
In STL map with structure as value, destructor of the structure gets called twice

本文关键字:结构 调用 两次 析构函数 STL 映射      更新时间:2023-10-16



struct stStruct
    int some_value;
        some_value = 10;
        printf("nCame in stStruct c'tor");
        some_value -= 10;
        printf("nCame in stStruct d'tor");
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    // Map of <int, struct> 
    std::map<int, stStruct> MyIntStructMap;
    MyIntStructMap[0]; // stStruct ctor called once and dtor twice
    MyIntStructMap[0]; // neither stStruct ctor nor dtor called
    printf("nValue of some_value in stStruct %d", MyIntStructMap[0].some_value);
    // Expected -10 above as dtor was called twice


Came in stStruct c'tor
Came in stStruct d'tor
Came in stStruct d'tor
Value of some_value in stStruct 10


此外,我不明白尽管代码some_value -= 10;被调用了两次,为什么上面例子中的some_value的值仍然是10 ?



struct stStruct
   int some_value;
       some_value = 10;
       printf("nCame in stStruct c'tor");
   stStruct(const stStruct& oOrg)
       some_value = oOrg.some_value;
       printf("nCame in stStruct copy c'tor");
       some_value -= 10;
       printf("nCame in stStruct d'tor");
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
   // Map of <int, struct> 
   std::map<int, stStruct> MyIntStructMap;
   MyIntStructMap[0]; // stStruct c'tor will be called once and d'tor will be called   twice
   MyIntStructMap[0]; // stStruct c'tor or d'tor won't be called
   printf("nValue of some_value in stStruct %d", MyIntStructMap[0].some_value); // As d'tor was called twice, ideall it should print value -10
   return 0;


Came in stStruct c'tor
Came in stStruct copy c'tor
Came in stStruct copy c'tor
Came in stStruct d'tor
Came in stStruct d'tor
Value of some_value in stStruct 10