
Getting output for inches

本文关键字:输出 获取      更新时间:2023-10-16

下面是我编写的代码,用于将用户输入的英寸转换为英里,码,英尺。我唯一的问题是,我希望输出的格式也要求输出具有"0 英寸"。

对于我的生活,我无法弄清楚那么多。我尝试将新的 int 值设置为英寸并让它返回 0,但这只会让事情更加混乱。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
main ()

double m;
double y;
double f;
double i;
cout << " Enter the Length in inches:";
cin >> i;
m = i / 63360;        // Convert To Miles
y = 1760 * m;         // Convert To Yards
f = 3 * y;            // Convert to Feet
i = 12 * f;           // Convert to Inches
cout << i << "inches =" << " " << m << " " << "(mile)s," << " " <<
y << " " << "yards," << " " << f << " " << "feet," << " " << i <<
" " << "inches." << endl;

return 0;


// ...
int m;
int y;
int f;
int i;
int len;
cout << " Enter the Length in inches:";
cin >> len;
cout << len << "inches = ";
m = len / 63360;        // Miles
len -= m * 63360;
y = len / 36;           // Yards
len -= y * 36;
f = len / 12;           // Feet
i = len % 12;           // Inches
if (m)
cout << m << " (mile)s, ";
if (y)
cout << y << " yards, "; 
if (f)
cout << f << " feet, ";
cout << i << " inches." << endl;
// ...

我的猜测是您希望计算级联,例如它需要英寸并将其发挥到尽可能大的单位。 所以 15" 会变成 1' 3"。 如果我的猜测是错误的,请忽略这个答案。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
static const int INCHES_PER_MILE =  63360;
static const int INCHES_PER_YARD =  36;
static const int INCHES_PER_FOOT =  12;
int main ()
int inches, m, y, f ,i, remainder; //int so that we dont get decimal values
cout << " Enter the Length in inches:";
cin >> inches;
m = inches / INCHES_PER_MILE ;             // Convert To Miles  -- shouldn't be 'magic numbers'
remainder= inches % INCHES_PER_MILE ;      // % stands for modulo -- (i.e. take the remainder)
y = remainder / INCHES_PER_YARD;        // Convert To Yards
remainder = remainder % INCHES_PER_YARD;
f = remainder / INCHES_PER_FOOT;        // Convert to Feet
remainder = remainder % INCHES_PER_FOOT;
i = remainder;             // Convert to Inches
cout << inches << " inches = " << m <<" (mile)s, " <<
y << " yards, " << f << " feet, " << i << " inches." << endl;
return 0;