
How can I assign a different address to an array?

本文关键字:地址 分配 数组      更新时间:2023-10-16


我意识到数组在传递给函数时表现为指向其第一个元素地址的指针,那么为什么 main 中我的数组变量的地址不会改变呢?

 #include <iostream>
 using namespace std;
 void passArrayByReference(int * array) { //passing array as.        pointer should let us modify it's address, correct?
     cout << "Address of array in function is: " << array << endl; 
     int * localArray = new int [2];
     //put some dummy values in our localArray
     localArray[0] = 9;
     localArray[1] = 9;
     array = localArray;
     cout << "Address of array in function is now: " << array <<      endl; 
 int main()
    int * array = new int [2];
    int totalElements = 2;
    //put some initial values into our dynamic 1D array
    array[0] = 0;
    array[1] = 1;
    //print our initial values
    for(int i = 0; i < totalElements; i++)
         cout << array[i] << endl;
    cout << "Address of array in main: " << array << endl; 
    cout << "Address of array in main: " << array << endl; 
    return 0;



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void passArrayByReference(int * &array) {
    cout << "Address of array in function is: " << array << endl; 
    int * localArray = new int [2];
    //put some dummy values in our localArray
    localArray[0] = 9;
    localArray[1] = 9;
    array = localArray;
    cout << "Address of array in function is now: " << array << endl; 
int main()
   int * array = new int [2];
   int totalElements = 2;
   //put some initial values into our dynamic 1D array
   array[0] = 0;
   array[1] = 1;
   //print our initial values
   for(int i = 0; i < totalElements; i++)
        cout << array[i] << endl;
   cout << "Address of array in main is: " << array << endl; 
   cout << "Address of array in main is now: " << array << endl; 
   //now print the values of our 'new' array
   cout << "The values of array are now:" << endl;
   for(int i = 0; i < totalElements; i++)
        cout << array[i] << endl;
   return 0;

首先,您必须逐个指针或引用传递指针才能对其进行持久更改 - 即更改原始指针,而不仅仅是在函数体中复制它:

 void passArrayByReference(int *&array) {
     array = new_address;
     std::cout << "Address of array in function is now: " << array << std::endl; 
// and here it is the same




void passArrayByReference(int *&array)