
Assembly code causes recursion

本文关键字:递归 代码 汇编      更新时间:2023-10-16


unsigned int originalBP;
unsigned fAddress;
void f(unsigned short aa) {
    printf("Function %dn", aa);
unsigned short xx = 77;
void redirect() {
    asm {
        pop originalBP
        mov fAddress, offset f
        push word ptr xx
        push fAddress
        push originalBP

如果我调用redirect,它将重复输出:"Function 1135"


  • 这段代码是在NTVDM
  • 下执行的
  • 使用了微小的内存模型(所有的段指针寄存器都指向同一个段)


  • originalBP中弹出堆栈并存储值;我认为该值实际上是当前函数的地址,即redirect
  • f的参数值(xx的值)推送到栈
  • f的地址推送到堆栈(因为只有一个段,所以只需要偏移量)
  • 回推redirect地址


unsigned int originalBP;
unsigned fAddress;
void f() {

void redirect() {
    asm {
        pop originalBP
        mov fAddress, offset f
        push fAddress
        push originalBP



  • 这是一个16位的应用程序
  • 使用Borland c++ 3.1编译器,作为Eclipse插件
  • redirectmain调用为redirect()

EDIT(关于Margaret Bloom的回答)下面是调用redirect后指令执行的示例。括号内的值代表堆栈指针寄存器和每条指令执行前该位置的值:

  • 呼叫重定向
  • (fff4-04e6) push bp
  • (fff2-fff6) mov bp, sp
  • (fff2-fff6) mov fAddress, offest f
  • (fff2-fff6) pop originalBP
  • (fff4-04e6) pop originalRIP
  • (FFF6-0000) push xx(我已将xx更改为1187)
  • (fff4-0755) push originalRIP
  • (fff2-04e6) push fAddress
  • (fff0-04ac) push originalBP
  • (ffe - fff6) pop bp
  • ret (FFF0-04AC)
    • (in f) (FFF2-04E6) push bp
    • (fff0-fff6) mov bp,sp
    • printf执行
    • (fff0-fff6) pop bp
    • ret (FFF2-04E6)下一个语句似乎是return 0;,这是main的结束。



Where                 | Stack (growing on the left)
after redirect prolog   redirect rip, redirect bp
pop originalBP          redirect rip
push fAddress           redirect rip, fAddress
push originalBP         redirect rip, fAddress, redirect bp
after redirect epilog   redirect rip, fAddress
after redirect return   redirect rip (control moved to f)
after f prolog          redirect rip, f bp
after f epilog          redirect rip
after f return          (control moved to redirect caller)

其中redirect rip表示函数redirect的返回地址(返回IP)。

可以看到,进入f后,堆栈正确指向redirect rip,即redirect的返回地址。退出后,控制流回redirect调用方。


Where                 | Stack (growing on the left)
after redirect prolog   redirect rip, redirect bp
pop originalBP          redirect rip
push word ptr xx        redirect rip, xx
push fAddress           redirect rip, xx, fAddress
push originalBP         redirect rip, xx, fAddress, redirect bp
after redirect epilog   redirect rip, xx, fAddress
after redirect return   redirect rip, xx (control moved to f)
after f prolog          redirect rip, xx, f bp
after f epilog          redirect rip, xx
after f return          (control moved to xx)

当进入f时,堆栈上的是redirect rip, xx,而实际上应该是xx, redirect rip



pop originalBP
pop originalRIP
;Arguments go here    
push xx
push originalRIP
push fAddress
push originalBP


随着优化的开启,你不能假设完整的C函数序言/尾声将被使用,所以你在没有任何布局的情况下操作堆栈(如果有零序言/尾声,那么你确实在返回地址之前注入了2个值给调用者,所以重定向只会返回调用者(主?)这可能本质上只是退出->不调用f =不是你的情况)。

在asm块中你已经有了fn地址,为什么不直接调用它呢?栈是这样的:有人调用redirect -> redirect调用某个地址->地址fn() ->返回到redirect ->返回到调用者

它看起来像你试图修改它:有人调用重定向->重定向调用一些地址->地址fn() ->返回调用者(跳过返回重定向)。由于重定向后记只是一小段代码,我看不出这种修改有什么好处(我也看不出它是如何与"上下文切换"相关的)。



当你到达return 0时,在堆栈中注入了额外的外来xx (sp0xFFF4)而不是sp是指向0的原始FFF6

main的结束可能没有正确处理这个(做pop bp ret我猜),假设sp是正确的返回。(它会做其他的C尾声,包括mov sp,bp,它可能会在你的堆栈篡改中幸存下来)。

然后,如果它会在所有函数中做其他尾声,它也会在redirect()中做,所以你必须修改bp,也使redirect()的末尾做retfAddress。像dec bp, dec bp这样可能就足够了,因为您通过向参数空间注入2B来增加堆栈。

当main中的return 0被击中时,再检查一次调试,它是如何实现的,它是否可以处理修改后的sp(好吧,显然它不能,因为它意外地循环到redirect)。

如果是这种情况,您可能应该修补main以在return 0;之前恢复sp。我想知道是否简单的mov sp,bp会做(bp应该是FFF6在那之前)。




// should be some "far" type function to preserve "cs" as well
far void fakeThreadSwitch() {
    asm {
        cli  ; or other means to disable thread switch (re-entry)
        ; store the current values of all registers
        push ds
        push es
        ; set `ds` to thread contexts data section
        ; figure out, which thread is currently running
        ; (have some "size_t currently_running = index;" in context section)
        ; if none, then pick some SLEEPING
        ; but have some [root_context] updated (.stack), so you can
        ; do final switch to it upon terminating the OS.
        ; verify the ss points to that thread stack ->
        ; if you by accident did interrupt OS kernel,
        ; then just return without touching anything (jump to "pop es")
        ; store ss:sp to [current_thread_context.stack]
        ; decide if you want to switch to some other context
        ; (or kill current) simulating "preemptive multitasking"
        ; if switch, set up all flags correctly (RUNNING/SLEEPING/index)
        ; load ss:sp from [next_thread_context.stack]
        pop es
        pop ds
        sti  ; or enable thread switch interrupt by other means


void startNewThread(void far *fAddress) {
    // allocate some new context for the new thread
    // (probably fixed array for max threads, searching for "FREE" one)
    // ... (inits fields in some struct [new_thread_context])
    // allocate some new stack memory for the new thread
    // ... (sets [new_thread_context.stack_allocated])
    // set up the stack for initial threadSwitch
    uint16_t far * stackEnd = [new_thread_context.stack]
    // reserve: es,ds + flags + all + cs:ip (to be executed) + OS exit trap (3x)
    stackEnd -= (2 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 3);
    // init the values in "stack"
    stackEnd[0] = stackEnd[1] = [new_thread_context.ds]; // es, ds
    stackEnd[2] = 0; // flags
    stackEnd[3] = stackEnd[4] = stackEnd[5] = 0; // di, si, bp
    stackEnd[6] = offset(stackEnd+11); // sp ahead of "pusha"
    stackEnd[7] = stackEnd[8] = 0; // bx, dx
    stackEnd[9] = stackEnd[10] = 0; // cx, ax
    stackEnd[11] = segment(fAddress);     // "return" to fAddress
    stackEnd[12] = offset(fAddress);
    // thread_exit_return is some trap function to handle
    // far return inside fAddress code, which would probably require
    // different design to make this truly usable (to fit C epilogue of f())
    stackEnd[13] = segment(&thread_exit_return);
    stackEnd[14] = offset(&thread_exit_return);
    stackEnd[15] = thread_id;
    [new_thread_context.stack] = stackEnd;
    // all context data are ready for context switch, mark this thread "ready"
    [new_thread_context.running] = SLEEPING;
    // now in some future the context-switch may pick this thread from
    // pool of sleeping threads, and will switch execution to it
    // (through this artificially prepared stack image)


void thread_exit_return() {
    // get the exited thread_id somehow
    [thread_context.running] = FINISHED;
    // deallocate [thread_context.stack_allocated]
    // deallocate thread context (marking it as "FREE"?)


无论如何,这个练习的重要部分是push-all-in-thread stack/pop-all-from-other stack,让你大致了解抢占式多任务是如何工作的(尽管在32b保护的操作系统中,这涉及到更多的技巧,CPU切换到保护层(并返回到用户层),并为内核使用不同的堆栈,等等。所以只有原理是一样的)。
