
uninitialized local variable

本文关键字:局部变量 初始化      更新时间:2023-10-16


警告 C4700:使用了未初始化的局部变量"。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int DIM0 = 2, DIM1 = 3, DIM2 = 4, DIM3 = 5;
void TestDeclar();
int main(){
    cout << "Done!n";
    return 0;
void TestDeclar(){        
    //24 - array of 5 floats
    float xa[DIM3], xb[DIM3], xc[DIM3], xd[DIM3], xe[DIM3], xf[DIM3];
    float xg[DIM3], xh[DIM3], xi[DIM3], xj[DIM3], xk[DIM3], xl[DIM3];   
    float xm[DIM3], xn[DIM3], xo[DIM3], xp[DIM3], xq[DIM3], xr[DIM3];
    float xs[DIM3], xt[DIM3], xu[DIM3], xv[DIM3], xw[DIM3], xx[DIM3];
    //6  - array of 4 pointers to floats
    float *ya[DIM2] = {xa, xb, xc, xd}, *yb[DIM2] = {xe, xf, xg, xh};   
    float *yc[DIM2] = {xi, xj, xk, xl}, *yd[DIM2] = {xm, xn, xo, xp};
    float *ye[DIM2] = {xq, xr, xs, xt}, *yf[DIM2] = {xu, xv, xw, xx};
    //2 - array of 3 pointers to pointers of floats
    float **za[DIM1] = {ya, yb, yc};    
    float **zb[DIM1] = {yd, ye, yf};
    //array of 2 pointers to pointers to pointers of floats
    float ***ptr[DIM0] = {za, zb};   
    cout << &***ptr[DIM0] << 'n';  

您正在访问超过ptr4D末尾。 DIM0是 2,比最后一个索引 1 大 1!


//array of 2 pointers to pointers to pointers of floats
float ***ptr4D[DIM0] = {za, zb};   
cout << &***ptr4D[0] << 'n';  

不确定我是否可以帮助您,但我试图找出尝试在我的 Linux 机器上运行它有什么问题。我已经在 ubuntu 机器上编译了它进行比较,它运行良好,甚至告诉编译器打开所有选项警告(传递 -Wall 选项)。跑步时,我得到了这个:

# Compiled it with -Wall to enable all warning flags and -g3 to produce extra debug information
~$ g++ -Wall stackoverflow.cpp -g3
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

然后我尝试使用 GDB(GNU 调试器)调试它并得到这个:

(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/ubuntu/a.out 
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000400986 in TestDeclar () at stackoverflow.cpp:34
34          cout << &***ptr4D[DIM0] << 'n';  
(gdb) s

因此,问题似乎出在cout线上。再次检查您的代码,DIM0 的值为 2,因此您正在尝试访问 ptr4D 之外的内存地址。正如user1721424所提到的,只需将DIM0替换为0即可完成!

#After fixing it:
~$ ./a.out 
