为什么 std::is_same 不起作用

Why std::is_same does not work?

本文关键字:same 不起作用 is std 为什么      更新时间:2023-10-16


namespace serialization
    struct output_stream
        void write(const void* data, size_t size)
            const byte_t* p = static_cast<const byte_t*>(data);
            size_t old_size = buffer_.size();
            buffer_.resize(old_size + size);
            memcpy(buffer_.data() + old_size, p, size);
    struct input_stream
        void read(void* to, size_t size)
            assert(cur_ + size <= end_);
            memcpy(to, cur_, size);
            cur_ += size;
template <class stream_t>
void serialize(not_pod_struct& r, stream_t stream)
    if (std::is_same<stream_t, serialization::output_stream>::value)
        stream.write(&r, sizeof(r));
    else if (std::is_same<stream_t, serialization::input_stream>::value)
        not_pod_struct* buf = new not_pod_struct[sizeof(not_pod_struct)];
        stream.read(buf, sizeof(not_pod_struct));
        r = *buf;
        throw std::invalid_argument("stream_t is not a stream.");
template<class T>
typename enable_if<!is_pod<T>::value, void>::type
read(input_stream & input_stream, T & non_pod_struct)
    serialize(non_pod_struct, input_stream);
template<class T>
typename enable_if<!is_pod<T>::value, void>::type
write(output_stream & output_stream, T & non_pod_struct)
    serialize(non_pod_struct, output_stream);


Error   1   error C2039: 'read' : is not a member of 'serialization::output_stream'
Error   2   error C2039: 'write' : is not a member of 'serialization::input_stream'



其他语言中没有static if。未到达的分支仍必须编译。


template <class stream_t>
void serialize(not_pod_struct& r, stream_t & stream, 
               std::true_type /* is_input */, std::false_type /* is_output */)
    not_pod_struct* buf = new not_pod_struct[sizeof(not_pod_struct)];
    stream.read(buf, sizeof(not_pod_struct));
    r = *buf;
template <class stream_t>
void serialize(not_pod_struct& r, stream_t & stream,
               std::false_type /* is_input */, std::true_type /* is_output */)
    stream.write(&r, sizeof(r));
template <class stream_t>
void serialize(not_pod_struct& r, stream_t & stream)
    serialize(r, stream, std::is_same<stream_t, serialization::input_stream>(),
                         std::is_same<stream_t, serialization::output_stream>());

或者只是超载serialize output_streaminput_stream

void serialize(not_pod_struct& r, serialization::input_stream & stream)
    not_pod_struct* buf = new not_pod_struct[sizeof(not_pod_struct)];
    stream.read(buf, sizeof(not_pod_struct));
    r = *buf;
void serialize(not_pod_struct& r, serialization::output_stream & stream)
    stream.write(&r, sizeof(r));

我冒昧地让serialize引用接受流。另外,我认为您的"阅读"逻辑不正确。你不仅泄漏了分配new的内存,我非常怀疑你的意思是分配一个sizeof(not_pod_struct) not_pod_struct数组。


if (std::is_same<stream_t, serialization::output_stream>::value)
    stream.write(&r, sizeof(r));
else if (std::is_same<stream_t, serialization::input_stream>::value)
    not_pod_struct* buf = new not_pod_struct[sizeof(not_pod_struct)];
    stream.read(buf, sizeof(not_pod_struct));
    r = *buf;


if (true)
    stream.write(&r, sizeof(r));
else if (false)
    // This branch never executes, but this doesn't mean it's not compiled!
    not_pod_struct* buf = new not_pod_struct[sizeof(not_pod_struct)];
    // And output_stream doesn't have read() method.
    stream.read(buf, sizeof(not_pod_struct));
    r = *buf;


template<typename X>
void serialize(not_pod_struct & r, X & x)
  throw std::invalid_argument("stream_t is not a stream.");
void serialize(not_pod_struct& r, serialization::input_stream & stream)
    not_pod_struct* buf = new not_pod_struct[sizeof(not_pod_struct)];
    stream.read(buf, sizeof(not_pod_struct));
    r = *buf;
void serialize(not_pod_struct& r, serialization::output_stream & stream)
    stream.write(&r, sizeof(r));