
Binary Search Tree Problem

本文关键字:问题 搜索树      更新时间:2023-10-16


    // BST.cpp : main project file.
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <iostream>
    #define SIZE 10
    using namespace std;
    struct Node {
        int value;
        Node *left;
        Node *right;
        Node *parent;
    struct BST {
        Node *root;
    void insert(int value, BST *tree) {
        Node *x = tree->root;
        Node *y = NULL;
        Node *z = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
        z->left = NULL;
        z->right = NULL;
        z->value = value;
        // Add your code here
        while (x!=NULL){
              if (z->value < x->value)
                 x= x->left;
              else x = x->right;
        if (y==NULL)
        else if (z->value <y->value)
             y->left =z;
        else y->right =z;
    Node *search(int key, Node *n) {
        if (n== NULL || key == n->value)
            return n;
        if (key < n->value)
            search(key, n->left);
            search(key, n->right);
    Node *min(Node *n) {
        if (n == NULL || n->left == NULL)
            return n;
            return min(n->left);
    Node *max(Node *n) {
        if (n == NULL || n->right == NULL)
            return n;
            return max(n->right);
    Node *successor(int value, Node *n) {
        Node *y = NULL;
        Node *x = search(value, n);
        if (x == NULL)
            return NULL;
        if (x->right != NULL)
            return min(x->right);
        y = x->parent;
        while (y != NULL && x == y->right) {
            x = y;
            y = y->parent;
        return y;
    Node *predecessor(int value, Node *n) {
        Node *x = search(value, n);
        Node *y = NULL;
        if (x == NULL)
            return NULL;
        if (x->left != NULL)
            return max(x->left);
        y = x->parent;
        while (y != NULL && x == y->left) {
            x = y;
            y = y->parent;
        return y;
    Node *remove(int value, BST *tree) {
        Node *z = search(value, tree->root);
        Node *y = NULL, *x = NULL;
        if (z == NULL) return NULL;
        if (z->left == NULL || z->right == NULL)
            y = z;
            y = successor(value, z);
        if (y->left != NULL)
            x = y->left;
            x = y->right;
        if (x != NULL)
            x->parent = y->parent;
        if (y->parent == NULL)
            tree->root = x;
        else if (y == y->parent->left)
            y->parent->left = x;
            y->parent->right = x;
        if (y != z) {
            int tmp = z->value;
            z->value = y->value;
            y->value = tmp;
        return y;
    // ascending sort function
    void sortAsc(Node *node) {
        //Add your code here
        if (node->left!=NULL)
        cout<<node->value<<" ";
        if (node->right!=NULL)
    // descending sort function
    void sortDes(Node *node) {
        // Add your code here
        if (node->right!=NULL)
        cout<<node->value<<" ";
        if (node->left!=NULL)
    void clear(BST *tree) {
        Node *n = NULL;
        while (tree->root != NULL) {
            n = remove(tree->root->value, tree);

    int main() {
        int A[] = {3, 5, 10, 4, 8, 9, 1, 4, 7, 6};
        Node *node = NULL;
        BST *tree = (BST *) malloc(sizeof(BST));
        tree->root = NULL;
        // build BST tree
        cout << "Input data:nt";
        for (int i=0; i<SIZE; i++) {
            cout << A[i] << " ";    // by the way, print it to the console
            insert(A[i], tree);     // You need to complete TASK 1, so that it can work
        // sort values in ascending order
        cout << "nnAscending order:nt";
        sortAsc(tree->root);        // You need to complete TASK 2. Otherwise you see nothing in the console
        // sort values in descending order
        cout << "nnDescending order:nt";
        sortDes(tree->root);        // TASK 2 also!
        // Find minimum value
        if (tree->root != NULL)
            cout << "nnMin: " << min(tree->root)->value;
        // Find maximum value
        if (tree->root != NULL)
            cout << "nnMax: " << max(tree->root)->value;
        // delete 4
        cout << "nnDelete 4 and add 2";
        //free(remove(4, tree));    // You need to complete TASK 3, so that remove(int, BST *) function works properly
                                // we also need to release the resource!!!
        // insert 2
        insert(2, tree);        // It belongs to TASK 1 too.
        cout << "nnAscending order:nt";
        sortAsc(tree->root);        // TASK 2!!
        // Find the successor of 5, -1 means no successor
        node = search(5, tree->root);
        cout << "nnSearch of 5 is: " << (node != NULL?node->value:-1);

        // Find the successor of 5, -1 means no successor
        node = successor(5, tree->root);
        cout << "nnSuccessor of 5 is: " << (node != NULL?node->value:-1);
        // Find the predecessor of 5. -1 means no predecessor
        node = predecessor(5, tree->root);
        cout << "nnPredecessor of 5 is: " << (node != NULL?node->value:-1);
        cout << "nn";
        // clear all elements
        clear(tree);            // delete all nodes and release resource
        free(tree);             // delte the tree too


Node *search(int key, Node *n) {
    if (n== NULL || key == n->value)
        return n;
    if (key < n->value)
        return search(key, n->left);
        return search(key, n->right);
