在 C++ 计算器中使用模板

working with templates in c++ calculator

本文关键字:C++ 计算器      更新时间:2023-10-16
template <class A, class B >
A Sum(A Fnum, B Snum){
return Fnum + Snum;
template <class S, class W>
S Subtraction(S Fnum, W Snum){
return Fnum - Snum;
template <class M, class E>
M Multiplication(M Fnum, E Snum){
return Fnum * Snum;
  template <class D, class C>
 D Division(D Fnum, C Snum){
return Fnum / Snum;

我正在尝试做一个计算器程序来了解模板。我想得到一点帮助,我遇到的问题是 - 插入用户输入的号码是什么类型?我的想法是做一个案例 en 提示 1 个数字询问要做什么操作,例如:+/-* 等,然后将这些数字传递给函数......并返回答案,无论他们输入 2 还是 2.567,反之亦然,任何建议??我的模板功能正常吗?他们是否需要任何改进..


T&  operator+( T number ); 


float, int 



using namespace std;
struct Add {
template < typename A, typename B > A operator() (const A & lhs, const B & rhs) { //note return type is A , what if A, B are diff? , you need promote one of them using specialization
return lhs + rhs;
//some other ops like above 
template < typename op, class A, class B > A operate(A Fnum, B Snum)
op oper;
return oper(Fnum, Snum);
int main()
int a = 20, b = 30;
std::cout << operate < Add > (a, b) << std::endl;

演示 : http://ideone.com/KReEQ