如何使用C 在线路和列中写入文本文件

How to write in text file by line and column using C++

本文关键字:文本 文件 何使用 在线路      更新时间:2023-10-16


bookid booktitle authorname bookdepartment bookissuer


using namespace std;
void IssueBooks(){
    int SIZE;
    cout << "How many books you want to borrow?"<< endl;
    cin >> SIZE;
    string booksTitle[SIZE], department[SIZE], authorName[SIZE], 
    double booksID[SIZE];
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++ ){
            for (int j = 0; j < SIZE; j++){
                cout << "Enter Book ID:" << endl;
                cin >> booksID[j];
                cout << "nEnter Book Title:" << endl;
                cin >> booksTitle[j];
                cout << "nEnter Book Author:" << endl;
                cin >> authorName[j];
                cout << "nEnter Book Department:" << endl;
                cin >> department[j];
                cout << "nEnter Book Issuer: " << endl;
                cin >> BooksIssuer[j];
                ofstream out("IssueRecord.txt");
                out << setw(10) << booksID[j];
                out << setw(10) << booksTitle[j];
                out << setw(10) << authorName[j];
                out << setw(10) << department[j];
                out << setw(10) << BooksIssuer[j];

int main(){
return 0;


这是良好的样式和C 代码:

  • 将structs用于相关数据
  • 使用向量
  • 使用getline允许输入字段中的空格
  • 单独的关注点(在阅读输入时不要打印输出,从功能的角度看不当)

    int main() {
        Books issued = borrowBooks();
        std::cout << "Successfully borrowing " << issued.size() << " books, saving receiptn";
        printReceipt(issued, "IssueRecord.txt");
  • 处理错误


struct {
    int width;
    std::string header;
} columns[] = { { 10, "ID" }, { 30, "Title" }, { 25, "Author" }, 
                { 25, "Department" }, { 15, "Issuer" } };


#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
struct Book {
    int id = 0;
    std::string title, department, author, issuer;
using Books = std::vector<Book>;
bool promptDetails(Book& book) try {
    std::cout << "Enter Book ID (enter 0 to complete): ";
    if (std::cin >> book.id) {
        std::cin.ignore(1024, 'n');
    if (book.id == 0)
        return false;
    std::cout << "Enter Book Title: ";
    std::getline(std::cin, book.title);
    std::cout << "Enter Book Author: ";
    std::getline(std::cin, book.author);
    std::cout << "Enter Book Department: ";
    std::getline(std::cin, book.department);
    std::cout << "Enter Book Issuer: " << std::endl;
    std::getline(std::cin, book.issuer);
    return true;
} catch(std::exception const& e) {
    std::cout << "Input error (" << e.what() << ")n";
    return false;
Books borrowBooks() {
    Books books;
    while (true) {
        Book book;
        if (!promptDetails(book)) 
    return books;
void printReceipt(Books const& receipt, std::string const& fname) {
    std::ofstream out(fname);
    struct {
        int width;
        std::string header;
    } columns[] = { { 10, "ID" }, { 30, "Title" }, { 25, "Author" }, 
                    { 25, "Department" }, { 15, "Issuer" } };
    for (auto& col : columns) out << std::setw(col.width) << col.header << " | ";
    out << "n" << std::setfill('-');
    for (auto& col : columns) out << std::setw(col.width) << "" << "-+-";
    out << "n" << std::setfill(' ');
    for (auto& book : receipt) {
        out << std::setw(columns[0].width) << book.id << " | " 
            << std::setw(columns[1].width) << book.title << " | " 
            << std::setw(columns[2].width) << book.author << " | " 
            << std::setw(columns[3].width) << book.department << " | " 
            << std::setw(columns[4].width) << book.issuer << " |" << "n";
    for (auto& col : columns) out << std::setw(col.width) << std::setfill('-') << "" << "-+-";
    out << "n";
int main() {
    Books issued = borrowBooks();
    std::cout << "Successfully borrowing " << issued.size() << " books, saving receiptn";
    printReceipt(issued, "IssueRecord.txt");


The Hen And Her Trust Issues
Mojit Bunghead
Pop Culture
Central Library
Most Unnecessary
P.H.W. Graftink
Science Fiction
Central Library
Code Of Concoct
Public Domain
Central Library


        ID |                          Title |                    Author |                Department |          Issuer | 
     29134 |   The Hen And Her Trust Issues |            Mojit Bunghead |               Pop Culture | Central Library |
      4893 |               Most Unnecessary |           P.H.W. Graftink |           Science Fiction | Central Library |
      6083 |                Code Of Concoct |             Public Domain |                  Folklore | Central Library |