
Using const_iterator when overloading a const operator[]

本文关键字:const iterator 操作符 重载      更新时间:2023-10-16


class Settings
    map<string, string> settingsMap;
    map<string, string>::const_iterator itc;
    const string getValue(string) const;
    const string operator[](string) const;
const string Settings::operator[](string K) const
    return getValue(K);

const string Settings::getValue(const string K) const
    const map<string, string> m = settingsMap;
    itc = m.begin();
    while(itc != m.end())
            return itc->second;
    return 0;


class Settings
    map<string, string> settingsMap;
    map<string, string>::const_iterator itc;
    const& string getValue(const string& K) const; 
               //          ^^^^^  Added const to match definition below.
               //                 Also note the reference. This means you are referring
               //                 to the original value but because the reference is const
               //                 it cant be modified via this reference.
// ^^^^^^  This const means the returned value is const.
//         unless you return a reference this is meaningless. 
//         So also note the reference here are well.
                                 //         ^^^^^^  The last const means the method will
                                 //                 NOT change the state of any members. 
    const string&  operator[](const string&) const;
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As above return a const reference.
                          //  ^^^^^ As above pass parameters by const reference
                          //        otherwise it makes a copy of the parameter.
                                      //     ^^^^^  function will not change any members.
const string& Settings::operator[](const string& K) const  // Must match above definition.
    return getValue(K);

const string& Settings::getValue(const string& K) const
    const map<string, string> m = settingsMap;
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As this is an object (not a reference)
//                                You are making a copy of the object into a local variable.
//                                This is probably not what you want.
    const map<string, string>& m = settingsMap; // This works.
    itc = m.begin();

    while(itc != m.end())
            return itc->second;
    return 0;
 // ^^^^^^^^  This is not a good idea.
 //           It is creating a string from a NULL pointer (0 is convertible to pointer).
 //           What you really wanted to do is return a string. This is also why your
 //           return type was not working as you expected.
     static const string emptyResult;  // create a static object to use as the empty result
     return emptyResult;


const map<string, string> m = settingsMap;
imap<string, string>::const_iterator itc = m.begin();

(1) a[i] = x; //store x into a in position i
(2) x = a[i]; //load a in position i to x

第一个必须改变结构…因此结构不能是const,所以你应该删除最后一个const: const string operator[](const string);[注意,这里的参数是const string而不是string,因为它可能不应该被改变。此外,由于输出字符串可能不应该被更改,因此也应该定义为const

第二个,应该可能返回一个string,而不是const string,所以你可能应该删除第一个const: string operator[](const string) const;[因为这个操作的原始结构没有改变,最后一个const是好的,应该保留]。另外,注意该参数是const string而不是string,因为您不想更改该参数。

在您的情况下:似乎您想要operator[]的第二个含义,因此您应该将其声明为:string operator[](const string) const;


const string operator[](string K) const;


const string operator[](const string &k) const;


s["abc"] = "cde";   // cannot modify, the return type is const
s["abc"] += "efg";  // cannot modify, the return type is const



const string& operator[](const string &k) const;


string& operator[](const string &k);