
Dereferencing pointer with same adress returns different result

本文关键字:引用 返回 结果 指针 地址      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "math.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double Calc_H(double Q, double Head, double *constants)
    return (constants[0] * pow(Q, 4) + constants[1] * pow(Q, 3) + constants[2] * pow(Q, 2) + constants[3] * Q + constants[4] - Head);
double Calc_dH(double Q, double *constants)
    return (4 * constants[0] * pow(Q, 3) + 3 * constants[1] * pow(Q, 2) + 2 * constants[2] * Q + constants[3]);
double NewtonRaphson(double Head, double first_guess, double max_error, double * constants)
    double Q_iter = first_guess;
    int iter_counter = 1;
    cout << constants << endl << constants[0] << endl << constants[1] << endl;
    while (abs(Calc_H(Q_iter, Head, constants)) > max_error || iter_counter > 1000)
        Q_iter = Q_iter - Calc_H(Q_iter, Head, constants) / Calc_dH(Q_iter, constants);
    return Q_iter;
double * Calc_constants(double freq)
    double * pointer;
    double constants[6];
    constants[0] = -1.2363 + 2.3490 / 10 * freq - 1.3754 / 100 * pow(freq, 2) + 2.9027 / 10000 * pow(freq, 3) - 2.0004 / 1000000 * pow(freq, 4);
    constants[1] = 1.9547 - 4.5413 / 10 * freq + 3.5392 / 100 * pow(freq, 2) - 8.1716 / 10000 * pow(freq, 3) + 5.9227 / 1000000 * pow(freq, 4);
    constants[2] = -5.3522 - 4.5413 / 10 * freq - 1.3311 / 100 * pow(freq, 2) + 4.8787 / 10000 * pow(freq, 3) - 4.8767 / 1000000 * pow(freq, 4);
    constants[3] =  3.8894 / 100 + 3.5888 / 10 * freq + 1.0024 / 100 * pow(freq, 2) - 5.6565 / 10000 * pow(freq, 3) + 7.5172 / 1000000 * pow(freq, 4);
    constants[4] = -8.1649 + 5.4525 / 10 * freq - 3.2415 / 100 * pow(freq, 2) + 8.9033 / 10000 * pow(freq, 3) - 9.0927 / 1000000 * pow(freq, 4);
    constants[5] =  2.1180 / 10 + 5.0018 / 100 * freq + 6.0490 / 1000 * pow(freq, 2) - 1.5707 / 100000 * pow(freq, 3) + 3.7572 / 10000000 * pow(freq, 4);
    pointer = constants;
    return pointer;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    double * constants;
    //Determine constants based on freq (see manual pump)
    double freq;
    cin >> freq; 
    double head;
    cin >> head;
    constants = Calc_constants(freq);
    cout << constants[0] << endl << constants[1] << endl << constants << endl;
    cout << NewtonRaphson(head, 0, 0.001, constants) << endl;
    cin >> freq;    
    return 0;




double * Calc_constants(double freq)
    double * pointer;
    double constants[6];




while (abs(Calc_H(Q_iter, Head, constants)) > max_error || iter_counter > 1000)

应该是iter_counter <1000 .


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "math.h"
#include <iostream>


#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])


int main()



#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
double Calc_H(double Q, double Head, std::vector<double> const& constants)
    return (constants[0] * pow(Q, 4) + constants[1] * pow(Q, 3) + constants[2] * pow(Q, 2) + constants[3] * Q + constants[4] - Head);
double Calc_dH(double Q, std::vector<double> const& constants)
    return (4 * constants[0] * pow(Q, 3) + 3 * constants[1] * pow(Q, 2) + 2 * constants[2] * Q + constants[3]);
double NewtonRaphson(double Head, double first_guess, double max_error, std::vector<double> const& constants)
    double Q_iter = first_guess;
    int iter_counter = 1;
    std::cout << constants.data() << std::endl << constants[0] << std::endl << constants[1] << std::endl;
    while (abs(Calc_H(Q_iter, Head, constants)) > max_error && iter_counter < 1000)
        Q_iter = Q_iter - Calc_H(Q_iter, Head, constants) / Calc_dH(Q_iter, constants);
    return Q_iter;
std::vector<double> Calc_constants(double freq)
    std::vector<double> constants(6);
    constants[0] = -1.2363 + 2.3490 / 10 * freq - 1.3754 / 100 * pow(freq, 2) + 2.9027 / 10000 * pow(freq, 3) - 2.0004 / 1000000 * pow(freq, 4);
    constants[1] = 1.9547 - 4.5413 / 10 * freq + 3.5392 / 100 * pow(freq, 2) - 8.1716 / 10000 * pow(freq, 3) + 5.9227 / 1000000 * pow(freq, 4);
    constants[2] = -5.3522 - 4.5413 / 10 * freq - 1.3311 / 100 * pow(freq, 2) + 4.8787 / 10000 * pow(freq, 3) - 4.8767 / 1000000 * pow(freq, 4);
    constants[3] =  3.8894 / 100 + 3.5888 / 10 * freq + 1.0024 / 100 * pow(freq, 2) - 5.6565 / 10000 * pow(freq, 3) + 7.5172 / 1000000 * pow(freq, 4);
    constants[4] = -8.1649 + 5.4525 / 10 * freq - 3.2415 / 100 * pow(freq, 2) + 8.9033 / 10000 * pow(freq, 3) - 9.0927 / 1000000 * pow(freq, 4);
    constants[5] =  2.1180 / 10 + 5.0018 / 100 * freq + 6.0490 / 1000 * pow(freq, 2) - 1.5707 / 100000 * pow(freq, 3) + 3.7572 / 10000000 * pow(freq, 4);
    return constants;
int main()
    //Determine constants based on freq (see manual pump)
    double freq;
    std::cin >> freq; 
    double head;
    std::cin >> head;
    std::vector<double> constants = Calc_constants(freq);
    std::cout << constants[0] << std::endl << constants[1] << std::endl << constants.data() << std::endl;
    std::cout << NewtonRaphson(head, 0, 0.001, constants) << std::endl;
    std::cin >> freq;    
    return 0;




double * Calc_constants(double freq)
    double * pointer;
    double constants[6];
    // ...    
    pointer = constants;
    return pointer;


你也有点不幸,没有得到编译器的警告。如果你没有使用多余的pointer变量,那么你可能会收到一个警告(至少在VC 2013中)。


double * Calc_constants()
    double constants[6];
    return constants;
int main()
    double* ptr = Calc_constants();

VC 2013警告:

warning C4172: returning address of local variable or temporary
