boost ::精神递归命令c 语法:boost_fusion_adapt_struct失败

boost::spirit recursive imperative c++ grammar: BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT fails

本文关键字:boost fusion struct 失败 adapt 递归 命令 语法      更新时间:2023-10-16

我一直在使用C 中的语法来解析命令语句(如果/else/do/while/for/switch等)。所有其他陈述都保留为字符串。我目前仅对IF/else进行测试(尽管其他语句应在变体中类似)。不幸的是,我会收到编译时间错误:

错误1错误c2440:'return':不能从'std :: vector&lt转换; someseqnode,std ::分配器< ty>>'to'boost :: fusion :: fusion :: vector< someseqnode,boost :: fusion :: void ,boost :: fusion :: void_, boost :: fusion :: void_,boost :: fusion :: void_,boost :: fusion :: void_, boost :: fusion :: void_,boost :: fusion :: void_,boost :: fusion :: void_, boost :: fusion :: void_>&'





#pragma region INCLUDE_STUFF
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
//boost includes for parser and some collection types (e.g. tuple)
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/fusion.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_fusion.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/boost_tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/optional/optional_io.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_raw.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include "vectorStreamOp.h"//overload stream operator << for std::vector -> for BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG
#pragma endregion INCLUDE_STUFF
#pragma region NAMESPACE_STUFF
//to shorten calls fruther down
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
using boost::spirit::qi::parse;
using boost::optional;
using phx::ref;
using phx::at_c;
using qi::char_;
using qi::lexeme;
using qi::_1;
using qi::lit;
using qi::alnum;
using qi::alpha;
using qi::space;
using qi::raw;
using qi::as_string;
#pragma endregion NAMESPACE_STUFF
#pragma region STRUCT_STUFF
/*later make this variant with all impStatementVariants -> either make this a vector to have sequences on all levels or make imperativeCpp derive from this
-> typedef variant<
struct ifElseStruct;
typedef boost::variant<ifElseStruct, string> someSeqNode;
struct ifElseStruct
    string ifCond;
    vector<someSeqNode> ifContent;
    optional<vector<someSeqNode>> elseContent;
    //for BOOST DEBUG
    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const ifElseStruct& var) {
        stream << "ifCond: " << var.ifCond << "   ifContent: " << var.ifContent << endl << "elseContent:" << var.elseContent;
        return stream;
    (string, ifCond)
    (vector<someSeqNode>, ifContent)
    (optional<vector<someSeqNode>>, elseContent)
#pragma endregion STRUCT_STUFF
#pragma region GRAMMAR_STUFF
    //GRAMMAR for flowcontrol (branching and looping)
    template<typename Iterator, typename Skipper> struct imperativeGrammar :qi::grammar<Iterator, vector<someSeqNode>(), Skipper>
    imperativeGrammar() : imperativeGrammar::base_type(startRule)
        startRule = *(recursiveImpCpp | nestedSomething); //vector<variant<ifElseStruct(), string>>
        recursiveImpCpp = ifElseNormalRule.alias() /*| switchRule | whileRule | forRule ...*/;
        //attr: ifElseStruct containing-> string, vector<someSeqNode>, optional<vector<someSeqNode>>
        ifElseNormalRule = lit("if")>> '(' >> condition >> ')' >> ifElseContent >> -(lit("else") >> ifElseContent);
        condition = *~char_(")");//TODO: replace with nestedSomething rule
        ifElseContent = ('{' >> startRule >> '}') /*| singleStatement*/;
        singleStatement = !recursiveImpCpp >> (qi::as_string[*~char_(";")] >> qi::as_string[char_(';')]);
        nestedSomething = !recursiveImpCpp >> qi::as_string[*~char_("(){}")]
            >> -(raw['(' >> nestedSomething >> ')']) >> -(raw['{' >> nestedSomething >> '}'])
            >> !recursiveImpCpp >> qi::as_string[*~char_("(){}")];
    qi::rule<Iterator, vector<someSeqNode>(), Skipper> startRule;
    qi::rule<Iterator, ifElseStruct(), Skipper> recursiveImpCpp;
    qi::rule<Iterator, ifElseStruct(), Skipper> ifElseNormalRule;
    qi::rule<Iterator, string(), Skipper> condition;
    qi::rule<Iterator, vector<someSeqNode>(), Skipper> ifElseContent;
    qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), Skipper> nestedSomething;
    qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), Skipper> singleStatement;
    /*qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> forRule;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> switchCaseBreakRule;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> whileRule;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> doWhileRule;*/
#pragma endregion GRAMMAR_STUFF


  1. 就像评论所说的那样,不要使用领导剂;他们让你陷入困境
  2. 如果您要在nestedSomething中加入所有源字符串,则只需将其全部包装在raw[]中(或as_string[raw[...]],但这甚至不是必需的),例如,

    nestedSomething = !recursiveImpCpp >> qi::raw[*~char_("(){}")
        >> -('(' >> nestedSomething >> ')')
        >> -('{' >> nestedSomething >> '}')
        >> !recursiveImpCpp >> *~char_("(){}")];
  3. ,该规则将符合一个空字符串的意义。这使得语法永无止境(它将与"无限"数量的空nestedSomething匹配)。您将不得不决定一些非选项部分。这是一个蛮力的修复:

    qi::raw[...] [ qi::_pass = px::size(qi::_1) > 0 ];


    identifier_soup = !recursiveImpCpp >> +~qi::char_("(){}");
    parenthesized = '(' >> -nestedSomething >> ')';
    bracketed     = '{' >> -nestedSomething >> '}';
    nestedSomething %=  qi::raw[ -identifier_soup
        >> -parenthesized
        >> -bracketed
        >> -identifier_soup] [ qi::_pass = px::size(qi::_1) > 0 ];

    但这仍然不会解析,例如int main() { if(true) { std::cout << "Yesn"; } else { std::cout << "Non"; } })。原因是main(<parenthesized>){<bracketed>}在括号内仅接受nestedSomething。这明确禁止if-else构造...


    block     = '{' >> startRule >> '}';
    statement = block | singleStatement;


    nestedSomething %= qi::raw[ -identifier_soup
        >> -parenthesized
        >> -block
        >> -identifier_soup] [ qi::_pass = boost::phoenix::size(qi::_1) > 0 ];


  • 您可以简化包含,而不是将它们包裹在区域中
  • 您也可以简化其余的(请参阅我的演示)
  • 语法对所有负面的外观都将非常低效。考虑引导化或使用更细化的关键字检测方案(使用QI存储库中的期望点和或distinct()[]




#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapted.hpp>
#include <boost/optional/optional_io.hpp>
    namespace std {
        template <typename... T, typename... V>
        auto& operator<<(basic_ostream<T...>& os, vector<V...> const& v) {
            os << "{";
            for (auto& el : v) os << el << " ";
            return os;
namespace qi  = boost::spirit::qi;
/* later make this variant with all impStatementVariants -> either make this a
 * vector to have sequences on all levels or make imperativeCpp derive from
 * this
    -> typedef variant<
struct ifElseStruct;
typedef boost::variant<ifElseStruct, std::string> someSeqNode;
struct ifElseStruct
    std::string ifCond;
    std::vector<someSeqNode> ifContent;
    boost::optional<std::vector<someSeqNode>> elseContent;
    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const ifElseStruct& var) {
        stream << "ifCond: " << var.ifCond << " ifContent: " << var.ifContent << std::endl << "elseContent:" << var.elseContent;
        return stream;
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ifElseStruct, ifCond, ifContent, elseContent)
//GRAMMAR for flowcontrol (branching and looping)
template<typename Iterator, typename Skipper> struct imperativeGrammar :qi::grammar<Iterator, std::vector<someSeqNode>(), Skipper>
    imperativeGrammar() : imperativeGrammar::base_type(startRule)
        startRule = *(recursiveImpCpp | nestedSomething); //vector<variant<ifElseStruct(), string>>
        recursiveImpCpp = ifElseNormalRule.alias() /*| switchRule | whileRule | forRule ...*/;
        //attr: ifElseStruct containing-> string, vector<someSeqNode>, optional<vector<someSeqNode>>
        ifElseNormalRule = qi::lit("if") >> '(' >> condition >> ')' >> statement >> -("else" >> statement);
        condition = *~qi::char_(")");//TODO: replace with nestedSomething rule
        block     = '{' >> startRule >> '}';
        statement = block | singleStatement;
        identifier_soup = !recursiveImpCpp >> +~qi::char_("(){}");
        parenthesized = '(' >> -nestedSomething >> ')';
        bracketed     = '{' >> -nestedSomething >> '}';
        nestedSomething %= qi::raw[ -identifier_soup
            >> -parenthesized
            >> -block
            >> -identifier_soup] [ qi::_pass = boost::phoenix::size(qi::_1) > 0 ];
        singleStatement = !recursiveImpCpp >> qi::raw[*~qi::char_(';') >> ';'];
    qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<someSeqNode>(), Skipper> startRule;
    qi::rule<Iterator, ifElseStruct(), Skipper> recursiveImpCpp;
    qi::rule<Iterator, ifElseStruct(), Skipper> ifElseNormalRule;
    qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), Skipper> condition;
    qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<someSeqNode>(), Skipper> block, statement;
    qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), Skipper> nestedSomething;
    qi::rule<Iterator, std::string(), Skipper> singleStatement;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> identifier_soup, parenthesized, bracketed;
    /*qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> forRule;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> switchCaseBreakRule;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> whileRule;
    qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper> doWhileRule;*/
#include <fstream>
int main() {
    //std::string const input = { std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(std::ifstream("main.cpp").rdbuf()), {} };
    std::string const input = "int main() { if(true) { std::cout << "Yes\n"; } else { std::cout << "No\n"; } }";
    using It = std::string::const_iterator;
    It f(input.begin()), l(input.end());
    imperativeGrammar<It, qi::space_type> p;
    std::vector<someSeqNode> rep;
    bool ok = phrase_parse(f, l, p, qi::space, rep);
    if (ok) {
        std::cout << "Parse success: " << rep << "n";
        std::cout << "Parse failuren";
    if (f!=l)
        std::cout << "Remaining unparsed input: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'n";


Parse success: {int main() { if(true) { std::cout << "Yesn"; } else { std::cout << "Non"; } } 


  <try>int main() { if(true</try>
    <try>int main() { if(true</try>
    <try>int main() { if(true</try>
      <try>int main() { if(true</try>
        <try>int main() { if(true</try>
      <success>() { if(true) { std:</success>
      <try>() { if(true) { std:</try>
        <try>) { if(true) { std::</try>
          <try>) { if(true) { std::</try>
            <try>) { if(true) { std::</try>
          <try>) { if(true) { std::</try>
          <try>) { if(true) { std::</try>
          <try>) { if(true) { std::</try>
            <try>) { if(true) { std::</try>
      <success> { if(true) { std::c</success>
      <try> { if(true) { std::c</try>
        <try> if(true) { std::cou</try>
          <try> if(true) { std::cou</try>
            <try> { std::cout << "Yes</try>
              <try> { std::cout << "Yes</try>
                <try> std::cout << "Yesn</try>
                  <try> std::cout << "Yesn</try>
                  <try> std::cout << "Yesn</try>
                    <try>std::cout << "Yesn"</try>
                      <try>std::cout << "Yesn"</try>
                    <success>} else { std::cout <</success>
                    <try>} else { std::cout <</try>
                    <try>} else { std::cout <</try>
                    <try>} else { std::cout <</try>
                      <try>} else { std::cout <</try>
                  <success>} else { std::cout <</success>
                  <attributes>[[s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", Y, e, s, , n, ", ;,  ]]</attributes>
                  <try>} else { std::cout <</try>
                  <try>} else { std::cout <</try>
                    <try>} else { std::cout <</try>
                      <try>} else { std::cout <</try>
                    <try>} else { std::cout <</try>
                    <try>} else { std::cout <</try>
                    <try>} else { std::cout <</try>
                      <try>} else { std::cout <</try>
                <success>} else { std::cout <</success>
                <attributes>[[[s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", Y, e, s, , n, ", ;,  ]]]</attributes>
              <success> else { std::cout <<</success>
              <attributes>[[[s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", Y, e, s, , n, ", ;,  ]]]</attributes>
            <success> else { std::cout <<</success>
            <attributes>[[[s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", Y, e, s, , n, ", ;,  ]]]</attributes>
            <try> { std::cout << "No</try>
              <try> { std::cout << "No</try>
                <try> std::cout << "Non"</try>
                  <try> std::cout << "Non"</try>
                  <try> std::cout << "Non"</try>
                    <try>std::cout << "Non";</try>
                      <try>std::cout << "Non";</try>
                    <success>} }</success>
                    <try>} }</try>
                    <try>} }</try>
                    <try>} }</try>
                      <try>} }</try>
                  <success>} }</success>
                  <attributes>[[s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", N, o, , n, ", ;,  ]]</attributes>
                  <try>} }</try>
                  <try>} }</try>
                    <try>} }</try>
                      <try>} }</try>
                    <try>} }</try>
                    <try>} }</try>
                    <try>} }</try>
                      <try>} }</try>
                <success>} }</success>
                <attributes>[[[s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", N, o, , n, ", ;,  ]]]</attributes>
              <success> }</success>
              <attributes>[[[s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", N, o, , n, ", ;,  ]]]</attributes>
            <success> }</success>
            <attributes>[[[s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", N, o, , n, ", ;,  ]]]</attributes>
          <success> }</success>
          <attributes>[[[t, r, u, e], [[s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", Y, e, s, , n, ", ;,  ]], [[s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", N, o, , n, ", ;,  ]]]]</attributes>
          <try> }</try>
          <try> }</try>
        <success> }</success>
        <attributes>[[[[t, r, u, e], [[s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", Y, e, s, , n, ", ;,  ]], [[s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", N, o, , n, ", ;,  ]]]]]</attributes>
      <attributes>[[[[t, r, u, e], [[s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", Y, e, s, , n, ", ;,  ]], [[s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", N, o, , n, ", ;,  ]]]]]</attributes>
    <attributes>[[i, n, t,  , m, a, i, n, (, ),  , {,  , i, f, (, t, r, u, e, ),  , {,  , s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", Y, e, s, , n, ", ;,  , },  , e, l, s, e,  , {,  , s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", N, o, , n, ", ;,  , },  , }]]</attributes>
  <attributes>[[[i, n, t,  , m, a, i, n, (, ),  , {,  , i, f, (, t, r, u, e, ),  , {,  , s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", Y, e, s, , n, ", ;,  , },  , e, l, s, e,  , {,  , s, t, d, :, :, c, o, u, t,  , <, <,  , ", N, o, , n, ", ;,  , },  , }]]]</attributes>




我非常考虑提出一种语法,即您1.可以工作2.您知道为什么它会起作用,而不是……似乎只是尝试通过解析编程语言来欺骗自己的方式。p>您是否考虑过如何解析std::cout << "int main() { return 0; }";
