
Is there a better way to search a file for a string?

本文关键字:文件 搜索 字符串 更好 方法 有没有      更新时间:2023-10-16



char buffer;
int pos=in.tellg();
// search file for string
    in.read(&buffer, 1);
        in.read(&buffer, 1);
            in.read(&buffer, 1);
                in.read(&buffer, 1);
                    cout << "found";
    in.seekg((streampos) pos);


  • 我不能使用getline().它不是文本文件,因此可能没有很多换行符。
  • 在我尝试使用多字符缓冲区之前,然后将缓冲区复制到C++字符串,然后使用 string::find() .这不起作用,因为整个文件中有许多''字符,因此缓冲区中的序列在复制到字符串时会被剪得很短。

类似于 bames53 发布的内容;我使用向量作为缓冲区:

std::ifstream ifs("file.bin");
ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
std::streamsize f_size = ifs.tellg();
ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(f_size);
ifs.read(buffer.data(), f_size);
std::vector<unsigned char> seq = {0x39, 0xb5, 0x7d, 0xc6};
bool found = std::search(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), seq.begin(), seq.end()) != buffer.end();

如果您不介意将整个文件加载到内存数组中(或使用 mmap() 使其看起来像文件在内存中),则可以在内存中搜索字符序列,这更容易做到:

// Works much like strstr(), except it looks for a binary sub-sequence rather than a string sub-sequence
const char * MemMem(const char * lookIn, int numLookInBytes, const char * lookFor, int numLookForBytes)
        if (numLookForBytes == 0)              return lookIn;  // hmm, existential questions here
   else if (numLookForBytes == numLookInBytes) return (memcmp(lookIn, lookFor, numLookInBytes) == 0) ? lookIn : NULL;
   else if (numLookForBytes < numLookInBytes)
      const char * startedAt = lookIn;
      int matchCount = 0;
      for (int i=0; i<numLookInBytes; i++)
         if (lookIn[i] == lookFor[matchCount])
            if (matchCount == 0) startedAt = &lookIn[i];
            if (++matchCount == numLookForBytes) return startedAt;
         else matchCount = 0;
   return NULL;


char * ret = MemMem(theInMemoryArrayContainingFilesBytes, numBytesInFile, myShortSequence, 4);
if (ret != NULL) printf("Found it at offset %in", ret-theInMemoryArrayContainingFilesBytes);
            else printf("It's not there.n");


int main() {
    std::string filedata;
        std::ifstream fin("file.dat");
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << fin.rdbuf();
        filedata = ss.str();
    std::string key = "x39xb5x7dxc6";
    auto result = std::search(std::begin(filedata), std::end(filedata),
                              std::begin(key), std::end(key));
    if (std::end(filedata) != result) {
        std::cout << "foundn";
        // result is an iterator pointing at 'x39'
const char delims[] = { 0x39, 0xb5, 0x7d, 0xc6 };
char buffer[4];
const size_t delim_size = 4;
const size_t last_index = delim_size - 1;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < last_index; ++i )
  if ( ! ( is.get( buffer[i] ) ) )
    return false; // stream to short
while ( is.get(buffer[last_index]) )
  if ( memcmp( buffer, delims, delim_size ) == 0 )
    break; // you are arrived
  memmove( buffer, buffer + 1, last_index );

您正在寻找 4 个字节:

unsigned int delim = 0xc67db539;
unsigned int uibuffer;
char * buffer = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&uibuffer);
for ( size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
  if ( ! ( is.get( buffer[i] ) ) )
    return false; // stream to short
while ( is.get(buffer[3]) )
  if ( uibuffer == delim )
    break; // you are arrived
  uibuffer >>= 8;

因为您说由于字符串中的 null 终止符字符而无法搜索整个文件,所以这里有一个替代方案,它读取整个文件并使用递归来查找整个文件中字符串的第一次出现。

    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    string readFile (char *fileName) {
      ifstream fi (fileName);
      if (!fi)
        cerr << "ERROR: Cannot open file" << endl;
      else {
        string str ((istreambuf_iterator<char>(fi)), istreambuf_iterator<char>());
        return str;
      return NULL;
    bool findFirstOccurrenceOf_r (string haystack, char *needle, int haystack_pos, int needle_pos, int needle_len) {
      if (needle_pos == needle_len)
        return true;
      if (haystack[haystack_pos] == needle[needle_pos]) 
        return findFirstOccurrenceOf_r (haystack, needle, haystack_pos+1, needle_pos+1, needle_len);
      return false;
    int findFirstOccurrenceOf (string haystack, char *needle, int length) {
      int pos = -1;
      for (int i = 0; i < haystack.length() - length; i++) {
        if (findFirstOccurrenceOf_r (haystack, needle, i, 0, length))
          return i;
      return pos;
    int main () {
      char str_to_find[4] = {0x39, 0xB5, 0x7D, 0xC6};
      string contents = readFile ("input");
      int pos = findFirstOccurrenceOf (contents, str_to_find, 4);
      cout << pos << endl;
