C++ 具有结构和向量的函数

C++ Functions with struct and vectors

本文关键字:向量 函数 结构 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16


void displayBid(Bid bid)
    cout << bid.title << " | " << bid.amount << " | " << bid.fund << endl;

不确定我是否正确考虑了这一点,但是 displayBid 如何能够将向量作为参数?displayBid 函数接受一个名为 Bid 类型的结构。最初我无法获得要编译的代码,因为我正在尝试 displayBid(bid( 并且我遇到了范围错误。我认为 displayBid 函数需要接受结构而不是向量。谢谢。


#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
// FIXME (1): Reference the CSVParser library
#include "CSVparser.hpp"
using namespace std;

// forward declarations
double strToDouble(string str, char ch);
struct Bid
    string title;
    string fund;
    double amount;
    // Set default bid amount to 0.0
        amount = 0.0;

 * Display the bid information
 * @param bid struct containing the bid info
void displayBid(Bid bid)
    cout << bid.title << " | " << bid.amount << " | " << bid.fund << endl;
 * Prompt user for bid information
 * @return Bid struct containing the bid info
Bid getBid()
    Bid bid;
    cout << "Enter title: ";
    getline(cin, bid.title);
    cout << "Enter fund: ";
    cin >> bid.fund;
    cout << "Enter amount: ";
    string strAmount;
    getline(cin, strAmount);
    bid.amount = strToDouble(strAmount, '$');
    return bid;
 * Load a CSV file containing bids into a container
 * @param csvPath the path to the CSV file to load
 * @return a container holding all the bids read
vector<Bid> loadBids(string csvPath)
    // FIXME (2): Define a vector data structure to hold a collection of    bids.
    vector<Bid> bids;
    // initialize the CSV Parser using the given path
    csv::Parser file = csv::Parser(csvPath);
    // loop to read rows of a CSV file
    for (int i = 0; i < file.rowCount(); i++)
        // FIXME (3): create a data structure to hold data from each row     and add to vector
        Bid bid;
        bid.title = file[i][0];
        bid.fund = file[i][8];
        //Convert to double and take out $
        bid.amount = strToDouble(file[i][4], '$');
    return bids;
 * Simple C function to convert a string to a double
 * after stripping out unwanted char
 * credit: http://stackoverflow.com/a/24875936
 * @param ch The character to strip out
double strToDouble(string str, char ch)
    str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.end(), ch), str.end());
    return atof(str.c_str());
 * The one and only main() method
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // process command line arguments
    string csvPath;
    switch (argc)
    case 2:
        csvPath = argv[1];
        csvPath = "eBid_Monthly_Sales_Dec_2016.csv";
    // FIXME (4): Define a vector to hold all the bids
    vector<Bid> bids;

    // FIXME (7a): Define a timer variable
    clock_t timer;
    int choice = 0;
    while (choice != 9)
        cout << "Menu:" << endl;
        cout << "  1. Enter a Bid" << endl;
        cout << "  2. Load Bids" << endl;
        cout << "  3. Display All Bids" << endl;
        cout << "  9. Exit" << endl;
        cout << "Enter choice: ";
        cin >> choice;
        switch (choice)
        case 1:
            cout << "Not currently implemented." << endl;
        case 2:
            // FIXME (7b): Initialize a timer variable before loading bids
            timer = clock();
            // FIXME (5): Complete the method call to load the bids
            bids = loadBids(csvPath);
            // FIXME (7c): Calculate elapsed time and display result
            timer = clock() - timer;
            cout << bids.size() << " bids loaded" << endl;
            cout << "time: " << (float)timer/CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 1000  << "   milliseconds" << endl;
            cout << "time: " << (float)timer/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
        case 3:
            // FIXME (6): Loop and display the bids read
            for (int i = 0; i < bids.size(); ++i)
            cout << endl;
    cout << "Good bye." << endl;
    return 0;

它不能,您传递的是出价结构向量的第 i 个元素的副本,而不是整个向量。


case 3:
    // FIXME (6): Loop and display the bids read
    cout << endl;

我会定义 displayBid 如下:

void displayBid(std::vector<Bid> &bids)
    for_each(begin(bids), end(bids), [](Bid& b) {
        cout << b.title << " | " << b.amount << " | " << b.fund << endl;


void displayBids(std::vector<Bid> &bids)
    for_each(begin(bids), end(bids), [](Bid& b) {displayBid(b)});
