
recursive merge sort, segmentation fault for big arrays

本文关键字:分段 错误 数组 合并 排序 递归      更新时间:2023-10-16

我已经递归地实现了合并排序。它可以工作到一定大小的排序数组,然后以"分段错误"崩溃。在Intel Xeon 16GB的情况下,最大浮点数组大小为17352,int数组更大,double数组更低。在AMD A10,16GB,浮动的限制是2068。显然存在内存问题。我为数组(非递归)所做的其他排序算法可以很好地处理~2e6。编译器为GCC 4.4.7。如何改进这种合并排序,使其适用于较大的数组?

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// merge 2 subarrays of 1 array around its middle im
template <class C>
void merge(C* arr, int ilow, int imid, int ihigh)
vector<C> temp; // array seg faults earlier than vector
for(int i=ilow; i<=ihigh; i++) temp.push_back(arr[i]); // copy array
int i1=ilow, i2=imid+1, ai=ilow; // starting positions
while(i1<=imid && i2<=ihigh) // compare 1st and 2nd halves
        arr[ai] = temp[i1];
        i1++; // leave smaller val behind
        arr[ai] = temp[i2];
        i2++; // leave smaller val behind
    ai++; // move forward
if(i2>ihigh) while(i1<=imid) // if 2nd is done, copy the rest from 1st
    arr[ai] = temp[i1];
if(i1>imid) while(i2<=ihigh) // if 1st is done, copy the rest from 2nd
    arr[ai] = temp[i2];
} // merge()

// --------------------------------------------------------
// merge sort algorithm for arrays
template <class C>
void sort_merge(C* arr, int ilow, int ihigh)
if(ilow < ihigh)
    int imid = (ilow+ihigh)/2; // get middle point
    sort_merge(arr, ilow,   imid); // do 1st half
    sort_merge(arr, imid+1, ihigh); // do 2nd half
    merge(arr, ilow, imid, ihigh); // merge 1st and 2nd halves
} // sort_merge()

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// crashes at 17353 on Intel Xeon, and at 2069 on AMD A10, both 16Gb of ram
const int N=17352+0;
float arr[N]; // with arr[double] crashes sooner, with arr[int] crashes later
// fill array
for(long int i=0; i<N; i++)
    //arr[i] = rand()*1.0/RAND_MAX; // random
    arr[i] = sin(i*10)+cos(i*10); // partially sorted
    //arr[i] = i; // sorted
    //arr[i] = -i; // reversed
sort_merge(arr, 0, N-1);
return 0;


vector<C> temp; // array seg faults earlier than vector
for(int i=ilow; i<=ihigh; i++) temp.push_back(arr[i]); // copy array

完成此操作后,temp包含ihigh - ilow + 1值,这些值可从temp[0]temp[ihigh - ilow]访问。这意味着temp中的所有值与arr相比偏移了-ilow


if(temp[i1]<=arr[i2]) // i1 isn't a valid index into temp, should be (i1 - ilow)



int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // crashes at 17353 on Intel Xeon, and at 2069 on AMD A10, both 16Gb of ram
    const int N=17352+0;
    float arr[N];


float *arr = new arr[N]; // probably should be unique_ptr instead....

std::vector<float> arr(N);
