
Tic Tac Toe Program help

本文关键字:帮助 程序 游戏      更新时间:2023-10-16


Lab 4 - Due 7/22/2010.
Convert Lab 3 to a class
1. Implement displayBoard to display Tic Tac Toe board.
2. Prompt User for a box on the board to select, i.e. a number between 1 and 9 with 1 being the upper left corner.
use cin.get(box) to get the box number and isdigit to verify it is a
1 | 2 | 3
4 | 5 | 6
7 | 8 | 9
If the box is available put the appropriate X or O in there and switch players, i.e. X becomes O and vice versa.
If the box is NOT available warn the user and get another box until they select a valid open box.
3. After all spots have been select Display "Game Over!";
4. Write a main function to use the TicTacToe class and test all of the above functionality.

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;

class TicTacToe {
    void displayBoard();
    void getMove();
    void playGame();
    char board[9];
    char player; // Switch after each move.
int main ()
    TicTacToe ttt;
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
void TicTacToe::playGame()

    // Your implementation here...
void TicTacToe::displayBoard()
    // Your implementation here...
    bool firstMove = true;
    if (firstMove  == true)
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
            board[i] = i + 1;
    firstMove == false;
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) 
        if ( (i+1) % 3 == 0 )
            cout << board[i] << endl;
            cout << board[i] << " | ";
void TicTacToe::getMove()
    if (player == 'X') { 
        player = 'O';
    else {
        player = 'X';
    cout << player << " ";
    cout << "Enter Box: ";
    char c;

    bool move;
    move = true;
    do {
        cin.ignore(numeric_limits<int>::max(), 'n');
        if (c > '9' || c < '0')
            // error message
            cout << "please enter a number 1-9" << endl;
        int number = c - '0';
        cout << "your number is " << number << endl;
        // Your implementation here...
        if (c == '1' && board[0] == '1') {
            board[0] = player;
            move = false;
        else if(c == '2' && board[1] == '2')
            board[1] = player;
            move = false;
        else if(c == '3' && board[2] == '3')
            board[2] = player;
            move = false;
        else if(c == '4' && board[3] == '4')
            board[3] = player;
            move = false;
        else if(c == '5' && board[4] == '5')
            board[4] = player;
            move = false;
        else if(c == '6' && board[5] == '6')
            board[5] = player;
            move = false;
        else if(c == '7' && board[6] == '7')
            board[6] = player;
            move = false;
        else if(c == '8' && board[7] == '8')
            board[7] = player;
            move = false;
        else if(c == '9' && board[8] == '9')
            board[8] = player;
            move = false;
    } while (!move);     

@Bunnit根据你的建议,我能够改变它。现在我唯一的问题是用X或O替换每个盒子,它似乎不像我的if和else if正在工作。


    bool firstMove = true;
    if (firstMove  == true)
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
            board[i] = i + 1;


firstMove == false;

这一行没有作用,使用firstMove = false;设置firstMove为false,尽管上面的if语句仍然会被调用,因为firstMove每次被调用时都被设置为true,如果你只想在第一次调用DisplayBoard时设置firstMove为true,你可以使用一个静态变量:static firstMove == true; .


它看起来也像你把字符和整数混淆了,在DisplayBoard中你设置每个板瓷砖等于它相应的数字(上面的for语句),但是当你在getMove函数中检查这个时,你使用字符等量物:if (c == '1' && board[0] == '1')。1 ! = ' 1 '。因为这是家庭作业,所以我把它留给你们去查找一个ascii图表来找出它等于什么



