
How to get variable values from main and send them to a function?

本文关键字:函数 main 获取      更新时间:2023-10-16


using namespace std;
string getName()
    string charName;
    int classType;
    cout << "What is your " << classType << "'s name?" << endl;
    cin >> charName;
    return charName;
int main()
    int classType; //Later we will ask the user what class they're playing.  
    string charName; 
    /*We will use a function to ask a question.  
    We use a function to save memory instead of copy-pasting the text*/
    cout <<"Welcome to "Orcs and Ogres"" << endl;
    cout << "What class do you want to play?  " << endl;
    cout << "tType 1 for Warrior class]" << endl;
    cout << "tType 2 for Archer class ]" << endl;
    cout << "tType 3 for Mage class   ]" << endl;
    cin >> classType;
    if(classType == 1)
        cout << endl << "You are a warrior" << endl;
        string classType;
        classType = "warrior";
    else if(classType == 2)
        cout << endl << "You are an archer" << endl;
        string classType;
        classType = "archer";
    else if(classType == 3)
        cout << endl << "You are a mage" << endl;
        string classType;
        classType = "mage";
        cout << endl << "UserError:  Number too high or too low";

在使用getName()的代码行上,它输出了类似"您的> 空白的名称?"而不是正确的clasStype。我想知道如何将变量值从main发送到一个函数,以便在此处正确输出文本。



string getName(string classType)
  string charName;
  cout << "What is your " << classType << "'s name?" << endl;
  cin >> charName;
  return charName;


getName("Warrior"); // to ask warrior for a warriors' name
getName("Mage"); // to ask for a mage's name.


string name = getName("Warrior");



using namespace std;
string getName(string classType)
    string charName;
    cout << "What is your " << classType << "'s name?" << endl;
    cin >> charName;
    cout<<"your "<<classType<< "'s name is "<<charName<<endl;
    return charName;
int main()
    int Type; 
    string charName; 
    cout <<"Welcome to "Orcs and Ogres"" << endl;
    cout << "What class do you want to play?  " << endl;
    cout << "tType 1 for Warrior class]" << endl;
    cout << "tType 2 for Archer class ]" << endl;
    cout << "tType 3 for Mage class   ]" << endl;
    cin >> Type;
    if(Type == 1)
        cout << endl << "You are a warrior" << endl;
        string classType;
        classType = "warrior";
    else if(Type == 2)
        cout << endl << "You are an archer" << endl;
        string classType;
        classType = "archer";
   else if(Type == 3)
        cout << endl << "You are a mage" << endl;
        string classType;
        classType = "mage";
        cout << endl << "UserError:  Number too high or too low";
    return 0;