
c++ passing arrays through functions

本文关键字:数组 函数 c++      更新时间:2023-10-16

我不明白为什么这不会运行。我应该将hours * payrate存储在工资数组中,然后showResults获取此信息,cout获取此信息。当我运行它时,我得到的错误是

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl showResults(int * const,int,double * const,double * const,double * const)" (?showResults@@YAXQAHHQAN11@Z) referenced in function
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl getEmployeeData(int * const,int,double * const,double * const,double * const)" (?getEmployeeData@@YAXQAHHQAN11@Z) referenced in function `_main`

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void getEmployeeData(int[], int, double[], double[], double[]);
void showResults(int[], int, double[], double[], double[]);

int main()
const int ARRAY_SIZE = 7;
int empId[ARRAY_SIZE] = {565, 845, 452, 130, 789, 758, 877};
double hoursWorked[ARRAY_SIZE]; // Holds hours worked
double payrate[ARRAY_SIZE]; // Holds pay rate
double wages[ARRAY_SIZE]; // Holds wages
getEmployeeData(empId, ARRAY_SIZE, payrate, hoursWorked, wages);
showResults(empId, ARRAY_SIZE, payrate, hoursWorked, wages);
    return 0;
void getEmployeedata(int nums[],int size,double pay[],double hours[],
double wages[])
//Hours worked and Pay rate
for(int index = 0; index < size; index++)
    cout << "Enter number of hours worked by employee number "
         << nums[index] << ": ";
    cin >> hours[index]; 
    cout << "nEnter hourly pay rate ";
    cin >> pay[index];
    wages[index] = hours[index] * pay[index]; 
void showResults(int nums[], int size, double pay, double hours, double wages[])
for(int index = 0; index < size; index++)
    cout << "Employee Number Gross Wage " << endl
         << nums[index] << " " << wages[index];


void showResults(int[], int, double[], double[], double[]) // Declaration
//                                 ↕↕        ↕↕
void showResults(int[], int, double  , double  , double[]) // Definition



void getEmployeeData(int[], int, double[], double[], double[]) // Declaration
/               ↕
void getEmployeedata(int[], int, double[], double[], double[]) // Definition



void getEmployeeData(int*, int, double*, double*, double*);
void showResults(int*, int, double*, double*, double*);



#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void getEmployeeData(int*, int, double*, double*, double*);
void showResults(int*, int, double*, double*, double*);

int main()
const int ARRAY_SIZE = 7;
int empId[7] = {565, 845, 452, 130, 789, 758, 877};
double hoursWorked[ARRAY_SIZE]; // Holds hours worked
double payrate[ARRAY_SIZE]; // Holds pay rate
double wages[ARRAY_SIZE]; // Holds wages
getEmployeeData(empId, ARRAY_SIZE, payrate, hoursWorked, wages);
showResults(empId, ARRAY_SIZE, payrate, hoursWorked, wages);
    return 0;
void getEmployeeData(int nums[],int size,double pay[],double hours[],double wages[])
//Hours worked and Pay rate
for(int index = 0; index < size; index++)
    cout << "Enter number of hours worked by employee number "
         << nums[index] << ": ";
    cin >> hours[index];
    cout << "nEnter hourly pay rate ";
    cin >> pay[index];
    wages[index] = hours[index] * pay[index];
void showResults(int *nums, int size, double *pay, double *hours, double *wages)
for(int index = 0; index < size; index++)
    cout << "Employee Number Gross Wage " << endl
         << nums[index] << " " << wages[index];


getEmployeeData(empId, ARRAY_SIZE, payrate, hoursWorked, wages);




 void showResults(int nums[], int size, double pay, double hours, double wages[])


void getEmployeeData(int (&)[ARRAY_SIZE], int, double (&)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&)[ARRAY_SIZE]);
void showResults(int (&)[ARRAY_SIZE], int, double (&)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&)[ARRAY_SIZE]);
void getEmployeeData(int (&nums)[ARRAY_SIZE], int size, double (&pay)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&hours)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&wages)[ARRAY_SIZE]) {
// Function body
void showResults(int (&nums)[ARRAY_SIZE], int size, double (&pay)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&hours)[ARRAY_SIZE], double (&wages)[ARRAY_SIZE]) {
// Function body

现在,这看起来很尴尬,但它的作用是告诉编译器,该函数接受对的数组的引用,这些数组恰好是 ARRAY_SIZE元素。(具体来说,[]具有比&更高的优先级,因此您需要括号告诉编译器该参数是对数组的引用,而不是对引用数组的引用。)它还允许您使用ol' C sizeof(nums)/sizeof(nums[0])来确定数组的大小;不像让数组衰变成一个指针(在这种情况下,sizeof会给你无用的信息,因为它把nums看作是int*而不是int[ARRAY_SIZE]),通过引用传递它保留了这些信息。

或者,如果你可以自由地重写代码,并且你的编译器支持c++ 11,你可以使用std::array来代替C风格的数组。

#include <array>
using namespace std;
void getEmployeeData(array<int, ARRAY_SIZE>, int, array<double, ARRAY_SIZE>, array<double, ARRAY_SIZE>, array<double, ARRAY_SIZE>);
void showResults(array<int, ARRAY_SIZE>, int, array<double, ARRAY_SIZE>, array<double, ARRAY_SIZE>, array<double, ARRAY_SIZE>);

array<int, ARRAY_SIZE> empId = {565, 845, 452, 130, 789, 758, 877};
array<double, ARRAY_SIZE> hoursWorked; // Holds hours worked
array<double, ARRAY_SIZE> payrate; // Holds pay rate
array<double, ARRAY_SIZE> wages; // Holds wages


还请注意,如果您使用其中任何一个,实际上不需要传递int size,因为您可以使用sizeofstd::array.size()。这确实有污染全局命名空间的缺点,但我个人认为这是一个公平的权衡,以保证您的代码仅在函数被给定适当大小的数组时才能编译。

