
Compile-time error for non-instantiated template members instead of link-time error

本文关键字:链接 错误 编译时错误 实例化 成员      更新时间:2023-10-16


实现详细信息隐藏在文件中cpp.使用 pimpl 习语和显式实例化。模板仅使用定义容器实际行为的已知有限实现类集进行实例化。

主模板实现了所有容器支持的通用函数 -IsEmpty()GetCount()Clear()等。




当用户尝试从某些专用化调用不支持的函数时,这种设计会导致不愉快的情况。它编译正常,但在链接阶段产生错误(符号未定义)。 不是很用户友好的行为。


SortedItemContainer sc;
sc.IsEmpty(); // OK
sc.Sort(); // OK
IndexedItemContainer ic;
ic.IsEmpty(); // OK
ic.Sort(); // Compiles OK, but linking fails

当然,通过使用继承而不是专用化可以完全避免它,但我不喜欢产生很多具有 1-3 个函数的类。想保持原始设计。


此代码的目标编译器是 VS2008,因此实际解决方案必须与 C++03 兼容,并且可以使用 MS 特定功能。 但便携式 C++11 解决方案也受到欢迎。


// ItemContainer.h
template <class Impl> class ItemContainer
// Common functions supported by all specializations
void Clear();
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Functions supported by sequenced specializations only
ItemPtr operator[](size_t i_index) const; 
// Functions supported by indexed specializations only
ItemPtr operator[](const PrimaryKey& i_key) const;
// Functions supported by sorted specializations only
void Sort();
boost::scoped_ptr<Impl> m_data; ///< Internal container implementation
}; // class ItemContainer
// Forward declarations for pimpl classes, they are defined in ItemContainer.cpp
struct SequencedImpl;
struct IndexedImpl;
struct SortedImpl;
// Typedefs for specializations that are explicitly instantiated
typedef ItemContainer<SequencedImpl> SequencedItemContainer;
typedef ItemContainer<IndexedImpl> IndexedItemContainer;
typedef ItemContainer<SortedImpl> SortedItemContainer;
// ItemContainer.cpp
// Implementation classes definition, skipped as non-relevant
struct SequencedImpl { ... };
struct IndexedImpl { ... };
struct SortedImpl { ... };
// Explicit instantiation of members of SequencedItemContainer
template  void SequencedItemContainer::Clear(); // Common
template  bool SequencedItemContainer::IsEmpty() const; // Common
template  ItemPtr SequencedItemContainer::operator[](size_t i_index) const; // Specific
// Explicit instantiation of members of IndexedItemContainer
template  void IndexedItemContainer::Clear(); // Common
template  bool IndexedItemContainer::IsEmpty() const; // Common
template  ItemPtr IndexedItemContainer::operator[](const PrimaryKey& i_key) const; // Specific
// Explicit instantiation of members of SortedItemContainer
template  void SortedItemContainer::Clear(); // Common
template  bool SortedItemContainer::IsEmpty() const; // Common
template  void SortedItemContainer::Sort(); // Specific
// Common functions are implemented as main template members
template <class Impl> bool ItemContainer<Impl>::IsEmpty() const
return m_data->empty(); // Just sample
// Specialized functions are implemented as specialized members (partial specialization)
template <> void SortedItemContaner::Sort()
std::sort(m_data.begin(), m_data.end(), SortFunctor()); // Just sample
// etc


话虽如此,您必须避免声明这样的函数,或者声明它,以便声明仅在实现时才有效。这可以通过static_assert或SFINAE来实现。 例如

template<class Container>   // you need one instantination per container supported
struct container_traits
static const bool has_sort;  // define appropriately in instantinations
/* etc */
template<class container>
class ContainerWrapper {
unique_ptr<container> _m_container;
template<bool sorting> typename std::enable_if< sorting>::type
template<bool sorting> typename std::enable_if<!sorting>::type
static_assert(0,"sort not supported");
void sort()
/* etc */


class A {
void foo() {}
void bar();



template <class Impl> 
class ItemContainerImpl
boost::scoped_ptr<Impl> m_data; ///< Internal container implementation
// No operations
template <class Impl>
class Empty : protected virtual ItemContainerImpl<Impl> {};
template <class Impl, template <class> class Access, template <class> class Extra = Empty> 
class ItemContainer : public Extra<Impl>, public Access<Impl>
// Common functions supported by all specializations
void Clear();
bool IsEmpty() const;
template <class Impl>
class SequencedSpecialization : protected virtual ItemContainerImpl<Impl> {
// Functions supported by sequenced specializations only
ItemPtr operator[](size_t i_index) const; 

template <class Impl>
class IndexedSpecialization : protected virtual ItemContainerImpl<Impl> {
// Functions supported by indexed specializations only
ItemPtr operator[](const PrimaryKey& i_key) const;
template <class Impl>
class Sorted : protected virtual ItemContainerImpl<Impl> {
// Functions supported by sorted specializations only
void Sort();
// Typedefs for specializations that are explicitly instantiated
typedef ItemContainer<SequencedImpl, SequencedSpecialization> SequencedItemContainer;
typedef ItemContainer<IndexedImpl, IndexedSpecialization> IndexedItemContainer;
typedef ItemContainer<SortedImpl, IndexedSpecialization, Sorted> SortedItemContainer;




  1. 为主模板添加了特定函数虚拟实现。仅包含静态断言的实现放置在头文件中,但未内联到类定义中。
  2. 已从.cpp文件中删除了特定函数显式实例化。
  3. 特定函数专用化声明已添加到头文件中。


// ItemContainer.h
template <class Impl> class ItemContainer
// Common functions supported by all specializations
void Clear();
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Functions supported by sorted specializations only
void Sort();
boost::scoped_ptr<Impl> m_data; ///< Internal container implementation
}; // class ItemContainer
// Dummy implementation of specialized function for main template
template <class Impl> void ItemContainer<Impl>::Sort()
// This function is unsupported in calling specialization
// Forward declarations for pimpl classes,
// they are defined in ItemContainer.cpp
struct SortedImpl;
// Typedefs for specializations that are explicitly instantiated
typedef ItemContainer<SortedImpl> SortedItemContainer;
// Forward declaration of specialized function member
template<> void CSortedOrderContainer::Sort();
// ItemContainer.cpp
// Implementation classes definition, skipped as non-relevant
struct SortedImpl { ... };
// Explicit instantiation of common members of SortedItemContainer
template  void SortedItemContainer::Clear();
template  bool SortedItemContainer::IsEmpty() const;
// Common functions are implemented as main template members
template <class Impl> bool ItemContainer<Impl>::IsEmpty() const
return m_data->empty(); // Just sample
// Specialized functions are implemented as specialized members
// (partial specialization)
template <> void SortedItemContaner::Sort()
std::sort(m_data.begin(), m_data.end(), SortFunctor()); // Just sample
// etc


对于具有 C++11static_assert的 GCC,使用需要一些技巧来启用惰性模板函数输入(编译示例):

template <class T> struct X
void f();
template<class T> void X<T>::f()
// Could not just use static_assert(false) - it will not compile.
// sizeof(T) == 0 is calculated only on template instantiation and       
// doesn't produce immediate compilation error
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 0, "Not implemented");
template<> void X<int>::f()
std::cout << "X<int>::f() called" << std::endl;
int main()
X<int> a;
a.f(); // Compiles OK
X<double> b;
b.f(); // Compilation error - Not implemented!


template <class T, class supported_types> struct vec_enabler : 
boost::mpl::contains<supported_types, T> {};
// adding Sort interface
template <class T, class enabler, class Enable = void>
struct sort_cap{};
template <class T, class enabler>
struct sort_cap<T, enabler, 
typename boost::enable_if< typename enabler::type >::type>
void Sort();
// adding operator[]
template <class T, class U, class R, class enabler, class Enable = void>
struct index_cap{};
template <class T, class primary_key, class ret, class enabler>
struct index_cap<T, primary_key, ret, enabler, 
typename boost::enable_if< typename enabler::type >::type>
ret operator[](primary_key i_index) const;

template <class Impl> 
class ItemContainer : 
public sort_cap<Impl, 
vec_enabler<Impl, boost::mpl::vector<A, B> > >, // sort for classes A or B
public index_cap<Impl, size_t, ItemPtr, 
vec_enabler<Impl, boost::mpl::vector<C> > >, // index for class C
public index_cap<Impl, primaryKey, ItemPtr, 
vec_enabler<Impl, boost::mpl::vector<B> > > // index for class B
void Clear();
bool IsEmpty() const;


int main(){
ItemContainer<A> cA;
//ItemPtr p = cA[0]; // compile time error
ItemContainer<C> cC;
//cC.Sort(); // compile time error
ItemPtr p = cC[0];
//ItemPtr pp= cC[primaryKey()]; // compile time error
