
else if executes executes automatically before asking for user input

本文关键字:执行 输入 if 请求 用户 否则      更新时间:2023-10-16

我是c++编程的新手,我想创建一个程序来查找形状的面积和体积。我使用switch case来选择形状,并在switch内部使用else-if来选择面积或体积,但它只执行一个switch语句。

#include <iostream>
#define PI 3.14159
using namespace std;
int main() {
    double radius;
    double square;
    double qube;
    double quboid;
    double cylinder;
    double sphere;
    double a;
    double length;
    double breadth;
    double height;
    double width;
    char userchoice1;
    char userchoice;
    cout << "Select any shape by typing the no correctlyn";
    cout << "1-squaren";
    cout << "2-Cuben";
    cout << "3-Cuboidn";
    cout << "4-Circlen";
    cout << "5-Spheren";
    cout << "6-rectanglen";
    cout << "Select any shape by typing the no correctlyn";
    cin >> userchoice;
    switch (userchoice) {
        case '1':
            cout << "3-arean";
            cout << "4-perimetern";
            if (userchoice = 3) {
                cout << "Enter side an";
                cin >> a;
                cout << "Area of square is " << a * a << "sq.units" << endl;
            } else if (userchoice = 4) {
                cout << "Enter siden";
                cin >> a;
                cout << "Perimeter of square is " << 4 * a << "sq.units" << endl;
        case '2':
            cout << "1-arean";
            cout << "2-volumen";
            if (userchoice = 1) {
                cout << "Enter side an";
                cin >> a;
                cout << "Area of cube is " << 6 * a * a << "sq.units" << endl;
            } else if (userchoice = 2) {
                cout << "Enter side an";
                cin >> a;
                cout << "Volume of cube is " << a * a * a << "cu.units" << endl;
        case '3':
            cout << "Enter length, breadth, heightn";
            cin >> breadth;
            cin >> length;
            cin >> height;
            cout << "Area of cuboid is " << (length * breadth * height) << "sq.units" << endl;
        case '4':
            cout << "1-circumferencen";
            cout << "2-Arean";
            if (userchoice = 1) {
                cout << "Enter the radius of circlen";
                cin >> radius;
                cout << "Circumference of circle is " << 2 * PI * radius << endl;
            } else if (userchoice = 2) {
                cout << "Enter the radius of circlen";
                cin >> radius;
                cout << "Area of circle is " << PI * radius * radius << "sq.units" << endl;
        case '5':
            cout << "1-Arean";
            cout << "2-volumen";
            if (userchoice = 1) {
                cout << "Enter the radius of Spheren";
                cin >> radius;
                cout << "Area of Sphere is " << 4 * PI * radius * radius << "sq.units" << endl;
            } else if (userchoice = 2) {
                cout << "Enter the radius of Spheren";
                cin >> radius;
                cout << "Volume of Sphere is " << (4 / 3 * PI * radius * radius) << "cu.units" << endl;
        case '6':
            cout << "1-Arean";
            cout << "2-perimetern";
            if (userchoice = 1) {
                cout << "Enter length widthn";
                cin >> length;
                cin >> width;
                cout << "Area of rectangle: " << length * width << "sq.units" << endl;
            } else if (userchoice = 2) {
                cout << "Enter siden";
                cin >> a;
                cout << "Perimeter of rectangle is " << 4 * a << "sq.units" << endl;



if (userchoice == 1) {
    // ... do something ...
else if (userchoice == 2) {
    // ... do something else ...

