
Overloading Operators Within a Class Template(Linked List)

本文关键字:运算符 链表 重载      更新时间:2023-10-16




#ifndef QUEUE_H
#define QUEUE_H
//#include "UnderGrad.h"
//#include "Grad.h"
#include <string.h>
template <typename T>
class Queue
class Node
    friend class Queue;
    T* data;
    Node* next;
    Queue() {head = NULL; tail = NULL; numNodes = 0;}
    ~Queue () {clear();}
    //overloaded operators
    T& operator [] (int);
    const T& operator [] (int) const;
    Queue<T>& operator += (T*);
    Queue<T>& operator += (Queue<T>&);
    friend Queue<T> operator+ (Queue<T> inList,T* tbAdded)
        return inList;
    //Queue<T> operator + (Queue<T>, Queue<T>&);
    //Queue<T>& operator -= (T*&);
    //Queue<T>& operator -= (const Queue<T>&);
    //Queue<T> operator - (T, const T&);
    //Queue<T> operator -(Queue<T>, const Queue<T>&);
    //Queue<T>& operator ! ();

    void pushBack(T*);
    //nice to be ble to clear all sometimes rather than write a for loop evertime you want ot clear the list
    void clear();
    void popFront();
    bool empty();
    T* front();
    int size() const;
    //used while an individual is using create app, so you can go back and edit prevous pages of the app
    T* getPrev(T*);
    T* back();
    void removeNode(T*);
    void sortList();
Node* head;
Node* tail;
int numNodes;

//be carefule here with automatic variables
//as it will not create a new instance
template <typename T>
Queue<T>& Queue<T>::operator += (T* tbAdded)
    this -> pushBack(tbAdded);
return *this;

template <typename T>
Queue<T>& Queue<T>::operator += (Queue<T> &tbAdded)
T* temp;
while (tbAdded.front() != NULL)
    temp = (T*) new T(*(tbAdded.front()));
    this -> pushBack(temp);
return *this;
template <typename T>
const T& Queue<T>::operator[] (int index) const
int count = 0;
Node *temp = head;
while (count < index && temp -> next != NULL)
    temp = temp -> next;
if (count < index)
    std::cerr << "ArrayOutOfBounds: Index at: " << index << " ArrayLength: " << count << std::endl;
    return *(temp -> data);
template <typename T>
T& Queue<T>::operator[] (int index)
int count = 0;
Node *temp = head;
while (count < index && temp -> next != NULL)
    temp = temp -> next;
if (count < index)
    std::cerr << "ArrayOutOfBounds: Index at: " << index << " ArrayLength: " << count << std::endl;
    return *(temp -> data);

//adds node to the back of the list
template <typename T>
void Queue<T>::pushBack(T *tbAdded)
    //  std::cout << "hello" << std::endl;
Node *temp = new Node;
//I copy the data into the heap, because for some operations i want to use save   local variables which poses problematic
temp -> data = tbAdded;
temp -> next  = NULL;
    //  std::cout << "hello" << std::endl;
if (head == NULL)
    //  std::cout << "bye" << std::endl;
    head = temp;
    tail = head;
    //  std::cout << "shy" << std::endl;
    tail -> next = temp;
    tail = tail -> next;
    //  std::cout << "hello" << std::endl;
//returns length of Queue
template <typename T>
int Queue<T>::size() const
return numNodes;

//removes a node formt he fornt of the list
template <typename T>
void Queue<T>::popFront()
if (head != NULL)
    Node *temp = head;
    head = head ->next;
    delete (temp -> data);
    delete (temp);
    if (numNodes > 0)
        if (numNodes == 0)
            tail = NULL;
//clears the list
template <typename T>
void Queue<T>::clear()
while (head != NULL)
//returns true iff list is empty
template <typename T>
bool Queue<T>::empty()
if (numNodes == 0)
    return true;
return false;

//returns data at fornt of list unless the list is empty then it returns null
template <typename T>
T* Queue<T>::front()
if (head != NULL)
    return head -> data;
    return NULL;
 //sorts undgrad info
//template <>
//inline void Queue<UnderGrad>::sortList()
//  Node *temp = head;
//  UnderGrad *info;
//  for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
//  {
//      while (temp -> next)
//      {
//          std::string temp1 = (*(temp -> data)).getCourse();
//          std::string temp2 = (*(temp -> next -> data)).getCourse();
//          if (strcmp(temp1.c_str(), temp2.c_str()) > 0)
//          {
//              info = temp -> data;
//              temp -> data = temp -> next -> data;
//              temp -> next -> data = info;
//          }
//          else if (strcmp(temp1.c_str(), temp2.c_str()) == 0 && 
//              (*(temp -> data)).getGPA() < (*(temp -> next -> data)).getGPA())
//          {
//              info = temp -> data;
//              temp -> data = temp -> next -> data;
//              temp -> next -> data =    info;                 
//          }
//          temp = temp -> next;
//      }
//      temp = head;
//  }

//sorts Grad info
//template <>
//inline void Queue<Grad>::sortList()
//  Node *temp = head;
//  Grad *info;
//  for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
//  {
//      while (temp -> next)
//      {
//          std::string temp1 = (*(temp -> data)).getCourse();
//          std::string temp2 = (*(temp -> next -> data)).getCourse();
//          std::string temp3 = (*(temp -> data)).getResearch();
//          std::string temp4 = (*(temp -> next -> data)).getResearch();
//          if (strcmp(temp1.c_str(), temp2.c_str()) > 0)
//          {
//              info = temp -> data;
//              temp -> data = temp -> next -> data;
//              temp -> next -> data = info;
//          }
//          else if (strcmp(temp1.c_str(), temp2.c_str()) == 0 && 
//              strcmp(temp3.c_str(), temp4.c_str()) > 0)
//          {
//              info = temp -> data;
//              temp -> data = temp -> next -> data;
//              temp -> next -> data = info;                    
//          }
//          temp = temp -> next;
//      }
//      temp = head;
//  }

//these mothds i was considering using for a bonus but never completed they are used   no where in my code for now atleast
//this method is used when a back button is pressed so i can go from end to front of a list (since this is supposed to be a singly linked list this will be inneficient)
//that way if i have multiple things i.e related courses saved i can go back and edit  them b4 i save the app
template <typename T>
T* Queue<T>::getPrev(T* curNode)
if (curNode == head)
    return NULL;
Node *temp = head;
while (temp -> next != curNode)
    temp = temp -> next;
return temp -> data;

//if editing data i need a acces the last node in order to be able to go back and eit nodes back -> front
template <typename T>
T* Queue<T>::back()
if (tail != NULL)
    return head -> data;
    return NULL;
//if we decide to go back and edit we will need to remove the old node
template <typename T>
void Queue<T>::removeNode(T *tbRemoved)
Node *curNode, *prevNode;
curNode = head;
if (tbRemoved == head -> data)
    head = head -> next;
    delete curNode -> data;
    delete curNode;
while (curNode -> data != tbRemoved)
    prevNode = curNode;
    curNode = curNode -> next;
prevNode -> next = curNode -> next;
delete curNode -> data;
delete curNode;


using namespace std;
int main()
Queue<int> intList;
Queue<int> intList1, intList2;
int *t;
intList.pushBack((int*) new int (5));
intList.pushBack((int*) new int (10));
intList.pushBack((int*) new int (15));
intList.pushBack((int*) new int (20));

intList += ((int*) new int (25));
cout << intList[4] << "!" << endl;
cout << "?" << endl;
cout << "?" << endl;
cout << "?" << endl;
intList = intList + ((int*) new int (35));
cout << intList[5] << "!" << endl;
intList += ((int*) new int (30));
cout << intList[5] << "!" << endl;
cout << "?" << endl;
cout << "?" << endl;
cout << "?" << endl;
intList1.pushBack((int*) new int (2));
intList1.pushBack((int*) new int (7));
intList1.pushBack((int*) new int (9));
intList1.pushBack((int*) new int (11));
intList += intList1;
cout << intList[6] << "!" << endl;
cout << intList[2] << "!" << endl;
cout << "?" << endl;

Queue<string> strList;
cout << "?" << endl;    
strList.pushBack((string*) new string("hi"));
strList.pushBack((string*) new string("bi"));
strList.pushBack((string*) new string("di"));
strList.pushBack((string*) new string("ki"));
cout << "?" << endl;
cout << strList[2] << "!" << endl;
return 0;




  • 使用我定义的+=赋值运算符(plus equals可以很好地工作,但当我将其与他的函数一起使用时,会出现问题吗?(

  • 我试着创建一个新列表,并用新旧数据填充它,然后返回该列表,但没有成功。。所以现在我很困惑,一个指向正确方向的点会很可怕!


template <typename T>
Queue<T>& Queue<T>::operator+ (T* tbAdded)
Queue<T> *temp = (Queue<T> *) new Queue<T>(*this);
temp -> pushBack(tbAdded);
  //    std::cout << (*temp)[5] << std::endl;
  //    std::cout << (*this)[3] << std::endl;
return *temp;




Queue<T> *temp = (Queue<T> *) new Queue<T>(*this);

CCD_ 1调用复制构造函数。由于您没有提供一个,编译器会为您生成一个。自动生成的复制构造函数只需对对象进行逐字段的复制。换句话说,它复制headtail指针,以及numNodes的值。

