C 11:此不完整类型错误的解决方法

C++11: Workaround Use Of This Incomplete Type Error?

本文关键字:错误 类型 解决 方法      更新时间:2023-10-16
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
constexpr int N = 10;
constexpr int f(int x) { return x*2; }
typedef array<int, N> A;
template<int... i> struct F { constexpr A f() { return A{{ f(i)... }}; } };
template<class X, class Y> struct C;
template<int... i, int... j>
struct C<F<i...>, F<j...>> : F<i..., (sizeof...(i)+j)...> {};
template<int n> struct S : C<S<n/2>, S<n-n/2>> {}; // <--- HERE
template<> struct S<1> : F<0> {};
constexpr auto X = S<N>::f();
int main()
        cout << X[3] << endl;


test.cpp:15:24: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct C<S<5>, S<5> >’





#include <iostream>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
constexpr int N = 10;
constexpr int f(int x) { return x*2; }
typedef array<int, N> A;
template<int... i> struct F { static constexpr A f() { return A{{ ::f(i)... }}; } };
template<class A, class B> struct C {};
template<int... i, int... j> struct C<F<i...>, F<j...>> : F<i..., (sizeof...(i)+j)...>
        using T = F<i..., (sizeof...(i)+j)...>;
template<int n> struct S : C<typename S<n/2>::T, typename S<n-n/2>::T> {};
template<> struct S<1> : F<0> { using T = F<0>; };
constexpr auto X = S<N>::f();
int main()
        cout << X[3] << endl;

定义 C而不仅仅是声明。

template<class X, class Y> struct C {};




template<int n> struct S {
    constexpr A f() { return C<S<n/2>, S<n-n/2>>::f(); }