
How can I fix this?

本文关键字:问题 解决 何解决      更新时间:2023-10-16
using namespace std;
//a class that will handle all the calculations requested by user
class MathOperations{
    void Message();
    int setSum(int,int);
    int setSuB(int,int);
    int setMul(int,int);
    float setDiv(float,float *);
    int setSqrt(int);
void MathOperations:: Message(){
    cout<< " Welcome. This program simulates a calculator "<<endl;
// implementing the setters methods.
int MathOperations::setSum(int a, int b){
    int total;
    total = a + b;
    return total;
int MathOperations:: setSuB(int a, int b){
    int total;
    total = a - b;
    return total;
int MathOperations:: setMul(int a, int b){
    int total;
    total = a * b;
    return total;
float MathOperations:: setDiv(float a, float *b){
    float result;
    if(b ==0){
        cout << "Using the Default Value of 1 because you can't devide by 0"<<endl;
        result = (a / *b);
    return result;
int MathOperations::setSqrt(int Square){
    int total;
    total = sqrt(Square);
    return total;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    //creating instances of class MathOperations
    MathOperations add, sub, mul, div, sqrt;
    ///creating variable to hold user input
    int fnum;
    float snum;
    char opt= '0';
    //propt user for values
    cout << " Enter a Number"<<endl;
    cin >> fnum;
    cout << " Enter a second number " <<endl;
    cin >> snum;
    float total = div.setDiv(fnum, &snum);
    cout << total <<endl;

    cout << " What would you like to do '+','-','*','/' ?"<<endl;
    cin >> opt;
    switch (opt) {
      case '+' :
            int total = add.setSum(fnum, snum);
            cout << " The Total Sum of both numbers is " << total <<endl;
      case '-' :
            int total = sub.setSuB(fnum, snum);
            cout << " The Subtraction of both Numbers is " << total << endl;
      case '*' :
            int total = mul.setMul(fnum, snum);
            cout << " The Multiplication of both Numbers is " << total << endl;
      case '/' :
            int total = div.setDiv(fnum, &snum);
            cout << " The Division of both Numbers is " << total <<endl;
        cout << " Not a valid Option"<<endl;


函数div 的第二个参数不应该是指针。至少我看不出有任何理由把它作为一个指针。

因此,只需从变量 snum 中删除 * 和 & 即可。

在 setDiv 函数中,您不会保护自己免受 0 的除法,因为您没有首先将第二个浮点数与 0 进行比较。您只是将其地址与 NULL 进行比较。

错误消息没有意义:程序不会以任何方式"使用 1"。

如果指针恰好为 NULL,则返回一个未初始化的值。

当你说你使用的是 1 而不是 0 时,你永远不会将 b 的值更改为 1。