
vector operators and type conversions

本文关键字:类型转换 运算符 向量      更新时间:2023-10-16


我希望它的运营商提供类型之间的转换/警告行为,类似于转换如何与 POD 类型一起工作C++,例如:

    //  auto f = 1.f;
    //  auto d = 2.0;
    //  f *= d; // warns about possible loss of data
    //  d *= f; // fine
    //  auto d2 = f * d; // fine (f promotion, d2 is double)

据我了解,我需要使用 std::common_type 来找到正确的类型。不幸的是,我收到编译器错误,例如:

1>C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0VCincludetype_traits(1446): error C2446: ':' : no conversion from 'Testing::Vector<float,3>' to 'float'
1>          No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called
1>          TestVector.cpp(152) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::common_type<float,Testing::Vector<float,3>>' being compiled


template<class ElementT, unsigned int Dimensions>
class Vector
    typedef ElementT ElementT;
    static const unsigned int Dimensions = Dimensions;
    typedef std::array<ElementT, Dimensions> DataT;
        data() { }
    explicit Vector(std::initializer_list<ElementT> values):
        std::copy(values.begin(), values.end(), data.begin());
    template<class E>
    explicit Vector(Vector<E, Dimensions> const& other):
        std::copy(other.Data().begin(), other.Data().end(), data.begin());
    Vector& operator*=(ElementT value)
        for (auto& e : data)
            e *= value;
        return *this;
    Vector& operator*=(Vector const& other)
        for (auto i = 0u; i != data.size(); ++i)
            data[i] *= other.data[i];
        return *this;
    // etc. ...
    // Warnings are still propagated from the copy constructor
    // if this is used with inappropriate types...
    template<class E>
    operator Vector<E, Dimensions>() const
        return Vector<E, Dimensions>(*this);

    DataT& Data()
        return data;
    DataT const& Data() const
        return data;
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, Vector v)
        for (auto const& e : v.data)
            stream << e << " ";
        return stream;
    DataT data;
template<class E, unsigned int D>
Vector<E, D> operator*(Vector<E, D> const& v, E value)
    auto result = Vector<E, D>(v);
    result *= value;
    return result;
template<class E, unsigned int D>
Vector<E, D> operator*(Vector<E, D> const& v1, Vector<E, D> const& v2)
    auto result = Vector<E, D>(v1);
    result *= v2;
    return result;
template<class E, class T, unsigned int D>
Vector<std::common_type_t<E, T>, D> operator*(Vector<E, D> const& v, T value)
    auto result = Vector<std::common_type_t<E, T>, D>(v);
    result *= value;
    return result;
template<class E1, class E2, unsigned int D>
Vector<std::common_type_t<E1, E2>, D> operator*(Vector<E1, D> const& v1, Vector<E2, D> const& v2)
    auto result = Vector<std::common_type_t<E1, E2>, D>(v1);
    result *= v2;
    return result;
void TestVector()
    std::cout << "Testing Vector" << std::endl;
    using Vec3 = Vector<float, 3u>;
    // Same types. All fine.
        auto v1 = Vec3({ 1, 2, 3 });
        auto v2 = Vec3({ 1, 2, 3 });
        v1 *= 2.f;
        v1 *= v2;
        std::cout << v1 << std::endl;
        auto v1 = Vec3({ 1, 2, 3 });
        auto v2 = Vec3({ 1, 2, 3 });
        std::cout << (v1 * 2.f) << std::endl;
        std::cout << (v1 * v2) << std::endl; // causes problems with std::common_type?
        auto v1 = Vector<float, 3u>({ 1, 2, 3 });
        auto v2 = Vector<double, 3u>({ 1, 2, 3 });
        v1 *= 2.0; // should probably produce a warning, but doesn't? :(
        v1 *= v2; // compiles with warning :)
        v2 *= v1;  // fine :)
        std::cout << v1 << std::endl;
        // The std::common_type versions seem to conflict?
        auto v1 = Vector<float, 3u>({ 1, 2, 3 });
        auto v2 = v1 * 2.0; // v1 promotion -> should create a Vector<double, 3u>
        auto v3 = v1 * v2; // v1 promotion -> should create another Vector<double, 3u> 
        std::cout << v2 << std::endl;


  • 我是否需要普通和 std::common_type 运算符版本?
  • 使用 std::common_type 的矢量和标量版本似乎会干扰。有可能防止这种情况吗?
  • 我该如何完成这项工作?




#include <type_traits>
template <typename T>
struct Vect3 {
    T a,b,c;
    template <typename U, typename V = typename std::common_type<T, U>::type>
        Vect3<V> operator*(U u) const { return  {a*u,b*u,c*u}; }
    template <typename U>
        Vect3& operator*=(U u) { a*=u; b*=u; c*=u; return *this; }
int main()
    auto f = Vect3<float>{1,2,3};
    auto d = 2.0;
    auto common = f * d; // fine!
    f *= d; // warns about possible loss of data in the instantion of operator*=

即使有-std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Wconversion -Wconversion-extra,GCC 也不会发出警告,但对于您的原始示例也没有,所以我猜 GCC 中没有相应的警告