
Lazy vector access in parallel loops

本文关键字:访问 循环 并行      更新时间:2023-10-16


  • 计算成本非常高,结果具有确定性(给定位置的元素值仅取决于位置(
  • 随机访问(通常访问次数大于或远大于矢量的大小(
  • 群集访问(许多访问请求相同的值(
  • 矢量由不同的线程共享(竞争条件?(
  • 为了避免堆碎片整理,永远不应该重新创建对象,而是尽可能重新设置和回收对象
  • 要放置在矢量中的值将由多态对象提供


下面是我想要实现的目标的一个例子。它在Windows 10、Visual Studio 17下正确编译和运行。我使用C++17。

// Lazy.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>  
#include <chrono>
#include <math.h>
const double START_SUM = 1;
const double END_SUM = 1000;
//base object responsible for providing the values
class Evaluator
Evaluator() {};
~Evaluator() {};
//Function with deterministic output, depending on the position
virtual double expensiveFunction(int pos) const = 0;
class EvaluatorA: public Evaluator
//expensive evaluation
virtual double expensiveFunction(int pos) const override {
double t = 0;
for (int j = START_SUM; j++ < END_SUM; j++)
t += log(exp(log(exp(log(j + pos)))));
return t;
EvaluatorA() {};
~EvaluatorA() {};
class EvaluatorB : public Evaluator
//even more expensive evaluation
virtual double expensiveFunction(int pos) const override {
double t = 0;
for (int j = START_SUM; j++ < 10*END_SUM; j++)
t += log(exp(log(exp(log(j + pos)))));
return t;
EvaluatorB() {};
~EvaluatorB() {};
class LazyVectorTest //vector that contains N possible results
LazyVectorTest(int N,const Evaluator & eval) : N(N), innerContainer(N, 0), isThatComputed(N, false), eval_ptr(&eval)
~LazyVectorTest() {};
//reset, to generate a new table of values
//the size of the vector stays constant
void reset(const Evaluator & eval) {
this->eval_ptr = &eval;
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++)
isThatComputed[i] = false;
int size() { return N; }
//accessing the same position should yield the same result
//unless the object is resetted
const inline double& operator[](int pos) {
if (!isThatComputed[pos]) {
innerContainer[pos] = eval_ptr->expensiveFunction(pos);
isThatComputed[pos] = true;
return innerContainer[pos];
const int N;
const Evaluator* eval_ptr;
std::vector<double> innerContainer;
std::vector<bool> isThatComputed;
//the parallel access will take place here
template <typename T>
double accessingFunction(T& A, const std::vector<int>& elementsToAccess) {
double tsum = 0;
int size = elementsToAccess.size();
//#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
tsum += A[elementsToAccess[i]];
return tsum;
std::vector<int> randomPos(int sizePos, int N) {
std::vector<int> elementsToAccess;
for (int i = 0; i < sizePos; i++)
elementsToAccess.push_back(rand() % N);
return elementsToAccess;
int main()
int minAccessNumber = 1;
int maxAccessNumber = 100;
int sizeVector = 50;
auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
double res = 0;
float numberTest = 100;
typedef LazyVectorTest container;
EvaluatorA eval;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(numberTest); i++) {
res = eval.expensiveFunction(i);
auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>diff(end - start);
double benchmark = diff.count() / numberTest;
std::cout <<"Average time to compute expensive function:" <<benchmark<<" ms"<<std::endl;
std::cout << "Value of the function:" << res<< std::endl;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> indexs(numberTest);
container A(sizeVector, eval);
for (int accessNumber = minAccessNumber; accessNumber < maxAccessNumber; accessNumber++) {
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(numberTest); i++) {
indexs.emplace_back(randomPos(accessNumber, sizeVector));
auto start_lazy = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(numberTest); i++) {
double res_lazy = accessingFunction(A, indexs[i]);
auto end_lazy = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>diff_lazy(end_lazy - start_lazy);
std::cout << accessNumber << "," << diff_lazy.count() / numberTest << ", " << diff_lazy.count() / (numberTest* benchmark) << std::endl;
return 0;


class LazyVectorTest //vector that contains N possible results
//Function with deterministic output, depending on the position
void expensiveFunction(int pos) {
double t = 0;
for (int j = START_SUM; j++ < END_SUM; j++)
t += log(exp(log(exp(log(j+pos)))));
values[pos] = t;
LazyVectorTest(int N) : values(N), flags(N)
int size() { return values.size(); }
//accessing the same position should yield the same result
double operator[](int pos) {
std::call_once(flags[pos], &LazyVectorTest::expensiveFunction, this, pos);
return values[pos];
std::vector<double> values;
std::vector<std::once_flag> flags;

call_once是相当透明的。它只允许一个线程运行函数以完成唯一的潜在缺点是它会阻塞第二个线程等待可能的异常,而不是立即什么都不做。在这种情况下,这是可取的,因为您希望修改values[pos] = t;在读取return values[pos];之前进行排序


class LazyVectorTest //vector that contains N possible results
LazyVectorTest(int N,const Evaluator & eval) : N(N), innerContainer(N, invalid), eval_ptr(&eval)
~LazyVectorTest() {};
//reset, to generate a new table of values
//the size of the vector stays constant
void reset(const Evaluator & eval) {
this->eval_ptr = &eval;
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) {
// Use atomic if that could possible be done in parallel
// omit that for performance if you doun't ever run it in parallel
#pragma omp atomic write
innerContainer[i] = invalid;
// Flush to make sure invalidation is visible to all threads
#pragma omp flush
int size() { return N; }
// Don't return a reference here
double operator[] (int pos) {
double value;
#pragma omp atomic read
value = innerContainer[pos];
if (value == invalid) {
value = eval_ptr->expensiveFunction(pos);
#pragma omp atomic write
innerContainer[pos] = value;
return value;
// Use nan, inf or some random number - doesn't really matter
static constexpr double invalid = std::nan("");
const int N;
const Evaluator* eval_ptr;
std::vector<double> innerContainer;

在发生冲突的情况下,其他线程将只冗余地计算该值。-利用确定性。我在读取和写入元素时都使用omp atomic,可以确保不会读取不一致的"半写"值。
