
Template programming: specialization and enable_if

本文关键字:enable if 专业化 编程      更新时间:2023-10-16

我正在使用libffi,我已经用类似于std::function(即class Func<Ret (Args...)> { /* ... */};)的模板创建了一个类。我想将返回类型(Ret)和每个参数类型(Args)转换为相应的libffi类型(请参阅此参考)。到目前为止,我已经想出了这个:

// Member function of 'Func' class
 // This vector holds all the type structures
 std::vector<ffi_type*> argumentTypes{ GetFFIType<Args>()... };
 ffi_type * returnType = GetFFIType<Ret>();
 // Rest of the code below
 // ....


template <typename T>
ffi_type * GetFFIType(void)
    // We will check for any kind of pointer types
    if(std::is_pointer<T>::value || std::is_array<T>::value ||
       std::is_reference<T>::value || std::is_function<T>::value)
        return &ffi_type_pointer;
        //return GetFFIType<std::underlying_type<T>::type>();
        // Since the size of the enum may vary, we will identify the size
        if(sizeof(T) == ffi_type_schar.size)    return std::is_unsigned<T>::value ? &ffi_type_uchar : &ffi_type_schar;
        if(sizeof(T) == ffi_type_sshort.size)   return std::is_unsigned<T>::value ? &ffi_type_ushort : &ffi_type_sshort;
        if(sizeof(T) == ffi_type_sint.size) return std::is_unsigned<T>::value ? &ffi_type_uint : &ffi_type_sint;
        if(sizeof(T) == ffi_type_slong.size)    return std::is_unsigned<T>::value ? &ffi_type_ulong : &ffi_type_slong;
    assert(false && "cannot identify type");
// These are all of our specializations
template <> ffi_type * GetFFIType<void>(void)       { return &ffi_type_void; }
template <> ffi_type * GetFFIType<byte>(void)       { return &ffi_type_uchar; }
template <> ffi_type * GetFFIType<char>(void)       { return &ffi_type_schar; }
template <> ffi_type * GetFFIType<ushort>(void)     { return &ffi_type_ushort; }
template <> ffi_type * GetFFIType<short>(void)      { return &ffi_type_sshort; }
template <> ffi_type * GetFFIType<uint>(void)       { return &ffi_type_uint; }
template <> ffi_type * GetFFIType<int>(void)        { return &ffi_type_sint; }
template <> ffi_type * GetFFIType<ulong>(void)      { return &ffi_type_ulong; }
template <> ffi_type * GetFFIType<long>(void)       { return &ffi_type_slong; }
template <> ffi_type * GetFFIType<float>(void)      { return &ffi_type_float; }
template <> ffi_type * GetFFIType<double>(void)     { return &ffi_type_double; }
template <> ffi_type * GetFFIType<long double>(void)    { return &ffi_type_longdouble; }


我也不喜欢在enum s的情况下识别底层类型的方式。我更喜欢使用std::underlying_type<T>(在代码中注释掉),但如果类型是例如空指针(type_traits:1762:38: error: ‘void*’ is not an enumeration type),它会发出编译错误





inline ffi_type * GetFFITypeHelper( void* ) { return &ffi_type_void; }
inline ffi_type * GetFFITypeHelper( byte* ) { return &ffi_type_uchar; }
// ...


template<typename T> auto GetFFITypeHelper( T* ) ->
    std::enable_if< std::is_function<T>::value, ffi_type* >::type
{ return &ffi_type_pointer; }
template<typename T> auto GetFFITypeHelper( T* ) ->
    std::enable_if< std::is_enum<T>::value, ffi_type* >::type
{ return GetFFITypeHelper( static_cast<std::underlying_type<T>::type*>(nullptr) ); }


template<typename T> ffi_type * GetFFIType()
{ return GetFFITypeHelper( static_cast<T*>(nullptr) ); }


// Second parameter is an implementation detail
template<typename T, typename Sfinae = std::true_type>
struct ToFFIType;
// Front-end
template<typename T>
ffi_type* GetFFIType()
{ return ToFFIType<T>::make(); }
// Primary template where we end up if we don't know what to do with the type
template<typename T, typename = std::true_type>
struct ToFFIType {
    static_assert( dependent_false_type<T>::value,
                   "Write your clever error message to explain why we ended up here" );
    static ffi_type* make() = delete;
// Trait-like to match what we want with ffi_type_pointer
template<typename T>
struct treat_as_pointer: or_<
    , std::is_array<T>
    , std::is_reference<T>
    , std::is_function<T>
> {};
template<typename T>
struct ToFFIType<T, typename treat_as_pointer<T>::type> {
    static ffi_type* make()
    { return &fii_type_pointer; }
// Matches enumeration types
template<typename T>
struct ToFFIType<T, typename std::is_enum<T>::type> {
    static ffi_type* make()
        return ToFFIType<typename std::underlying_type<T>::type>::make();



// Same functionality as std::false_type but useful
// for static_assert in templates
template<typename Dummy>
struct dependent_false_type: std::false_type {};
// Disjunction of boolean TMP integral constants
// Take care to inherit from std::true_type/std::false_type so
// the previous SFINAE trick works
template<typename... T>
struct or_: std::false_type {};
// There likely are better implementations
template<typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct or_<Head, Tail...>: std::conditional<
    , std::true_type              // short circuit to desired base
    , typename or_<Tail...>::type // or inherit from recursive base
>::type {}; // Note: std::conditional is NOT the base