
Need help understanding this article about templates

本文关键字:于模板 文章 帮助 助理      更新时间:2023-10-16


template <class T> class D: typename C<T>::Base { //#1 error
    D(): typename C<T>::Base(typename C<T>::Base(0)) { } //#2 error, #3 correct
    typename C<T> f() { //#4 error
        typename C<T>::A* p; //#5 correct
        A<T>::B * n;
class Q{
    typename C<long>::A * p; // #6 error
template <class T, class U> class R{
    typename C<long>::A * p; // #7 optional


typename #3:正确。在这里,typename用于消除类型的歧义参数的类型。如果没有typename,表达式C::Base(0)将被视为对名为Base的函数的调用。与C::Base(0)创建一个类型的临时对象C::Base初始化参数为0。








template <class T> struct C {
    typedef int b;


template<typename T> struct M {
    typename C<T>::b bb;




A name used in a template declaration or definition and that is dependent on a template-parameter is
assumed not to name a type unless the applicable name lookup finds a type name or the name is qualified
by the keyword typename. [Example:
    // no B declared here
    class X;
    template<class T> class Y {
        class Z; // forward declaration of member class
        void f() {
            X* a1; // declare pointer to X
            T* a2; // declare pointer to T
            Y* a3; // declare pointer to Y<T>
            Z* a4; // declare pointer to Z
            typedef typename T::A TA;
            TA* a5; // declare pointer to T’s A
            typename T::A* a6; // declare pointer to T’s A
            T::A* a7; // T::A is not a type name:
            // multiply T::A by a7; ill-formed,
            // no visible declaration of a7
            B* a8; // B is not a type name:
            // multiply B by a8; ill-formed,
            // no visible declarations of B and a8
—end example]


Within the definition of a class template or within the definition of a member of a class template, the keyword
typename is not required when referring to the unqualified name of a previously declared member
of the class template that declares a type. The keyword typename shall always be specified when the
member is referred to using a qualified name, even if the qualifier is simply the class template name.
    template<class T> struct A {
        typedef int B;
        A::B b; // ill-formed: typename required before A::B
        void f(A<T>::B); // ill-formed: typename required before A<T>::B
        typename A::B g(); // OK
The keyword typename is required whether the qualified name is A or A<T> because A or A<T> are synonyms
within a class template with the parameter list <T>. ]


template<typename TemplateVar>
class SimpleTemplate
        TemplateVar Item;
        void SetItem(TemplateVar &ItemCopy);
        TemplateVar &GetItem();
template<typename TemplateVar>
void SimpleTemplate<TemplateVar>::SetItem(TemplateVar &ItemCopy)
    Item = ItemCopy;
template<typename TemplateVar>
TemplateVar &SimpleTemplate<TemplateVar>::GetItem()
    return Item;
int main(int ArgC, char *ArgV[])
    SimpleTemplate<char> Test;
    return 0;
