i<num; i++ )
      type temp;
      localScope::do_work( data, bufferOffset, temp, ( calls_member_serialize< type >() ) ); //boost::is_fundamental<type>() || boost::is_class< std::string, type >()
      m_data.push_back( temp );
   return true;


template <typename type>
struct calls_member_serialize :  boost::is_class< type >  { };
template <> 
struct calls_member_serialize< std::string > : boost::false_type { };


第二个问题是struct localScope不是模板类,因此编译器将尝试为每种类型实例化do_work函数的两个版本,导致像std::string这样的类型的编译器错误。您还需要将localScope helper类作为模板。然而,模板类不能在函数范围内,所以它看起来像这样(未经测试):

namespace { // put in unnamed namespace to keep it local
   template<typename localType>
   struct localScope
      static void do_work( const U8* data, int& bufferOffset, localType temp, boost::true_type const & )
         temp.SerializeIn( data, bufferOffset );  
      static void do_work( const U8* data, int& bufferOffset, localType temp, boost::false_type const & )
         Serialize::In( data, bufferOffset, temp ); // call the standard template function
template < typename type >
bool  SerializedVector< type >::SerializeIn( const U8* data, int& bufferOffset )
   int num = m_data.size();
   Serialize::In( data, bufferOffset, num );
   for( int i=0; i<num; i++ )
      type temp;
      localScope<type>::do_work( data, bufferOffset, temp, ( calls_member_serialize< type >() ) ); //boost::is_fundamental<type>() || boost::is_class< std::string, type >()
      m_data.push_back( temp );
   return true;