模板方法的实例和 std::vector.begin() 作为参数的问题

An issue with template method's instance and std::vector.begin() as argument

本文关键字:参数 问题 vector 实例 std 模板方法 begin      更新时间:2023-10-16


class SimpleFunction
    virtual double operator()(double x) = 0;
    template<class Iterator> void operator()(Iterator x, Iterator y, unsigned int n);
    void operator()(const vector<double> &x, const vector<double> &y);
template<class Iterator> void SimpleFunction::operator()(Iterator x, Iterator y, unsigned int n)
    while (x != x + n)
        *y++ = operator()(*x++);
void SimpleFunction::operator()(const vector<double> &x, const vector<double> &y)
    operator()(x.begin(), y.begin(), x.size());


D:MyFilesfunctionssimple.cpp:9: error: C3892: 'y' : you cannot assign to a variable that is const


std::vector具有const重载的beginend成员函数。因此,在调用operator()(x.begin(), y.begin(), x.size());的模板中,Iterator被推导为vector<double>::const_iterator。如果你想修改传入的矢量y,不要让它是const vector<double>&:

void SimpleFunction::operator()(const vector<double> &x, vector<double> &y)


template<class Iterator, class IteratorY> void SimpleFunction::operator()(IteratorX x, IteratorY y, unsigned int n)