C++:<= 已签名和未签名之间的冲突

C++: <= conflict between signed and unsigned

本文关键字:之间 冲突 lt C++      更新时间:2023-10-16


wstring MidEx(wstring u, long uStartBased1, long uLenBased1)
    //Extracts a substring. It is fail-safe. In case we read beyond the string, it will just read as much as it has
    // For example when we read from the word HELLO , and we read from position 4, len 5000, it will just return LO
    if (uStartBased1 > 0)
       if (uStartBased1 <= u.size())
            return u.substr(uStartBased1-1, uLenBased1);
    return wstring(L"");

它可以正常工作,但是编译器给我警告"&lt; =签名和未签名之间的冲突"。




wstring MidEx(wstring u, wstring::size_type uStartBased1, wstring::size_type uLenBased1)
    //Extracts a substring. It is fail-safe. In case we read beyond the string, it will just read as much as it has
    // For example when we read from the word HELLO , and we read from position 4, len 5000, it will just return LO
    if (uStartBased1 > 0)
       if (uStartBased1 <= u.size())
            return u.substr(uStartBased1-1, uLenBased1);
    return wstring(L"");




wstring MidEx(wstring u, unsigned long uStartBased1, unsigned long uLenBased1)