在使用 C++ 整数和数学时遇到问题

Having trouble with c++ integers and math

本文关键字:遇到 问题 C++ 整数      更新时间:2023-10-16



下面是一个示例结果:输入时间为 3:50,退出时间为 5:29,车辆为 T。

TIME-IN          -858993460:858993460
TIME-OUT                -858933460:-858993460
PARKING TIME             0:-858993460
TOTAL CHARGE             -214748352.00


#include <iostream>   //used for cout/cin
#include <iomanip>   //used to manipulate data 

void getData(int* ehour, int* emin, int* exhour, int* exmin);
void rate(int exhour, int exmin, int ehour, int emin, int* thour, int* tmin, int* round);
void charge(char* vehic, float* rate1, float* rate2, int ehour);
void result(int exhour, int exmin, int ehour, int emin, int thour, float rate1, float rate2, int round, float total);
int main(void)
char vehic;
int ehour;
int emin;
int exhour;
int exmin;
int thour;
int tmin;
int round;
float rate1;
float rate2;
float total;
getData(&ehour, &emin, &exhour, &exmin);
rate(exhour, exmin, ehour, emin, &thour, &tmin, &round);
charge(&vehic, &rate1, &rate2, ehour);
total= rate1 + rate2;
result( exhour, exmin, ehour, emin, thour, rate1, rate2, round, total);
return 0;
void getData(int* ehour, int* emin, int* exhour, int* exmin)
char v;
printf("Enter C for car, B for bus, T for truck: ");
scanf("%c", &v);
printf("nHour vehicle entered 0-24: ");
scanf("%d", &ehour);
printf("nMinute vehicle entered 0-60: ");
scanf("%d", &emin);
printf("nHour vehicle exited 0-24: ");
scanf("%d", &exhour);
printf("nMinute vehicle exited 0-60: ");
scanf("%d", &exmin);
void rate(int exhour, int exmin, int ehour, int emin, int* thour, int* tmin, int* round)
if(emin < exmin)
emin= emin + 60;
exhour= exhour - 1;
*thour = ehour - exhour;
*tmin = emin - exmin;
if ((*tmin > 0 && *tmin <= 60))
*thour = *thour + 1;
*round = *tmin * 0;
void charge(char* vehic, float* rate1, float* rate2, int ehour)
switch (*vehic)
case 'c': if (ehour <= 3)
*rate1 = 0.00;
if (ehour > 3)
*rate2 = 1.25 * (ehour - 3);
case 'b': if (ehour <= 2)
*rate1 = 2.00 * ehour;
if (ehour > 2)
*rate2 = 2.50 * (ehour - 2);
case 't': if (ehour <= 1)
*rate1 = 3.75 * ehour;
if (ehour > 1)
*rate2 = 4.50 * (ehour - 1);
void result(int exhour, int exmin, int ehour, int emin, int thour, float rate1, float rate2, int round, float total)
printf("ntt PARKING LOT CHARGE ttn");
printf("nType of vehicle: Car or Bus or Truck");
printf("nTIME-INtt %d:%d", ehour, emin);
printf("nTIME-OUTtt %d:%d", exhour, exmin);
printf("nttt --------");
printf("nPARKING TIMEtt %d:%d", thour, round);
printf("nttt --------");
total= rate1 + rate2;
printf("nTOTAL CHARGEtt %4.2fnn", total);


char v;
printf("Enter C for car, B for bus, T for truck: ");
scanf("%c", &v);
printf("nHour vehicle entered 0-24: ");
scanf("%d", ehour);
printf("nMinute vehicle entered 0-60: ");
scanf("%d", emin);
printf("nHour vehicle exited 0-24: ");
scanf("%d", exhour);
printf("nMinute vehicle exited 0-60: ");
scanf("%d", exmin);



// timepoint classes (booking.hpp)
struct timepoint
int hour, minute;
timepoint normalized()                     const; 
int totalMinutes    ()                     const; 
int roundedHours    ()                     const; 
timepoint operator- (timepoint const& rhs) const; 
struct booking_t
char vehicle;
timepoint enter, exit;
timepoint parked() const { return exit - enter; }
// main program (main.cpp)
booking_t inputData();
void displayBill(booking_t const& booking);
int main(void)
auto booking = inputData();
// timepoint methods (booking.cpp)
timepoint timepoint::normalized() const
timepoint tmp { (hour + minute/60) % 24, minute % 60 };
while (tmp.minute < 0) tmp.hour--, tmp.minute+=60;
while (tmp.hour   < 0) tmp.hour+=24;
return tmp;
int timepoint::roundedHours() const
return (totalMinutes()-1) / 60 + 1; // TODO check rounding logic
int timepoint::totalMinutes() const
return hour*60 + minute;
timepoint timepoint::operator-(timepoint const& rhs) const
return timepoint { 0, totalMinutes() - rhs.totalMinutes() } .normalized();
#include <iostream>   //used for cout/cin
timepoint getTime(std::string label)
int hour, minute;
std::cout  << "nHour "   << label << " 0-24: ";
std::cin >> hour;
std::cout  << "nMinute " << label << " 0-60: ";
std::cin >> minute;
return { hour, minute };
// global functions - input
booking_t inputData()
std::cout << "Enter C for car, B for bus, T for truck: ";
char v;
std::cin >> v;
auto entered = getTime("vehicle entered");
auto exited  = getTime("vehicle exited");
return { v, entered.normalized(), exited.normalized() };
// calculation + billing
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>   //used to manipulate data 
#include <map>
static std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, timepoint const& tp)
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << tp.hour << ':' 
<< std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << tp.minute;
return os << oss.str();
std::pair<float,float> charge(booking_t const& booking)
struct tariff_t { int threshold; float rate1, rate2; };
const static auto tariffs = std::map<char, tariff_t> {
{ 'c', { 3, 0   , 1.25 } },
{ 'b', { 2, 2.  , 2.5  } },
{ 't', { 1, 3.75, 4.5 } } ,
auto& tariff = tariffs.at(std::tolower(booking.vehicle));
auto  parked = booking.parked().roundedHours();
return std::make_pair(
tariff.rate1 * std::min(tariff.threshold, parked)    ,
tariff.rate2 * std::max(0, parked - tariff.threshold));
void displayBill(booking_t const& booking)
std::cout << "nn    PARKING LOT CHARGEn";
std::cout << "Type of vehicle: Car or Bus or Truckn";
std::cout << "TIME-IN         " << booking.enter << "n";
std::cout << "TIME-OUT        " << booking.exit  << "n";
std::cout << "                " << "--------n";
std::cout << "PARKING TIME    " << booking.parked() << "n";
std::cout << "        ROUNDED " << booking.parked().roundedHours() << "n";
std::cout << "                " << "--------n";
auto  rates = charge(booking);
float total = rates.first + rates.second;
std::cout << "TOTAL CHARGE    " << std::fixed << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(2) << total << "nn";


#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
bool parse_time(std::string const & s, int & t)
int h, m;
char c;
std::istringstream iss(s);
if (iss >> h >> c >> m >> std::ws && c == ':' && iss.get() == EOF)
t = 60 * h + m;
return true;
return false;
int main()
int t_in, t_out;
std::string line;
if (!(std::cout << "Enter arrival time: "   &&
std::getline(std::cin, line)          &&
parse_time(line, t_in)                &&
std::cout << "Enter departure time: " &&
std::getline(std::cin, line)          &&
parse_time(line, t_out)))
std::cerr << "Input error! Aborting.n";
return 0;
std::cout << "You spent " << t_out - t_in << " minutes.n";


Enter arrival time: 5:14
Enter departure time: 8:41
You spent 207 minutes.

我注意到的一件事 - 你传递&ehour和朋友,这是一个指向你的scanf调用的指针的指针(你可以从scanf调用中删除&开始,当ehourint*时)。

取出 & in scanf!他们已经是指针了!


规则 1:在首次使用它们的位置附近声明变量。 并在创建变量时初始化所有变量:

int main(void)
int ehour = 0;
int emin = 0;
int exhour = 0;
int exmin = 0;
getData(&ehour, &emin, &exhour, &exmin);
int thour = 0;
int tmin = 0;
int round = 0;
rate(exhour, exmin, ehour, emin, &thour, &tmin, &round);
char vehic = 0;
float rate1 = 0;
float rate2 = 0;
charge(&vehic, &rate1, &rate2, ehour);
float total = 0;
total= rate1 + rate2;
result( exhour, exmin, ehour, emin, thour, rate1, rate2, round, total);
return 0;

现在看到那个float total了吗? 将变量的声明和初始化移动到同一行:

float total = rate1 + rate2;

规则 2:如果不需要,请不要使用指针。 如果要将整数传入和传出函数,请将该参数设置为引用参数,如下所示:

void getData(int& ehour, int& emin, int& exhour, int& exmin)


getData(ehour, emin, exhour, exmin);


void getData(int& ehour, int& emin, int& exhour, int& exmin)
char v;
printf("Enter C for car, B for bus, T for truck: ");
scanf("%c", &v);
printf("nHour vehicle entered 0-24: ");
scanf("%d", &ehour);
printf("nMinute vehicle entered 0-60: ");
scanf("%d", &emin);
printf("nHour vehicle exited 0-24: ");
scanf("%d", &exhour);
printf("nMinute vehicle exited 0-60: ");
scanf("%d", &exmin);

现在,我发现了你的第一次搞砸。 你读的不是整数,而是整数的指针。 现在我已经对它们进行了引用(想想"别名"或传入的变量),&运算符得到一个指向整数的指针,而不是一个指向整数指针的指针!

接下来你要做的是不要使用 scanf。 斯堪夫很难使用。 为什么要使用难以使用的东西?

第 3 步:您的程序应该可以帮助您调试它。

当您从输入中读取某些内容时,请重复它以确保您正确阅读。 也就是说,在你调用getData之后,你应该做的下一件事就是重复你读到的内容。 最终,当你的代码是可靠的时,你可以删除"重复它",但在开发程序时,这种反馈是必不可少的。

请参阅 Kerrek SB 以获得更好的阅读方法,而不是使用scanf