
How to write common functions for enums, that only affect specific enum types?

本文关键字:枚举 函数 类型 影响      更新时间:2023-10-16



template<typename E> struct is_bitwise_enum : std::false_type {};


template<> struct is_bitwise_enum< my_enum > : std::true_type {};
template<> struct is_bitwise_enum< my_other_enum > : std::true_type {};


template<typename E>
typename std::enable_if<is_bitwise_enum<E>::value,E>::type
operator|(const E lhs, const E rhs) { ... }



我完成了我的头文件,并决定使用Daniel Frey描述的专业化思想进行共享,以防有人想要它或想在它的基础上进行构建

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma once // For VC++
// Common enum functions so that the same code doesn't have to be written over
// and over again for different enums.
//                             -- Written by: Adrian Hawryluk, June 2015
#include <type_traits>
namespace enums
    size_t const version = 1;
    // If your compiler doesn't understand constexpr, then set CONSTEXPR to blank,
    // otherwise set to constexpr.
#define CONSTEXPR //constexpr
    // Use Enums as Bit Flags
    // These functions allow the treating of an enum as a set of bits with
    // which you can use a subset of the standard bitwise operators:
    //    |, |=, &, &=, ^, ^=
    // and the functions:
    //    Cast, CastRef, CastSigned, CastSignedRef, CastUnsigned, CastUnsignedRef,
    //    MakeSet, Set, MakeClear, Clear, MakeToggle, Toggle, AreAllSet,
    //    AreAnySet, AreAllClear, AreAnyClear, FirstSet, FirstCleared
    // To enable the use of these operators and functions, define:
    //    namespace enums {
    //      template<> struct is_bitflag_enum<my_enum> : std::true_type {};
    //    }
    // where my_enum is the enum being defined to use these functions.
    // To be able to use the operators, you need to state that you are using the
    // namespace in the appropriate scope:
    //     using namespace enums;
    template<typename E> struct is_bitflag_enum : std::false_type {};
    // operator ^=
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        operator^=(E& lhs, E rhs)
        typedef typename std::make_unsigned<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type uint_t;
        return (E&)((uint_t&)lhs ^= (uint_t)rhs);
    // operator ~
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        operator~(E rhs)
        typedef typename std::make_unsigned<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type uint_t;
        return (E)(~(uint_t)rhs);
    // operator |=
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        operator|=(E& lhs, E rhs)
        typedef typename std::make_unsigned<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type uint_t;
        return (E&)((uint_t&)lhs |= (uint_t)rhs);
    // operator |
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        operator|(E lhs, E rhs)
        typedef typename std::make_unsigned<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type uint_t;
        return (E)((uint_t)lhs | (uint_t)rhs);
    // operator &=
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        operator&=(E& lhs, E rhs)
        typedef typename std::make_unsigned<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type uint_t;
        return (E&)((uint_t&)lhs &= (uint_t)rhs);
    // operator &
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        operator&(E lhs, E rhs)
        typedef typename std::make_unsigned<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type uint_t;
        return (E)((uint_t)lhs & (uint_t)rhs);
    // MakeSet(initialFlagState, flagModification)
    // Sets the on bits in flagModification to on in initialFlagState.
    // initialFlagState is NOT modified, but returs a new value
    // (i.e. "Makes" a new value).
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        MakeSet(E initialFlagState, E flagModification)
        return initialFlagState | flagModification;
    // Set(initialFlagState, flagModification)
    // Sets the on bits in flagModification to on in initialFlagState.
    // initialFlagState is modified, and returs a reference to that variable.
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        Set(E& initialFlagState, E flagModification)
        return initialFlagState |= flagModification;
    // MakeClear(initialFlagState, flagModification)
    // Clears the on bits in flagModification to off in initialFlagState.
    // initialFlagState is NOT modified, but returs a new value
    // (i.e. "Makes" a new value).
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        MakeClear(E initialFlagState, E flagModification)
        return initialFlagState & ~flagModification;
    // Clear(initialFlagState, flagModification)
    // Clears the on bits in flagModification to off in initialFlagState.
    // initialFlagState is modified, and returs a reference to that variable.
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        E&>::type Clear(E& initialFlagState, E flagModification)
        return initialFlagState &= ~flagModification;
    // MakeToggle(initialFlagState, flagModification)
    // Toggles the on bits in flagModification in initialFlagState.
    // initialFlagState is NOT modified, but returs a new value
    // (i.e. "Makes" a new value).
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        MakeToggle(E initialFlagState, E flagModification)
        return initialFlagState ^ flagModification;
    // Toggle(initialFlagState, flagModification)
    // Toggles the on bits in flagModification in initialFlagState.
    // initialFlagState is modified, and returs a reference to that variable.
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        Toggle(E& initialFlagState, E flagModification)
        return initialFlagState ^= flagModification;
    // AreAllSet(flagState, flagsToCompare)
    // Returns true if all bits in flagToCompare are set in flagState,
    // false otherwise.
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        AreAllSet(E flagState, E flagsToCompare)
        return (flagState & flagsToCompare) == flagsToCompare;
    // AreAnySet(flagState, flagsToCompare)
    // Returns true if any bits in flagToCompare are set in flagState,
    // false otherwise.
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        AreAnySet(E flagState, E flagsToCompare)
        return (flagState & flagsToCompare) != (E)0;
    // AreAllClear(flagState, flagsToCompare)
    // Returns true if all bits in flagToCompare are cleared in flagState,
    // false otherwise.
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        AreAllClear(E flagState, E flagsToCompare)
        return (~flagState & flagsToCompare) == flagsToCompare;
    // AreAnyClear(flagState, flagsToCompare)
    // Returns true if any bits in flagToCompare are cleared in flagState,
    // false otherwise.
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        AreAnyClear(E flagState, E flagsToCompare)
        return (~flagState & flagsToCompare) != (E)0;
    // FirstSet(flagState, flagToCompare)
    // Return the first flag in the list that is set in flagState.
    // If all are not set, return (E)0.
    // NOTE: If a flag in the list is (E)0, then it will ignore that element 
    //       in the list, and continue to the next one.
    // NOTE: If a flag in the list represents 2 or more bits, only a subset of
    //       those bits need be set to result in the returned value.
    template<typename E, typename ...Es>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        FirstSet(E flagState, E flagToCompare)
        if (AreAnySet(flagState, flagToCompare))
            return flagToCompare;
        return (E)0;
    // FirstSet(flagState, flagToCompare, ...)
    // Return the first flag in the list that is set in flagState.
    // If all are not set, return (E)0.
    // NOTE: If a flag in the list is (E)0, then it will ignore that element 
    //       in the list, and continue to the next one.
    // NOTE: If a flag in the list represents 2 or more bits, only a subset of
    //       those bits need be set to result in the returned value.
    template<typename E, typename ...Es>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        FirstSet(E flagState, E flagToCompare, Es...flagsToCompare)
        if (AreAnySet(flagState, flagToCompare))
            return flagToCompare;
        return FirstSet(flagState, flagsToCompare...);
    // FirstCleared(flagState, flagToCompare)
    // Return the first flag in the list that is NOT set in flagState.
    // If all are not set, return (E)0.
    // NOTE: If a flag in the list is (E)0, then it will not go beyond that
    //       element in the list.
    // NOTE: If a flag in the list represents 2 or more bits, only a subset of
    //       those bits need be cleared to result in the returned value.
    template<typename E, typename ...Es>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        FirstCleared(E flagState, E flagToCompare)
        if (AreAnyClear(flagState, flagToCompare))
            return (E)0;
        return flagToCompare;
    // FirstCleared(flagState, flagToCompare, ...)
    // Return the first flag in the list that is cleared in flagState.
    // If all are cleared, return (E)0.
    // NOTE: If a flag in the list is (E)0, then it will not go beyond that
    //       element in the list.
    // NOTE: If a flag in the list represents 2 or more bits, only a subset of
    //       those bits need be cleared to result in the returned value.
    template<typename E, typename ...Es>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value,
        FirstCleared(E flagState, E flagToCompare, Es...flagsToCompare)
        if (AreAnyClear(flagState, flagToCompare))
            return FirstCleared(flagState, flagsToCompare...);
        return flagToCompare;

    // Use With Shift Operators
    // These functions allow the treating of an enum as a siftable set of bits
    // with which you can use a subset of the standard bitwise operators:
    //    <<, <<=, >>, >>=
    // and the functions:
    //    Cast, CastRef, CastSigned, CastSignedRef, CastUnsigned, CastUnsignedRef
    // To enable the use of these operators and functions, define:
    //    namespace enums {
    //      template<> struct is_shiftable_enum<my_enum> : std::true_type {};
    //    }
    // where my_enum is the enum being defined to use these functions.
    // To be able to use the operators, you need to state that you are using the
    // namespace in the appropriate scope:
    //     using namespace enums;
    template<typename E> struct is_shiftable_enum : std::false_type {};
    // operator <<
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_shiftable_enum<E>::value,
        operator<<(E lhs, int rhs)
        typedef typename std::make_unsigned<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type uint_t;
        return (E)(((uint_t)lhs) << rhs);
    // operator <<=
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_shiftable_enum<E>::value,
        operator<<=(E& lhs, int rhs)
        typedef typename std::make_unsigned<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type uint_t;
        return (E&)(((uint_t&)lhs) <<= rhs);
    // operator >>
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_shiftable_enum<E>::value,
        operator>>(E lhs, int rhs)
        typedef typename std::make_unsigned<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type uint_t;
        return (E)(((uint_t)lhs) << rhs);
    // operator >>=
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_shiftable_enum<E>::value,
        operator>>=(E& lhs, int rhs)
        typedef typename std::make_unsigned<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type uint_t;
        return (E&)(((uint_t&)lhs) <<= rhs);

    // Casting functions
    // These functions are to cast the enum to the underlying type, some of
    // which allowing to coerce the type to be signed or not.
    // Cast enum to the underlying type reference (lvalue).
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value || is_shiftable_enum<E>::value,
        typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type&
        CastRef(E& flagState)
        return (decltype(CastRef(flagState)))flagState;
    // Cast enum to a signed integer reference (lvalue).
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value || is_shiftable_enum<E>::value,
        typename std::make_signed<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type>::type&
        CastSignedRef(E& flagState)
        return (decltype(CastSignedRef(flagState)))flagState;
    // Cast enum to an unsigned integer reference (lvalue).
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value || is_shiftable_enum<E>::value,
        typename std::make_unsigned<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type>::type&
        CastUnsignedRef(E& flagState)
        return (decltype(CastUnsignedRef(flagState)))flagState;
    // Cast enum to the underlying type value (rvalue).
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value || is_shiftable_enum<E>::value,
        typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type
        Cast(E flagState)
        return (decltype(Cast(flagState)))flagState;
    // Cast enum to a signed integerr value (rvalue).
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value || is_shiftable_enum<E>::value,
        typename std::make_signed<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type>::type
        CastSigned(E flagState)
        return (decltype(CastSigned(flagState)))flagState;
    // Cast enum to an unsigned integerr value (rvalue).
    template<typename E>
    CONSTEXPR typename std::enable_if<is_bitflag_enum<E>::value || is_shiftable_enum<E>::value,
        typename std::make_unsigned<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>::type>::type
        CastUnsigned(E flagState)
        return (decltype(CastUnsigned(flagState)))flagState;


namespace enums {
    template<> struct is_shiftable_enum<my_enum> : std::true_type {};

其中my_enum是要授予访问权限的枚举。使用运算符时,必须指定using namespace enums;,以便运算符在您使用它的范围内工作。