
Ambiguous overload for 'operator<<' with template template arguments

本文关键字:lt 不明确 重载 operator 参数      更新时间:2023-10-16


template <typename T = float,
          template < class, class > class Container = std::vector,
          class Alloc = typename std::vector < Spectrum < T > >::allocator_type>
class Spectrogram;
我的问题是,当我将流操作符的重载定义为 时
// Definition inside the 'public' part of the 'Spectrogram' class
template <typename Type,
          template < class, class > class C,
          class A>
friend std::ostream & operator << ( std::ostream &, const Spectrogram < Type, C, A > & );
// Implementation
template <typename Type,
          template < class, class > class C,
          class A>
std::ostream & operator << ( std::ostream & o, const Spectrogram < Type, C, A > & s )
   // Transparent implementation
   return o;
Spectrogram < float > spectrogram;
// Fill the spectrogram etc. -- codepart omitted
std::cout << spectrogram;


Ambiguous overload for 'operator<<'




// Spectrum
template < typename T = float, class Container = std::vector < T > > class Spectrum {
   typedef T ( * WindowFunction ) ( const T & );
   typename Container::const_iterator begin ( void ) const;
   typename Container::const_iterator end ( void ) const;
   typename Container::const_reverse_iterator rbegin ( void ) const;
   typename Container::const_reverse_iterator rend ( void ) const;
   WindowFunction getWindowFunction ( void ) const;
   typename Container::size_type getWindowSize ( void ) const;
   typename Container::size_type getFFTSize ( void ) const;
   void setWindowFunction ( const WindowFunction & );
   void setFFTSize ( const typename Container::size_type & );
   template < class InputIterator > void import ( const InputIterator &, const InputIterator & );
   template < typename Type, class C > friend std::ostream & operator << ( std::ostream &, const Spectrum < Type, C > & );
   WindowFunction windowFunction;
   typename Container::size_type windowSize;
   Container spectrum;
   void clear ( void );
// Spectrogram
template < typename T = float, template < class, class > class Container = std::vector, class Alloc = typename std::vector < Spectrum < T > >::allocator_type > class Spectrogram {
   typedef typename Container < Spectrum < T >, Alloc >::const_iterator Iterator;
   typedef typename Container < Spectrum < T >, Alloc >::const_reverse_iterator ReverseIterator;
   typedef typename Container < Spectrum < T >, Alloc >::size_type size_type;
   Iterator begin ( void ) const;
   Iterator end ( void ) const;
   ReverseIterator rbegin ( void ) const;
   ReverseIterator rend ( void ) const;
   size_type size ( void ) const;
   bool empty ( void ) const;
   WindowTypes getWindowType ( void ) const;
   double getHopFactor ( void ) const;
   unsigned long getWindowSize ( void ) const;
   unsigned short getOversamplingFactor ( void ) const;
   unsigned long getHopSize ( void ) const;
   void setWindowType ( const WindowTypes & );
   void setHopFactor ( const double & );
   void setWindowSize ( const unsigned long & );
   void setOversamplingFactor ( const unsigned short & );
   template < class InputIterator > void import ( const InputIterator &, const InputIterator & );
   template < typename Type, template < class, class > class C, class A > friend std::ostream & operator << ( std::ostream &, const Spectrogram < Type, C, A > & );
   Container < Spectrum < T >, Alloc > spectrogram;
   double hopFactor;
   unsigned long windowSize;
   unsigned short oversamplingFactor;
   WindowTypes windowType;

我使用GCC 4.2和XCode 4.0.2.


class Spectrogram实际上只取决于用于包含其数据的类。因此,这将在不损失功能的情况下工作:

template< typename Container >
class Spectrum {
    typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
template< typename Container >
class Spectrogram {
    // assume Container::value_type is a specialization of Spectrum
    typedef typename Container::value_type::value_type numeric_type;


typedef Spectrum< vector< float > > Spectrum_sp; // single-precision
typedef Spectrograph< Spectrum_sp > Spectrograph_sp;

在GCC 4.3和4.4下编译,但4.1给出了与您描述的类似的错误。