
Compare two arrays C++

本文关键字:两个 数组 比较 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16

我正在尝试创建一个使用动态分配数组而不是向量的函数,因为我想看看它们是如何工作的。基本上,此功能要求用户输入他们将要输入的人数,然后输入他们的名字;然后,他们输入这些人中有多少人想要注册 ID,后跟他们的电话 #。


"How many customers will you like to enter? " 3 //user inputs 3
Bob Allen //user input
Ellen Michaels //user input
Jane Andrews //user input
"How many people want to register for the VIP ID? " 4 //user inputs 4; user can enter a new name here if they forgot to enter it the first time
Jane Andrews 213-2312
Bob Allen 111-1212
Jonathan Drew 211-9283
Michael Jacks 912-3911
//what the program spits out after the function is implemented
Final Registration: Guaranteed VIP IDs 
Bob Allen 111-1212
Jane Andrews 213-2312
//The new users entered in the 2nd round will not be listed in the final registration because it is too late for them to sign up


1. How to check if the person is not listed in the second round
2. Ignore the new people the user entered in the second round
3. Print the final registration in the same order the user entered the names in the first round


string* people;
cout << "How many customers will you like to enter? " << endl;
int howmany;
cin >> howmany;
people = new int[howmany];
for (int i=0;i<howmany;i++)
    cin >> people[i];
cout << "How many people want to register for the VIP ID? " << endl;
int num_of_register;
string* vip;
cin >> num_of_register;
vip = new int[num_of_register];
for (int i=0;i<num_of_register)
    cin >> vip[i];
    for (int j=0;j<howmany;j++)
        if (num_of_register == howmany) {
            if people[j] == vip[i] //check if they're the same people or not
                  cout << "Final Registration: Guaranteed VIP Ids" << endl;
                  cout << people[i]; 
        else {
            //check if the names are the same



cin >> num_of_register;
if( num_of_register > howmany )
    cout << "You can't register new peoplen";
for (int i=0;i<num_of_register; i++)
    cin >> vip[i];
    int customerExists = -1;
    for (int j=0;j<howmany;j++)
        if( people[j] == vip[i] )
            customerExists = i;
    if(customerExists == -1)
        cout << "You can not enter new customern";
        // get people[i] again
        cout << "Final Registration: Guaranteed VIP Ids" << endl;
        cout << people[customerExists]; 