
How to use anonymous unions with enums?

本文关键字:枚举      更新时间:2023-10-16

当我使用匿名 union时,如何正确访问成员数据和枚举符号?匿名联合的全部意义就在于省略了一层层次结构,使源代码不那么粗糙。我可以通过使用类型名和成员名命名union来解决这个问题,但我不想这样做。


struct A
    struct C {
        enum {M,N,O} bar;
    } c;
    union {
        struct B {
            enum { X,Y,Z} foo;
        } b;
void test(void) {
    A a;
    a.c.bar = A::C::M;  // this works
    a.b.foo = A::B::X;  // this doesn't


1>test.cpp(85): error C3083: 'B': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type
1>test.cpp(85): error C2039: 'X' : is not a member of 'A'
1>          test.cpp(71) : see declaration of 'A'
1>test.cpp(85): error C2065: 'X' : undeclared identifier


struct A
    union {
        struct  {
            enum { X,Y,Z} foo;
            int x;
        } ;
        struct  {
            enum { M,N,O} bar;
            double m;
        } ;
void test(void) {
    A a1;
    a1.bar = A::M;
    a1.x = 1;
    A a2;
    a2.foo = A::X;
    a2.m = 3.14;


struct A
    struct B {
        enum { X,Y,Z} foo;
        int x;
    struct C {
        enum { M,N,O} bar;
        double m;
    union {
        B b;
        C c;